Year: 2012

  • REVIEW: Pepsi Special (Japan)

    Pepsi Special (Japan)

    Look at Japan’s Pepsi Special.

    Having the word “special” on its label makes it soooo special.

    Well, do you know who else was labeled “special”?


    Oh sure, Japanese scientists did research on dextrin, which is in Pepsi Special, and learned that it prevented rats from absorbing the fat they ate and because of that the cola has been designated as a “Food for Specified Health Uses” by the Japanese government.

    Well, I aced several tests in the first grade that involved reading at a higher level than all my other classmates, being able to put the square block into the square hole, and drawing trees that looked like trees, all of which designated me for a gifted and talented class.

    But look at me now. I could’ve been a doctor, lawyer, pharmaceutical salesperson, or an actor who plays a doctor, lawyer or pharmaceutical salesperson, but the only real accomplishments I’ve had are barely graduating from college, not getting arrested for anything, eating an entire large Pizza Hut pepperoni pizza in one sitting, and not having watched a minute of James Cameron’s Titanic.

    I don’t know if the pressure of being labeled as “special” got to me or the years of praise caused my ego to become so large that my arrogance destroyed almost every meaningful relationship I’ve had, leaving me as an empty shell of my former self, but whatever happened I’ve learned that being labeled “special” doesn’t guarantee success.

    Pepsi Special should look at my paunch and unshaven face and realize that it could be me in the future. I don’t know what the beverage equivalent of being overweight, unshaven, and sitting in your underwear writing junk food reviews is, but whatever it is, Pepsi Special won’t feel special.

    Besides the dextrin and the fancy stamp of approval from Japan’s National Institute of Health and Nutrition, which looks like someone at the front of a boat yelling “I’m the king of the world,” was there anything else special about Pepsi Special?

    Yes, Pepsi Special smelled like Pepsi Next and, this is probably a bit blasphemous, it tasted like Coke Zero.

    I enjoyed its cola flavor. It didn’t have a strong artificial sweetener flavor like Diet Pepsi and it was nowhere close to being as syrupy sweet as regular Pepsi, but it definitely tasted more like a diet cola. The dextrin didn’t affect the cola’s viscosity in any way and it just blended in with the flavor of the cola.

    As for the claims that Pepsi Special will prevent the absorption of the fat in the foods we eat, it’s hard for me to determine if it’s doing anything because I only purchased two bottles. Heck, it’s also hard for me to tell if there are any benefits because I’m not a scientist. I could’ve been one, just like I could’ve been a doctor, lawyer, pharmaceutical salesperson, or an actor who plays a doctor, lawyer or pharmaceutical salesperson, but instead I have to settle for a clean driving abstract.

    Stuffing five grams of fiber into a cola that doesn’t taste like it has five grams of fiber is impressive. Although, I wouldn’t recommend drinking a lot of Pepsi Special in one day because the combination of carbonation and fiber can’t be good for both end of the digestive system.

    (Nutrition Facts – 11 kcal, 0.4~2.0 grams of fat, 25~46 milligrams of sodium, 5.4 grams of fiber, 0 grams of protein.)

    Item: Pepsi Special (Japan)
    Purchased Price: $4.95
    Size: 490 ml
    Purchased at: eBay
    Rating: 7 out of 10
    Pros: Pleasant cola flavor, if you enjoy low- or zero-calorie Pepsi colas. A bottle has more than 5 grams of fiber. Making diet cola healthy. Being one the of few people on Earth who hasn’t seen Titanic.
    Cons: Only available in Japan and on eBay. Hard to determine if the dextrin is doing its job. If you don’t enjoy low- or zero-calorie colas, you won’t like it. Drinking too much of it might turn you into a burp and fart machine.


    Here are some interesting new and limited edition holiday products found on store shelves by us and your fellow readers.

    Rice Dream Rice Nog

    Rice Nog! Thank you, Rice Dream! You truly are a dream because I can enjoy another non-dairy nog that’s not even close to tasting as good as egg nog. Now all I need is for a particular almond milk producing company to develop almond nog. Get. On. It. Almond Breeze! (Spotted by Audrey at Whole Foods.)

