Year: 2012

  • ANNOUNCEMENT: Whole Foods Gift Card Winner

    Here’s the winner of the $25 Whole Foods gift card:

    Emily W.

    Congratulations, Emily!

    Thanks to everyone who participated.

    Be on the lookout for a new gift card prize drawing later this month.

  • REVIEW: Starbucks Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino

    Starbucks Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino-WM

    I adhere to a lot of the unofficial guidelines for being a proper yuppy 20-something. I own a half dozen cardigans and am beginning to curate a “crazy” sock collection. I have business cards but only use them to try to win free lunches. I spend more time complaining about my deteriorating metabolism than actually figuring out how to adjust my dietary and drinking habits. And of course, I keep a Starbucks rewards card that automatically re-loads when my balance falls below $10.

    Despite going to Starbucks a couple times each week to fulfill my yuppy responsibilities, I don’t think I’ve purchased a Frappuccino since my teenage years, when I would hang out at Starbucks to feel more grown-up. Back then, the Orange Mocha Frappuccino was a completely fictional drink, and I could reference Zoolander quotes all the time without getting weird looks. (My last realtor wasn’t amused when I said, “the apartment has to be at least” three times bigger than this!”)

    I do have fond memories of those pre-yuppy, Frappuccino-drinking days, so I had high hopes for the newest version, the Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino. To make sure that I was judging the new Frappuccino on the right scale and not against, say, my usual Starbucks order (grande skim latte, no sugar, extra espresso shot if my first meeting of the day is before 9:00 am), I purchased a regular mocha Frappuccino to remind myself what these types of drinks taste like. And I was reminded that these types of drinks taste really good. If it weren’t for that stupid metabolism, I would totally start ordering these again.

    Given that I apparently have the exact palate of my 16-year-old self, I would say that the Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino was better than the regular one, but really not by very much. The barista added three scoops of cookie crumbles and three pumps of chocolate mocha sauce to my drink. I think the crumbles were of some kind of Oreo-esque chocolate cookie, but it was honestly hard to tell what flavor they were because the taste of the mocha syrup was so much stronger. At first, the crumbles were underwhelming in their contribution to texture, too, since they were blended down to the exact same size as the ice. As the ice began to melt, however, the cookie crumbles allowed the Frappuccino to retain some crunchiness. Even then, the crunchiness was a little too close to graininess for my liking.

    Starbucks Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino Closeup-WM

    The real positive differentiator for the new Frappuccino was the chocolate whipped cream on top. Its hint of chocolaty sweetness made it more interesting than regular whipped cream, yet it remained much milder than the rich mocha flavor of the drink itself and acted as a nice change of pace.

    Since the whipped cream was the part I liked best, I guess I should recommend that you forgo the extra cost of a specialty Frappuccino and just order any Starbucks drink with chocolate whipped cream instead of regular. Then again, all Frappuccinos are half-off from now until May 13 from 3 to 5 pm, so this is as good a time as any to try the Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino for yourself. Just be careful of the hordes of yuppies – our sock/cardigan combos might get too crazy for you to handle.

    (Nutrition Facts – 16 ounces – 470 calories, 18 grams of fat, 12 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 50 milligrams of cholesterol, 260 milligrams of sodium, 76 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of fiber, 69 grams of sugar, and 6 grams of protein.)

    Item: Starbucks Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino
    Price: $4.95
    Size: Grande/16 ounces
    Purchased at: Starbucks
    Rating: 6 out of 10
    Pros: Regular mocha Frappuccinos are already good. Cookie crumbles added some crunchiness. Chocolate whipped cream was mildly sweet and a nice change of pace for the drink itself. Half-off Frappuccinos this week. Zoolander quotes.
    Cons: Cookie crumbles didn’t add any taste. Crunchiness was too close to graininess. Lots of sugar and fat. Having the same palate as 16-year-old me. My metabolism. Complaining about my metabolism.

