Year: 2012

  • REVIEW: Taco Bell Cookie Sandwich and Churro

    Taco Bell Desserts

    Taco Bell (in)famously reconfigures the same few ingredients into “brand new” menu items quite often. If they ever wanted to offer actual new products and services, there are a few obvious candidates.

    They could sell single servings of Pepto-Bismol, hand out business cards for good local plumbers, or provide complementary euphemisms for gastrointestinal unrest when the explanation, “I drunkenly ate a Taco Bell Party Pack at 2 a.m.” just won’t do. Investing in a new line of bakery goods wasn’t an obvious choice, but that’s the direction Taco Bell went with their new Cookie Sandwich and Churro.

    On the Friday night after Thanksgiving, while you were likely getting ready for your high school reunion or engaging in the cherished annual tradition of contemplating how you could murder that one annoying cousin and make it look like an accident, I decided to venture out to the Taco Bell in my hometown. After downing a couple Doritos Locos Tacos (the fake Brad Pitt ad is really effective marketing), I tried out these new dessert offerings.

    Taco Bell Cookie Sandwich 2

    At first glance, the cookie sandwich looked almost like a toy, as though three layers of Play-Doh had been hastily pushed through a miniature pie mold. My tactile first impression was also quite negative, since the cookie sandwich was cold, hard, and clearly just removed from a storage fridge.

    Taste-wise, the item performed a bit better, but not by much. The cookies were fine – appropriately sweet and chewy, and with a decent number of chocolate chips. After 10 seconds in the microwave, I imagine they could’ve resembled a poor man’s Mrs. Fields chocolate chip cookie.

    Taco Bell Cookie Sandwich 1

    The frosting, however, was awful. It was much too sweet, much too rich, and much too much, as the excessive frosting quickly made eating the cookie sandwich a very messy experience.

    Taco Bell Churro 1

    For my tastes, the churro fared significantly better. It came out as warm as the cookie sandwich was cold, with a noticeable and pleasant scent from the exterior dusting of cinnamon sugar.

    Taco Bell Churro 2

    The shell was nice and crispy, and provided a great contrast to the soft, moist innards (which was just barely on the good side of the line between moist and mushy). I actually thought this product could’ve used a little more sugar, and I wished there had been a dipping sauce on the side. But for 99 cents, the churro provided solid value.

    While I’ve written a mixed review, I do like that the folks at Taco Bell, between these items and the Cantina offerings, are making real strides in adding to their menu, and I definitely enjoyed my churro. Next time you drop in for your Doritos Locos Tacos fix, make sure to pick up a couple churros, too.

    And if you happen to be a plumber, maybe consider leaving some business cards there. You never know how else Taco Bell might be trying to improve the business.

    (Nutrition Facts – Cookie Sandwich – 390 calories, 160 calories from fat, 17 grams of fat, 8 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 15 milligrams of cholesterol, 130 milligrams of sodium, 56 grams of carbohydrates, 44 grams of sugar, 2 grams of fiber, and 3 grams of protein. Churro – 190 calories, 80 calories from fat, 8 grams of fat, 1 gram of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 15 milligrams of cholesterol, 230 milligrams of sodium, 28 grams of carbohydrates, 5 grams of sugar, 1 gram of fiber, and 2 grams of protein.)

    Other Taco Bell Cookie Sandwich reviews:
    Grub Grade
    Brand Eating
    The Smidview

    Item: Taco Bell Cookie Sandwich and Churro
    Purchased Price: $1.29 (Cookie Sandwich)
    Purchased Price: 99 cents (Churro)
    Size: N/A
    Purchased at: Taco Bell
    Rating: 3 out of 10 (Cookie Sandwich)
    Rating: 8 out of 10 (Churro)
    Pros: Cookies were appropriately sweet and chewy with decent number of chocolate chips. Churro was warm and smelled great. Churro’s crispy shell and moist inside contrasted nicely. Taco Bell offering actual new items. SNL Brad Pitt ads. Seeing high school friends over Thanksgiving break. 2 a.m. Taco Bell runs.
    Cons: Cookie sandwich was cold and looked toy-like. Frosting was awful. Churro could’ve used more sugar or a dipping sauce. Your annoying cousin. 2 a.m. Taco Bell runs.


    Here are some new, limited edition, or unusual products found on Canadian store shelves. You’re welcome, Canada!

    Wheat Thins Sweet Potato

    Not only do Canadian get to have new Sweet Potato Wheat Thins, they also get to munch on new Spinach and Roasted Garlic Wheat Thins. I’m a little jealous Canada gets those two flavours, but I’m sure our friends closer to Santa are envious of American Wheat Thins flavors, like Spicy Buffalo and Zesty Salsa. (Spotted by Darren at Calgary Coop.)