    Limited Edition Frosting Creations

    With these limited edition Duncan Hines Frosting Creations, I can make baked goods taste like other baked goods. So that means instead of doing the mixing and baking needed to make gingerbread cookies, I can now mix and bake a gingerbread cookie cake. That makes sense. (Spotted by Richard at Walmart.)

    Ginger Snappish

    Oh, Bigelow and their fun seasonal tea names, like Eggnogg’n and Ginger Snappish. When Bigelow expands their seasonal tea offerings, I hope they take a page out of the Duncan Hines playbook and make a hot beverage that tastes like another hot beverage. Perhaps a tea that tastes like hot chocolate called Hot Oh’cocoa. (Spotted by Marvo at Safeway.)

    Peppermint Mocha Kahlua

    Goodbye, peppermint schnapps! Hello, Limited Edition Peppermint Mocha Kahlúa to make my cheeks rosy and my Yuletide bright. (Spotted by Lauren at Safeway.)

    Gingerbread Kahlua

    If you ever build a gingerbread house with a pool or moat, you can fill it with Gingerbread Kahlúa. Or you can drink lots of Gingerbread Kahlúa while putting together a gingerbread house and end up with a pile of broken gingerbread house pieces. (Spotted by Linda at Nob Hill Foods.)

    If you’re out shopping and see an interesting new or limited edition product on the shelf (or really unusual), snap a picture of it, and send us an email ( with where you found it and “Spotted” in the subject line. If you do so, you might see your picture in our next Spotted on Shelves post.


    Here are some interesting new and limited edition products found on store shelves in other countries by your fellow readers.

    Mike Tyson Black Power Energy Drink

    When I first heard about Mike Tyson’s facial tattoo, I wondered what purpose will it serve. Well, it appears there is a purpose. This can of Mike Tyson Black Power Energy Drink from Poland would’ve been significantly less badass if Iron Mike’s face didn’t have a tattoo. (Spotted by Lucy at Asda in the United Kingdom.)

    Eggo Cinnamon Toast Minis

    Cinnamon toast-flavoured waffles? Where’s the pain au chocolat-flavoured Eggo waffles in Canada? (Spotted by Darren at Calgary Coop in Canada.)

    Special K Cracker Chips (Canada)

    Since these are new to our neighbors up north, I should let them know, through personal experience, that eating an entire box does not equal to eating a bowl of Special K. Although in both cases you’ll still feel hungry after. (Spotted by Darren at Calgary Coop in Canada.)

    Bugles New? (Canada)

    Canadians haven’t experienced the greatness that is Bugles until now? All this time they haven’t been able to stick a Bugle on each fingertip, pretend to be a monster with sharp claws, and then chomp them off. They’ve been so deprived. (Spotted by Darren at Calgary Coop in Canada.)

    Blueberry Ice Cream Oreo

    These Blueberry Ice Cream Oreo Cookies aren’t new. They’ve been around for a few years, but it’s really interesting to see what flavors I will be searching for on eBay. (Spotted by a friend of TIB reader Lane in Taiwan.)

    If you’re out shopping and see an interesting new or limited edition product on the shelf (or really unusual), snap a picture of it, and send us an email ( with where you found it and “Spotted” in the subject line. If you do so, you might see your picture in our next Spotted on Shelves post.

  • PRIZE DRAWING: Because You Want To Make Me Wait in a Long Line at the Post Office

    2012-12-06 00.19.51

    It’s the season of giving so I decided to collect a bunch of stuff lying around that companies sent us and give it away as one prize pack. Most of the stuff is in the picture above, but after I took that picture, I found a few other items to add.

    What’s in the picture above?

    There’s a test can of Mountain Dew Johnson City Gold, two coupons for a free Smart Ones frozen entree, two coupons for a free pint of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, and a Coinstar Sherpa, which is just a bag you can put your coins in when you’re going to the Coinstar machine. As for the other items, that’ll be a surprise for the winner.

