REVIEW: Burger King Philly Chicken Sandwich

Burger King Philly Original Chicken Sandwich

When I first heard about Burger King’s new Philly Chicken Sandwich, I thought they were going to top one of their Original Chicken Sandwiches with thin slices of steak, chopped onions and peppers, and cheese, similar to what Carl’s Jr. did when they topped one of their burgers with innards of a Philly Cheesesteak.

But Burger King didn’t and I’m a bit sad about it.

According to the Burger King website, here’s what they did:

A lightly-breaded chicken fillet topped with traditional Philly-Style toppings – a colorful mix of bell peppers and seasoned grilled onions, served with American cheese and smothered with a creamy cheese sauce. All served hot on a toasted sesame bun.

Oppa Philly-style toppings?

If putting bell peppers, onions, and cheese on top of another food allows one to label it “Philly,” then I’d like to see supreme pizzas be called Philly pizzas and fajitas called Phillitas.

When I pulled back the top bun of the Philly Chicken Sandwich, the bright red and green bell peppers made it feel like it’s still the Christmas season. There was a good amount of peppers and onions on the sandwich, but there was even more cheese. The bell peppers and onions had a crunchiness to them and gave the sandwich a nice flavor.

Burger King Philly Original Chicken Sandwich Innards

The orange goo that prevented the veggies from falling out tasted like typical American cheese and actually provided some decent flavor, which is surprising for fast food cheese. But I guess it’s easy to taste the cheese where there aren’t any sauces or mayo to overpower it.

As for the chicken patty, it was dry, but I’m not surprised by that because I believe every Burger King Original Chicken Sandwich I’ve ever had has come with a dry patty. Before taking my first bite, I already knew that the chicken patty in my Philly Chicken Sandwich was going to be devoid of any juiciness because the breaded exterior was darker than the skin of a tanorexic.

The Burger King Philly Chicken Sandwich is a decent fast food menu item, albeit a salty one. The flavor of the toppings almost completely made up for the dry chicken patty. Although, I think it would’ve been better (and more deserving of the Philly name) if Burger King also topped it with thin steak slices.

(Nutrition Facts – 550 calories, 25 grams of fat, 9 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 75 milligrams of cholesterol, 1870 milligrams of sodium, 54 grams of carbohydrates, 8 grams of sugar, and 30 grams of protein.)

Item: Burger King Philly Chicken Sandwich
Purchased Price: $4.99
Size: N/A
Purchased at: Burger King
Rating: 6 out of 10
Pros: Decent sandwich. Crunchy veggies. Cheese had flavor and kept veggies from falling out. Christmas-y innards. Awesome source of protein.
Cons: Bell peppers, onions, and cheese equals Philly? Awesome source of sodium. Not having thin steak slices. Tanorexia.


7 responses to “REVIEW: Burger King Philly Chicken Sandwich”

  1. M86

    As a kid/teen, I loved the Original Chicken Sandwich from BK. Now, the past few times I have got it, it tastes so rancid… Like it’s been under a heat lamp for 12 hours…

  2. Tracy

    I always wonder if the people who name thes “Philly” things every had a cheesesteak or anything from Philly. Having lived my whole life in Philly I’ve never seen a cheesesteak that automatically came with peppers and onions. Onions yes, cheese wiz yes, but sliced plastic cheese and green peppers, nope.

    1. Muti007


    2. Shenielle


  3. Jennay

    It looks like a regurgitated nacho supreme on my chicken sandwich. No thanks. I loves me the original chicken sandwich from BK, I wish they would just leave it alone and focus on beefing up their Whopper. I’m really hoping they add more thick burgers, or bring back the Chef’s Choice Burger during the warmer months.

  4. 3horseshoes

    dear burger king,

    it’s time to move on. stop it with the “chicken” patty. you’ve been focusing your attempts lately on dressing it up and disguising it, trying to entice buyers. but your attempts are futile. time for chicken breasts, not implants.

  5. ratbuddy

    They really call that thing a “fillet?”

    Did they stop using chunked-n-formed chicken patties?