VIDEO REVIEW: Hello Kitty Macaroni

I boil water to prepare Hello Kitty Macaroni that Hello Kitty herself can’t eat because she doesn’t have a mouth. Seriously…why does she have fork in her hands on the packaging?

Length – 1 min. 38 sec.

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11 responses to “VIDEO REVIEW: Hello Kitty Macaroni”

  1. Ahahaha, this is just perfect Marvo!

  2. Mike N.

    Hey Marvo, do you own your own green screen?!?

    1. If you consider a $9 sheet of bright green fabric I purchased from a fabric store a green screen, then, yes, I do own a green screen. 🙂

  3. serns

    Cool video, decent “production values” (I think that’s the term). Is there a tool or software for that or are you or one of your friends skilled at this stuff?

    1. Thanks! I do all the writing, shooting on a cheap Canon HD camera, and editing in Final Cut Pro X, but I wouldn’t consider myself skilled at video production. I’ve learned how to do things by watching editing tutorials on YouTube.

  4. Marvo,

    Never mind “super Kawaii”, that video review was more like super HILARIOUS! ROFLMAO!!!!

  5. Angi

    Oh gods, my cousin would probably enjoy this pasta too much.

    It is adorable…although.

    *pokes Hello Kitty in the head*

    1. It’s super kawaii!!!

  6. Old Timey

    Ok. A diamond plate background for a sissy pasta review? You are not reviewing a log splitter or truck tires you fool.
    This product needs to come with a flavor packet just like any other shaped pasta gimmick. I’m thinking rosemary & hairball sauce or maybe assorted Chinese manufacturing chemicals with MSG and tarragon.