Year: 2012

  • NEWS: Pizza Hut in the Middle East Puts Pizza Hut in America To Shame

    I’m just going to embed these two recent Pizza Hut commercials from the Middle East and then I’m going to imagine your jaws dropping.

    More info at A Hamburger Today.

    Thanks to JB McDaniel for letting us know about these pizzas via our Facebook page.

  • REVIEW: Ben & Jerry’s Limited Batch Banana Cream Pie

    Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Banana Cream Pie

    When you do a search for something you think is innocuous like “cream pie” and Google Instant suddenly disappears, you know you’re about to learn about something you probably didn’t want to know.

    When you do a search for “banana cream pie jokes” and it gets even worse, you just want to give up.

    So let’s start over.

    Awful sexual terms aside, when I think about cream pies, I think clowns. I think Stooges. I think classic comedy. The pie in the face is right up there with the banana peel on the ground. And this new Ben & Jerry’s Banana Cream Pie ice cream has cream pie and bananas!

    While it may be tempting, please do not attempt to use a pint of this ice cream to hit somebody in the face. It will probably not be funny. Also, setting it on the ground will probably not result in a pratfall; whoever you’re trying to prank will probably just wonder why a perfectly good carton of ice cream is sitting on the ground, getting all melty. Also not funny.

    Banana Cream Pie is an “Exclusive Batch”, which means it’s only available at Walmart. Which means I had to go to Walmart. The things I do for you TIB readers. It’s not even listed on the Ben & Jerry’s website, so you can sneak out to your local Walmart, pick up a pint, and be the envy of all your neighbors.

    “Hey, I’ve never seen that Ben & Jerry’s flavor before!” They’ll say. “Where did you get it?” Then you can look all smug and tell them you’ve got secret ice cream connections. They’ll be so impressed. Also, your neighbors are fucking weird and you should really think about moving. Or, as the cow that just got pied in the face on the front of the B&J’s carton would say, “moooving”.

    I’m sorry. In my defense, Ben & Jerry themselves say on the carton, “If you’re a fan of Banana Cream Pie, you’ll love the in-your-face taste of Banana Cream Pie ice cream.” Yes, that’s right. In your face. The puns, they just can’t be helped. You could say they are punstoppable. Someone help me.

    Anyways, the official description of Ben & Jerry’s Banana Cream Pie is “banana ice cream with pastry cream swirls, marshmallow swirls & pie crust pieces”.

    Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Banana Cream Pie Closeup

    Well, that sounds like a pretty close approximation to a deconstructed banana cream pie. Unfortunately, to me it tasted more “fallen apart” than “deconstructed”. I thought the banana flavor tasted a little artificial, but a quick look at the ingredients revealed that real bananas are used, which makes me wonder if some of the other ingredients tricked my taste buds.

    There was a pleasant and authentic pie crust flavor, but there weren’t big chunks like I expected. Instead, it was more of a grainy texture, like the crust had been completely pulverized before being added to the ice cream.

    As for the marshmallow and pastry cream swirls, well, I could see swirls, but they looked darker than marshmallows or pastry cream. In fact, they looked more like banana swirls than anything. If I tried really hard, I could taste a bit of marshmallow, but the pastry cream flavor was nowhere to be found, even if I closed my eyes and pretended real hard.

    Ben & Jerry’s usually delivers on their flavors – even the wacky ones – but I feel as though they missed the mark on Banana Cream Pie. Without the marshmallow and pastry cream flavors, you’re left with banana ice cream that has some grainy pie crust flavor to it. I love B&J and their constant stream of new flavors, so I won’t threaten to chuck a carton of this ice cream at them. Perhaps if I hit them in the face with a real banana cream pie, they would understand what this ice cream should have tasted like.

    (Nutrition Facts — 1/2 cup — 260 calories, 110 calories from fat, 12 grams of total fat, 6 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 65 milligrams of cholesterol, 100 milligrams of sodium, 34 grams of total carbohydrates, 0 grams of dietary fiber, 24 grams of sugar, 4 grams of protein, 8% vitamin A, 10% calcium and 2% iron.)

    Item: Ben & Jerry’s Limited Batch Banana Cream Pie
    Price: $3.25
    Size: 1 pint
    Purchased at: Walmart
    Rating: 3 out of 10
    Pros: Real bananas used. Classic pie-in-the-face joke. Pie crust was tasty and authentic. Classic banana-peel-on-the-ground joke. Tiny hint of marshmallow did taste good.
    Cons: No pastry cream taste and barely any marshmallow. Learning from Google that “cream pie” is not an innocent search term. Pie crust was grainy instead of chunky. Clowns. Bananas tasted somewhat artificial even though they weren’t.

  • NEWS: Wendy’s Now Offers Mac & Cheese, Baked Sweet Potato, and Chili Cheese Fries As Signature Sides

    Wendy's Meal

    Update: Click here to read out Wendy’s Signature Sides review

    Wendy’s is now offering three new Signature Sides to their menu: Macaroni & Cheese, Chili Cheese Fries, and Baked Sweet Potato.

