Here are some interesting new and limited edition products found on store shelves by us and your fellow readers.

Apple Cinnamon Muffin Pop-Tarts

There have been Apple Strudel Pop-Tarts, Apple Pie Pop-Tarts, Apple Cinnamon Pop-Tarts, and now these Apple Cinnamon Muffin Pop-Tarts, but I’m still waiting for Kellogg’s to bring back my favorite Pop-Tarts of all time — Frosted Dutch Apple Pop-Tarts. (Spotted by Laura at Walmart.)

Cheez-It Provolone

If I were to predict the flavor of these Provolone Cheez-Its using only my experience with Subway’s provolone cheese, then these crackers will have no flavor. Option Pitch and Waffle Crisp has a review. (Spotted by Adam at Weis Markets.)

Fiber One Protein Bars

Do you know what would be super funny? It would be super funny if General Mills’ competition, Kellogg’s, also released a new line of protein snack bars with fiber. (Spotted by Adam at Weis Markets.)

Kellogg's FiberPlus Antioxidants Protein

Oh, look. Kellogg’s did. That’s so funny. (Spotted by Adam at Weis Markets.)

Special K Red Berries Waffles (2013)

New? Oh, rrrreeeeaaally? (Spotted by Marvo at Safeway.)

Thank you to all the photo contributors! If you’re out shopping and see an interesting new or limited edition product on the shelf (or really unusual), snap a picture of it, and send us an email ( with where you found it and “Spotted” in the subject line. If you do so, you might see your picture in our next Spotted on Shelves post.


3 responses to “SPOTTED ON SHELVES – 1/16/2013”

  1. Alek

    YAY! A coupon on Kellog’s protein bars.

    Anyways…. I think companies are just revamping the packaging look and keeping the product the same inside. Or sometimes making new stupid flavors sometimes can be sucky

  2. Good find with those Pop Tarts. I need to look out for these, never would have thought Walmart.

  3. Linny

    I saw those Pop-Tarts but passed them up. The red velvet kind, however, is actually pretty good in my opinion.