  • NEWS: Japan-Only Pepsi Black Is Not Inspired By Men in Black 3


    Next month, Suntory, Japan’s only bottler, distributor, and licensee for Pepsi, will release the limited edition Pepsi Black. The dark colored soda will have 50 percent less sugar than regular Pepsi and a lemon flavor. It follows the bright colored Pepsi Pink, which was released in Japan last fall, and Pepsi Dry, which was released last summer.

    Here’s the Google Translated press release, because the translations are sometimes funny.

    Suntory International Food Co., Ltd., as a new lineup of PEPSI, will launch new nationwide from Tuesday, June 19, Coke “Pepsi Black” not sweet for adults.

    The Company launched the “Pepsi dry” in May last year, has created a new genre in cola drinks market “not sweet” that Coke.

    This time, it is intended to release new Coke “Pepsi Black” for adults in addition to the value “not sweet”, and reinforced a sense of satisfaction when drinking.

    Awaiting, we have enhanced the aftertaste with suppressed sweetness is to receive 50% off the sugar compared to the “Pepsi Cola”, streamlined and made ​​with a sense of satisfaction when drinking by adding the scent of lemon fresh new . The package adopted for the first time the PEPSI logo black and white design was finished in classy black-toned.

    In addition, we clearly express that be called “black” product name “not sweet” taste.

    It should be noted, such as turning on the TV-CM from actively when released, will continue to appeal strongly the charm of the “Pepsi Black”.

    Pepsi Black will be released in Japan on Tuesday, June 19th and will come in 490 ml bottles that retail for 140 yen. If you’re not in Japan, which 99 percent of you aren’t, you’ll probably be able to pick some up via eBay, J-List, or Napa Japan.

    Source: Rocket News

    Image via flickr user isado / CC BY ND 2.0

  • REVIEW: Blue Ox Beef Jerky (Original Smoked, Peppercorn, Honey BBQ, and Cherry Maple)

    Blue Ox Beef Jerky

    Having spent the better part of eight years attempting to grow a massively intimidating if not Al Borland-esque mustache, I couldn’t help but release a manly grunt when Blue Ox Jerky Company offered to send me a box of their products to try. Promising to add three inches to my beard, the box of jerky also came with an affirmation that the smoky-sweet snacks are eaten by real men, and not, I should add, fanciful hairless woodland pixies. Seeing as though I live in perpetual fear of spontaneous woodland pixie transformation, this was quite welcomed, as was the bumper sticker included in my package that asks, “got balls?”

    Blue Ox Beef Jerky Bumper Sticker

    I guess they’re not exactly courting the females demographic, huh?

    No bother. After a steady diet of Special K and Luna bars I’m entitled to a snack worthy of only the highest degree of chauvinism. Provided, of course, it actually delivers, and doesn’t taste like some soy-sauce laden, gas-station monstrosity that’s been pieced together from the remains of a dilapidated cow from Brazil. Fortunately, Blue Ox promises to punch said “gas station jerkys” in the face. Here’s a rundown of the results.


    Blue Ox Beef Jerky Original

    The jerky looks impeccable right out of the package. There’s almost no fat and zero gristle to be seen, while a meaty aroma strikes you as unmistakably backwoods Americana (as opposed to, you know, gas station bathroom). Unfortunately, the texture is subpar for a small-batch jerky company. It’s chewy and dry, with the striations of muscle tissues splintering rather than cleanly tearing.

    Blue Ox Beef Jerky Closeup 3

    The taste is heavy of black and white pepper, and I find myself enjoying the kick on the back end, which intensifies to tickling proportions. But the sweetness is inconsistent, with some pieces displaying a more pronounced level of brown sugar than others. I don’t find myself missing the soy sauce on the ingredient label (something many beef jerky makers use in their marinade) but I don’t recognize the taste of honey either. The beef flavor is good, but it’s not exceptional. All things considered, it may punch gas station jerky in the face, but it’s more like the punch of your baby sister connecting every so often with a random uppercut than what you’d expect from a knockout fighter. 


    I normally prefer black pepper jerky, and judging by the coarse ground black pepper specks all over the jerky, I thought I’d be all for this flavor. The only problem is that in terms of black pepper flavor, it doesn’t just punch you in the face; it kicks you in the balls as well. It’s single and intense, far surpassing a slight tickle and reaching “make you run for a glass of water” variety. Nice if you like black pepper, but without balance of even a moderate sweetness, it’s just too intense for most people. That it doesn’t tear cleanly isn’t much help.