    The Chili Cheese Fries sound like something Wendy’s could’ve done in the 1990s. They had the fries, chili, and cheese back then, so why did it take them so long to bring them together? The Chili Cheese Fries comes with double dose of cheese in the forms of a Cheddar cheese sauce on top of the fries and shredded Cheddar cheese on top of the Wendy’s chili. It has 570 calories, 30 grams of fat, 11 grams of saturated fat, 1 gram of trans fat, 50 milligrams of cholesterol, 1,200 milligrams of sodium, 58 grams of carbohydrates, 8 grams of fiber, 4 grams of sugar, and 18 grams of protein.

    Wendy’s Macaroni & Cheese consists of large cavatappi spiral noodles mixed with a sauce made with milk, cream, and white Vermont Cheddar and American cheeses. It’s also topped with shredded Cheddar. Wendy’s Macaroni & Cheese has 370 calories 19 grams of fat, 12 grams of saturated fat, 1 gram of trans fat, 65 milligrams of cholesterol, 940 milligrams of sodium, 29 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fiber, 4 grams of sugar, and 17 grams of protein.

    The most interesting of the three is the Baked Sweet Potato, which is served with a Buttery Cinnamon Spread on the side. Sweet potato isn’t seen on many fast food menu boards, so it’s nice to see Wendy’s trying it. The Wendy’s Baked Sweet Potato is an extremely wonderful source of vitamin A, providing 1,090 percent of your daily recommended value, and an excellent source of vitamin C, providing 90 percent of your daily recommended value. It also has 380 calories, 9 grams of fat, 4.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 15 milligrams of cholesterol, 240 milligrams of sodium, 69 grams of carbohydrates, 10 grams of fiber, 29 grams of sugar, and 6 grams of protein.

    Wendy’s Macaroni & Cheese and Baked Sweet Potato are available for a limited time, which is disappointing, while the Chili Cheese Fries are a permanent addition to the menu, which it should’ve been in the 1990s. They can be purchased a la carte for a suggested price of $2.49.

    Image via flickr user alberth2 / CC BY SA 2.0

  • PRIZE DRAWING: Because Financial Aid To Purchase Stuff From Whole Foods Doesn’t Exist

    Whole Foods - Cupertino

    Have you ever wanted to purchase beef from Whole Foods from cows that were grass fed and given shiatsu massages every day, but didn’t want to pay the price for it? Well, we at The Impulsive Buy might be able to help you, if you win the $25 Whole Foods gift card we’re giving away this month.

    To enter The Impulsive Buy’s Whole Foods gift card drawing, leave a comment with THIS post. I don’t care what you say in your comment, but it would be awesome if your comment included a term you would likely see on a product you can buy at Whole Foods. Here’s an example: If I win this gift card, I’ll hug a free-range chicken.

    Please don’t forget to fill out the email field because I’ll be emailing the winner for his or her mailing address. The Impulsive Buy will stop accepting entries on Monday, April 30, 2012 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. Only one comment allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents who are at least 18 years old.

    For those of you who have a Twitter account, you can get an additional entry by tweeting the following by Monday, April 30, 2012 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time:

    @theimpulsivebuy Organic. Yes. Grass fed. Yes. Kombucha. Yes. GMO-free. Yes. Hormone free. Yes. @WholeFoods BINGO!

    So just copy, paste, and tweet. Only one tweet per Twitter account.

    Good luck!

    Fine Print: Whole Foods is not affiliated with this prize drawing. The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to send you emails about Whole Foods. The Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send you Goodwill donation flyers. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail, damaged mail, your Toyota Prius not getting 50 MPG, or your Nissan Leaf running out of juice.

    Image via flickr user Jobmouse / CC BY SA 2.0

  • NEWS: Jack in the Box’s Java Cookie Shake Is Significantly Less Exciting Than Jack’s Bacon Shake


    It must suck being the new Jack in the Box Java Cookie Shake because it has to follow Jack’s Kinda-Sounds-Like-A-Joke-But-Wasn’t Bacon Shake.

    I guess it would be hard topping or equalling a bacon milkshake, but I wish Jack in the Box at least tried because it doesn’t seem like they did with their Java Cookie Shake, which is basically their regular Oreo shake with a shot of coffee flavored syrup.

    A regular 16-ounce Java Cookie Shake has 915 calories, 401 calories from fat, 45 grams of fat, 30 grams of saturated fat, 2 grams of trans fat, 127 milligrams of cholesterol, 386 milligrams of sodium, 114 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fiber, 92 grams of sugar, and 13 grams of protein.

    Oh, and for shits and giggles…and a few gasps, here’s the nutrition info for a 24-ounce Java Cookie Shake: 1,294 calories, 552 calories from fat, 61 grams of fat, 39 grams of saturated fat, 3 grams of trans fat, 184 milligrams of cholesterol, 560 milligrams of sodium, 164 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fiber, 132 grams of sugar, and 18 grams of protein.

    The Jack in the Box Java Cookie Shake is available now at participating Jack in the Box restaurants. Oh, Indianapolis and San Antonio locations aren’t participating.

    If you happen to try it, let us know what you think in the comments.