    Wheat Thins Stix Pizza

    Awesome! Now Canadians can be as confused as I am about the purpose of Wheat Thins Stix. Seriously, I don’t get Wheat Thins sticks. Wait. Are Wheat Thins Stix still being sold here in the US? I don’t think I’ve seen them on the shelves recently. (Spotted by Darren at Calgary Coop.)

    Mr Christie's FruitKrisps

    It appears these Fruit Krisps help teach children the letters of the alphabet. Too bad the front of the box doesn’t teach them how to spell words properly. (Spotted by Darren at Calgary Coop.)

    BelVita Banana Oatmeal & Chocolate

    Breakfast cookies aren’t new, but belVita has made them popular. Canada has a soft baked version and the UK has a yoghurt-filled variety. Here in the US, we’re stuck with the original crunchy versions of belVita. (Spotted by Darren at Safeway.)

    Three Olives S'mores Vodka

    Three Olives S’mores Vodka is also available in the US, you lush. Oh, but s’mores isn’t the only unusual flavor Three Olives produces. There’s also root beer, cola, cake, and a flavor called Dude. (Spotted by Eric at LCBO.)

    Hey, international TIB readers! We’d really like to do Spotted on Shelves posts with products from other countries, so if you see a new product on the shelf while you’re out shopping, snap a picture of it, and send us an email ( with where you found it and “Spotted” in the subject line. If you do so, you might see your picture in our next international Spotted on Shelves post.

  • SPOTTED ON SHELVES – 11/23/2012

    Here are some new and limited edition products found on store shelves by us and your fellow readers. We may or may not review them, but we’d like to let you know what new items are popping up. We’ll also occasionally throw in an unusual product.

    Celeste Limited Edition Hawaiian Pizza

    Celeste Italian Style Meatball Flatbread

    Celeste Italian Style Chicken Flatbread

    Celeste Cheesy Garlic Breadsticks

    All I know about Celeste is that she’s known for her pizzas, and it appears she’s been really busy making new stuff. However, if the last three pictures are any indication, it also appears she’s getting tired of making pizzas. (Spotted by Nick at Price Chopper.)

    Hellmann's Spicy Buffalo

    This Hellmann’s Spicy Buffalo Mayonnaise made with Frank’s Red Hot Sauce looks like an awesome way to make a Subway sandwich not taste like a Subway sandwich. (Spotted by Nicole at ShopRite.)

    Slim-Fast Snack Bites

    Fans of Slim Fast must be going bonkers over these new Slim Fast Snack Bites. But then that euphoria must go away when they realize they STILL have to also drink Slim Fast shakes and eat Slim Fast bars. (Spotted by Nichol at ShopRite.)

    Smirnoff Iced Cake Vodka

    Wow. Cake-flavored vodka. That’s got to be one of the silliest things I’ve ever seen. But do you know what would be even sillier? Gummy-flavored vodka. No one would be crazy enough to make that. (Spotted by Lauren at Safeway.)

    Pinnacle Gummy Vodka

    Oh. I guess I was wrong. (Spotted by Lauren at Safeway.)

    If you’re out shopping and see a new or limited edition product on the shelf (or really unusual), snap a picture of it, and send us an email ( with where you found it and “Spotted” in the subject line. If you do so, you might see your picture in our next Spotted on Shelves post.

  • REVIEW: Yoplait Greek Frozen Yogurt Bars Honey Caramel

    Yoplait Greek Frozen Yogurt Bars Honey Caramel Box

    Hey, guys. Listen. Seriously, listen. I have found a well-kept secret from the Mediterranean that you do not want to miss. I really think it’s going to be the next Big Thing.

    I can feel you quivering with anticipation, so I won’t drag it out: it’s Greek yogurt.

    Wait, what? Greek yogurt has already gained mainstream popularity and has inundated the country’s supermarket dairy sections? How was I supposed to know that? Okay, well keep listening, because here’s the twist: there’s now Greek frozen yogurt.

    Oh, that’s not new either? Where did you hear that? Oh, maybe it was here. Or here. Or here. Or here.

    Sigh. The saying is true; there is nothing new under the sun.

    But hey, these Yoplait Greek Frozen Yogurt Bars are different. They’re new! And they’re made by Yoplait! I’ve trusted Yoplait for all my yogurt needs since I was a youth. Plus, they taught me about the silent “t” well before Stephen Colbert came on the scene.

    A brief refresher course on Greek yogurt: it is also called strained yogurt, because, um…it’s been strained. Specifically, they squuuuueeeze out the whey, leaving a substance that is thicker than your average yogurt, yet still rich in flavor but lower in sugar and carbs.

    Yoplait Greek Frozen Yogurt Bars also come in Raspberry, Peach, and Strawberry Banana, but I chose the Honey Caramel variety because, in addition to never having tried Greek frozen yogurt, I’ve also never tried anything honey caramel-flavored. In fact, I’ve never even seen anything honey caramel-flavored before this.