    Blue Ox Beef Jerky Closeup 1

    Honey BBQ

    Now we’re talking. I liked this flavor best. It’s lighter and moister than the Original flavor, and the spices aren’t as prominent on the back notes. Still very lean, it has a light amber sweetness and a more assertive savory flavor to balance the sweetness. Finally, we’re connecting with a solid right, if not a Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robot uppercut.

    Maple Cherry

    Blue Ox Beef Jerky Cherry Maple

    A close second to Honey BBQ, this was another moist flavored jerky with a subtle smoke flavor and a hint of fruity sweetness. Again, fat and gristle is almost nonexistent, and the sweetness does well to cut the obviously salty taste. Even the beef jerky layman will recognize he’s eating only a prize-fighting cow here, and one which no doubt could have kicked those dilapidated Brazilian steers in the face. 

    Blue Ox Beef Jerky Closeup 4

    Did Blue Ox Jerky add three inches to me beard? Not exactly, but I did feel a touch of masculinity while chewing on the Honey BBQ and Cherry Maple flavors.  But judging by some of the beef jerky I’ve had from gas stations, the Blue Ox wouldn’t be able to last more than a few rounds in the ring. Still, it’s better than what you’ll find at the Dollar Store. Maybe they should change their slogan to “Punches Dollar Store Jerky in the Face.”

    (Editor’s Note/Disclaimer: We received these samples for free from Blue Ox Beef Jerky in order to review them.)

    (Nutrition Facts – 1 ounce – Original – 50 calories, 0.5 grams of fat, 0 grams of saturated fat, 480 milligrams of sodium, 5 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of sugar, and 6 grams of protein. Peppercorn – 50 calories, 0.5 grams of fat, 0 grams of saturated fat, 470 milligrams of sodium, 5 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of sugar, and 6 grams of protein. Honey BBQ – 60 calories, 0.5 grams of fat, 0 grams of saturated fat, 260 milligrams of sodium, 8 grams of carbohydrates, 5 grams of sugar, and 6 grams of protein. Cherry Maple – 70 calories, 0.5 grams of fat, 0 grams of saturated fat, 430 milligrams of sodium, 5 grams of carbohydrates, 5 grams of sugar, and 6 grams of protein.)

    Other Blue Ox Beef Jerky reviews:
    Scott Roberts Web
    Best Beef Jerky

    Item: Blue Ox Beef Jerky (Original Smoked, Peppercorn, Honey BBQ, Cherry Maple Smoked)
    Price: FREE ($6.50 for a 4 oz. package online)
    Size: 2 oz. samples
    Purchased at: Sample provided from Manly, non-pixie marketing team
    Rating: 6 out of 10 (Original Smoked)
    Rating: 5 out of 10 (Peppercorn)
    Rating: 8 out of 10 (Honey Barbeque)
    Rating: 8 out of 10 (Cherry Maple Smoked)
    Pros: Honey Barbeque and Cherry Maple flavors have nice, subtle sweetness that compliments meat. Both flavors are moist and tear easily. No fat and little gristle to be seen. ‘Meaty’ smelling hands. Free bumper stickers. Unabashed chauvinism. Dominating Brazil.
    Cons: Original Smoked and Peppercorn don’t taste particularly smoky. Inconsistent tearing. Meat isn’t tender. Death by black peppercorn. Free bumper sticker I’ll never use. Facial hair inadequacy.

  • REVIEW: Jack in the Box Chipotle Chicken Club Sandwich

    Jack in the Box Chipotle Chicken Club

    I hate to admit, but Jack in the Box has taught me a lot about food.

    The fast food chain introduced me to the tough-on-the-outside-but-soft-on-the-inside ciabatta bread. With a breakfast menu that’s available all-day, they assured me it’s okay to eat breakfast at three in the afternoon, seven at night, or right before I go to bed. And, Jack in the Box got me acquainted with the smoky and spicy chipotle pepper when they released their Chipotle Chicken Sandwich in the late 2000s.