    To enter The Impulsive Buy’s Random Stuff Prize Pack drawing, leave a comment with THIS post. You can say whatever you want in your comment.

    Please don’t forget to fill out the email field because we’ll be emailing the randomly selected winner for his or her mailing addresses. The Impulsive Buy will stop accepting entries on Saturday, December 15, 2012 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. Only one comment allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents 18 years old or older.

    For those of you who have a Twitter account, you can get an additional entry by tweeting the following by Saturday, December 15, 2012 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time:

    Hey, @theimpulsivebuy! Thanks for giving away your junk! I hope it ends up being my junk. #imnotahoarder

    So just copy, paste, and tweet. Only one tweet per Twitter account.

    Good luck!

    Fine Print: The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to send you pictures of mommy kissing Santa Claus. Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send you one of those stick-on calendars. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail, damaged mail, or you not using the coupons before their expiration date.

  • REVIEW: Jack in the Box Brownie Bites

    Some folks like their brownies with a texture that’s similar to cake, while others like them dense and chewy. I’m in the latter crowd.

    I say if you I want a brownie that’s a bit more spongy, go crash a child’s birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese’s and get yourself a slice of chocolate cake.

    If you’re like me and enjoy chewy brownies, then Jack in the Box’s new Brownie Bites aren’t for you. Actually, if you’re a fan of any kind of brownies, then Jack in the Box’s Brownie Bites aren’t for you. Well, unless you’re a fan of dry happiness-draining brownies.

    The only time brownies have ever wiped the smile on my face was when I forgot to add eggs to the brownie mix and I ended up with brownies that resembled, and were as hard as, what we call here on this rock in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, pahoehoe lava.

    Geology lesson bonus!

    I didn’t expect Jack in the Box’s new Brownie Bites to be elegant made-from-scratch brownies from a reality show dessert chef trying to please three judges in order to not be eliminated, but I presumed they would be almost as good as brownies made using a Betty Crocker mix by an eighth grader in a home economics class.

    Unfortunately, the Jack in the Box Brownie Bites didn’t meet my low expectations.

    Again, they weren’t chewy, but that could’ve easily been forgiven if they had a nice chocolate flavor. However, as I chewed through each of the five pieces, I could feel the disappointment my taste buds were experiencing from the dessert’s unsatisfying chocolate flavor.

    And after I was done with this dainty snack, all I could think about was how I wished it had chocolate chips baked in them or it came with a chocolate dipping sauce, both of which would’ve enhanced the flavor.

    But all is not bad with Jack in the Box’s Brownie Bites. They’re served warm so if you buy two Brownie Bites servings, each of which contains five pieces, you can stick one on every fingertip to keep them temporarily warm during these cold months. Also, they’re cheap enough that you can probably purchase it with the loose change you find under your car’s seat.

    But if you do that, please look for the money before you go to the drive-thru.

    Overall, I’m pretty sure I won’t be ordering Jack in the Box’s Brownie Bites again. With desserts, it should make you think, “Oh, what a wonderful way to end a meal!” or “That was so worth the calories!” But these brownie bites didn’t do either.

    (Nutrition Facts – 288 calories, 115 calories from fat, 13 grams of fat, 2 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 44 milligrams of cholesterol, 159 milligrams of sodium, 225 milligrams of potassium, 39 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fiber, 30 grams of sugar, and 4 grams of protein.)

    Item: Jack in the Box Brownie Bites
    Purchased Price: $1.19
    Size: 5 bites
    Purchased at: Jack in the Box
    Rating: 4 out of 10
    Pros: Warm. Inexpensive. Bite-sized. Crashing birthday parties at Chuck E. Cheese’s. Finding money under your car seat. Droppin’ geology knowledge on y’all.
    Cons: Edible, but not delightful. Dry. Unsatisfying chocolate flavor. Had a more cake-like texture than chewy. Not a good way to end a meal.