    Now I’m paranoid that there’s some honey caramel craze out there that I’m not aware of. I’m going to look like a pretty big idiot making fun of Greek yogurt at the beginning of this review when honey caramel has taken over store shelves and I haven’t even noticed. Maybe I’m in the dark, like Winnie the Pooh with his head stuck in the honey pot. Or a beehive. Man, that bear was stupid. I don’t want to be Winnie-the-Pooh stupid.

    Right off the bat, the box of Yoplait’s Greek Frozen Yogurt Bars wants to hit me over the head with healthy boasts like “2x the protein of regular frozen yogurt”, “only natural flavors”, and “live and active cultures”.

    I’ve always been kind of creeped out by yogurt’s live and active cultures, but I figure it’s better than dead and inactive cultures, or even undead cultures. Oh sure, everyone expects the zombie apocalypse to come from some sort of virus or science experiment gone wrong, but nobody suspects the yogurt.

    …Yeah, I’m definitely paranoid.

    Yoplait Greek Frozen Yogurt Bars Honey Caramel

    While I’ve never had frozen Greek yogurt, I have had its refrigerated counterpart, so when I tried the Yoplait Honey Caramel bar, I was expecting the tartness that is the signature of Greek yogurt. I got that tartness, but it was more subtle, and also brought along a good friend – sweetness.

    Yoplait Greek Frozen Yogurt Bars Honey Caramel Swirl

    In fact, subtlety seems to be the word of the day for these yogurt bars. It was tart but not too tart and sweet but not cloyingly so. The caramel was delicious but not like eating a giant spoonful of the stuff. There was a hint of honey; that was one flavor that may have been a little too subtle, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

    The yogurt was very smooth and creamy, and it held up very well as I ate it. No sticky hands here. I’m assuming the qualities of the yogurt – especially the Greek part – were responsible for it not melting down my hand.

    Yoplait Greek Frozen Yogurt Bars Honey Caramel2

    I’m far, far from a health nut, but it’s hard not to notice that the daily value percentages under the nutritional facts are single digits across the board. These yogurt bars are good and good for you! Well, at the very least, they’re not very bad for you.

    I find it interesting that all the things I liked the most about Yoplait Greek Frozen Yogurt Bars Honey Caramel could just as easily be construed as faults by someone with a different palate. “Not sweet enough.” “Not tart enough.” “Not enough caramel.” “Not enough honey flavor.” Oh wait, I actually said that one.

    Different strokes for different folks, as they say, and Yoplait stroked me the right way. Wait, that came out wrong. And it rhymed. Four times. You’re lucky you’re so tasty, Honey Caramel Yogurt Bars.

    (Nutrition Facts – 1 bar – 90 calories, 15 calories from fat, 1.5 grams of total fat, 1 gram of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 15 milligrams of cholesterol, 15 milligrams of sodium, 110 milligrams of potassium, 13 grams of total carbohydrates, 12 grams of sugars, 5 grams of protein, and 15% calcium.)

    Other Yoplait Greek Frozen Yogurt reviews:
    On Second Scoop

    Item: Yoplait Greek Frozen Yogurt Bars Honey Caramel
    Purchased Price: $3.98
    Size: 1 box/6 bars
    Purchased at: Walmart
    Rating: 9 out of 10
    Pros: Creamy texture with just the right tartness and sweetness. Live and active cultures. Nice caramel taste. No sticky hands. Actually not bad for you. Getting stroked by Yoplait.
    Cons: Honey flavor was a little too subtle. The yogurt zombie apocalypse. May not appeal to those who want a sweeter treat with stronger flavor. Committing accidental multiple rhymicide

  • NEWS: Torani To Release Chicken ‘n Waffles Syrup Fo’ Reals This Time…Maybe

    IHOP Chicken & Waffles

    Hey! Remember earlier this year when syrup maker Torani tricked the internet into thinking they were going to release a Chicken ‘n Waffles syrup.

    I certainly remember being duped by that April Fool’s Day prank on March 26th.

    I don’t know if there are rules for April Fool’s pranks, but doing your prank five days before April Fool’s Day is probably breaking one of them. Even if it’s not an actual rule, doing that was as douchey as dumping someone via a text message.

    Anyhoo, Torani decided to make their Chicken ‘n Waffles syrup a reality. It combines three different flavors — buttermilk waffles, fried chicken, and maple syrup. So get ready to make your lattes taste a bit weird.

    Of course, if they were willing to trick everyone five days before April Fool’s Day, what’s stopping them from tricking us five months before April Fool’s Day? Well, we will find out starting on November 26 when Torani Chicken ‘n Waffles bottles become available while supplies last on Torani’s website for $6.95.

    Source: Business Wire