    Back then, the extent of my chili pepper knowledge didn’t go beyond the jalapeño, I believed breakfast ended at 10:30 in the morning because that’s when McDonald’s stopped serving it, and the breads Subway offered were the fanciest I knew of.

    Jack in the Box’s latest chicken sandwich, which uses the chipotle pepper, is the Chipotle Chicken Club. The sandwich combines a spicy crispy chicken breast topped with chipotle sauce, hickory smoked bacon, American cheese, lettuce and tomato on toasted sourdough bread.

    After unwrapping the sandwich from its paper enclosure, I was instantly a little disappointed with its size. It makes a newborn kitten look big and it doesn’t look like it’s worth the $4.79 I paid for just the sandwich. The Chipotle Chicken Club Combo here on this rock in the middle of the Pacific Ocean is $5.49, while most other places it’s $4.99, so the sandwich will be cheaper where most of you live. However, I wouldn’t complain so much about its size if I could buy the sandwich for $3.99.

    While I’m in the complaining mood, I’d like to point out the thin chicken breast patty I got with my sandwich. Look at it in the photo below. They must’ve gotten it from the most flat-chested chickens on the farm. However, while the chicken patty was thin, it was also crispy. Well, the edges at least. Even after the 10 minute ride home from the drive-thru to my place, the chicken patty had a lot of crispiness. However, what was even more impressive was how much crispiness it had the following morning.

    Jack in the Box Chipotle Chicken Club Innards

    Oh, I should let you know that I now have a habit of splitting a fast food sandwich in two before eating it and putting the other half in the fridge so I don’t consume all the fat and sodium in one sitting. Anyhoo, after I microwaved the other half for about 40 seconds in its wrapper, I took a bite and noticed the chicken patty’s ability to maintain some of its crispiness. Ain’t fast food technology scary great?

    With my complaining about the sandwich’s size and the flat chicken patty, you’d think I don’t care for the Chipotle Chicken Club. Well, I have to say it’s my favorite Jack in the Box chicken sandwich, because the chipotle sauce makes up for most of the sandwich’s faults. The chipotle sauce tastes as if Jack in the Box combined their taco sauce with their mayonnaise, but with a bit more smokiness. It’s a tasty sauce and it gives the sandwich a nice heat that might cause some of you to reach for some cool liquid relief. I was surprised the sauce had flavor and wasn’t all about the heat, like other chipotle items I’ve tried.

    If you’re a bacon fan, the amount of piggie in this sandwich will satisfy your pork needs. I wouldn’t call the bacon included crisp, but I wouldn’t call it limp either. The sourdough bread is a little greasy, but as someone who has consumed his fair share of Sourdough Jacks, it wasn’t a surprise. As for the tomatoes, they made my sandwich look like Quasimodo’s back and didn’t really add anything, unless you consider having an ingredient that easily falls out something. I’d suggest ordering the sandwich without tomatoes or discard them and make the farmers who harvested them cry.

    If you’re planning to try the delicious Jack in the Box Chipotle Chicken Club, do so soon because it’s only available for a limited time.

    (Nutrition Facts – 686 calories, 329 calories from fat, 35 grams of fat, 8 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 77 milligrams of cholesterol, 1,292 milligrams of sodium, 580 milligrams of potassium, 54 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of fiber, 6 grams of sugar, and 34 grams of protein.)

    Item: Jack in the Box Chipotle Chicken Club Sandwich
    Price: $4.79 (sandwich only)
    Size: N/A
    Purchased at: Jack in the Box
    Rating: 8 out of 10
    Pros: Tasty, spicy chipotle sauce. My new favorite Jack in the Box chicken sandwich. A good amount of bacon. Impressive, but eerie, crispiness. Reasonably priced combo, if you’re paying $4.99. My new found willpower to not eat an entire fast food sandwich in one sitting.
    Cons: Thin chicken patty. Kind of small. The tomatoes are useless. Awesome source of saturated fat and sodium. My lack of chili pepper knowledge in the mid-2000s. I used to think Subway bread was fancy.