PRIZE DRAWING: Because I Don’t Look Cool In These Sunglasses

When the folks at Mountain Dew sent samples of their new Kickstart beverages, they also included a pair of Spy Optics Discord sunglasses. It turns out it retails for $150. Since I sit in front of a computer all day, rarely go outside, and don’t look good with them on, I’m giving them away via a prize drawing.

To enter The Impulsive Buy’s Hey! I Wouldn’t Mind $150 Sunglasses Drawing, leave a comment with THIS post. You can say whatever you want in your comment.

Please don’t forget to fill out the email field because we’ll be emailing the randomly selected winner for his or her mailing addresses. The Impulsive Buy will stop accepting entries on Thursday, February 28, 2013 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. Only one comment allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents 18 years old or older.

For those of you who have a Twitter account, you can get an additional entry by tweeting the following by Thursday, February 28, 2013 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time:

Hey, @theimpulsivebuy! Your ass is not cool enough for those sunglasses!

So just copy, paste, and tweet. Only one tweet per Twitter account.

Good luck!

Fine Print: The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to forward you Harlem Shake videos. Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send you Christmas cards I received this past Christmas. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail, damaged mail, or you wearing your sunglasses at night.


279 responses to “PRIZE DRAWING: Because I Don’t Look Cool In These Sunglasses”

  1. I love your posts!

  2. Jonathan

    I need new sunglasses after my dog sort of ate mine…

  3. Stefanie

    LOVE your blog!

  4. Nathan Williamson

    I need sunglasses for no reason at all… BUT I WANT THEM MORE THAN ANYBODY!

  5. Richard

    My future is so bright… I’m mired in bad ’80s one hit wonder songs.

  6. Chris Berg

    Anything I want.

  7. Seth

    Cool! Love the site!

  8. Frenchman

    Probably the best giveaway ever

  9. Trevor H.

    You’re my go-to source for all new Taco Bell items and novelty sodas. You’ve never let me down.

  10. amy marantino

    thanks for the chance to win

  11. Brent

    I wouldn’t mind some sweet glasses!

  12. Zack

    I need new sunglasses. Just broke my pair

  13. claire

    love your posts!

  14. Vanessa

    My husband needs something other than a cheap pair from the convenience store.

  15. These look bad ass!

  16. I really, really look cool in sunglasses. But sadly, my wife broke my only pair.

  17. benny

    Those are sweet, hope I get em.

  18. Courtney

    Love your blog 🙂

  19. Natalie

    Love your site and love the glasses!

  20. Tony

    The stupid head of HR at the MiB refuses to order me a new pair of sunglasses, and I’m really getting tired of my neuralyzer backfiring on me instead of the witnesses! Think those might work?

  21. Z4man

    I just was drawn to the birthday cake peeps but some sunglasses would be awesome too

  22. Nick O.

    Perfect timing, one of the glasses popped out of my pair today when I was at the store doing some “Spotted on the Shelves” recon…

  23. Jack

    I wear my sunglasses at night so I can eat so I can eat

  24. well versed

    Thank you guys!

  25. tina

    Oh man, I’m pretty sure I’d look cool in those sunglasses!

  26. Michael

    I’m a long-time reader who’d love a pair of sunglasses!

  27. jrdunn

    hey i just sat on mine turns out i need a new pair

  28. davkor

    Those look delicious, I wanna dip ’em in some raaaannnccchhhh!

  29. Matt

    Sweet shades, long time reader.

  30. I don’t like wearing sunglasses, but I like winning things.

  31. MuLy

    Perfect timing! I was thinking of sunglasses shopping =]

  32. Kelly M

    I like sunglasses almost as much as I like gross fast food and frozen dinners! (a lot)

  33. Courtney

    Free sunglasses! B-) I’ll give them a good home even if they look weird on me too!

  34. Ian

    New reader here, but I’m glad I found a website that caters to my specific love of food.

    After my Ray-Bans got destroyed by a moving car, I could use a new pair.

  35. Lola

    this rocks

  36. Veronica

    I had a really bad dinner 🙁

  37. Adam

    I’d like to kickstart my summer with some new shades…

  38. Timm

    I am saying whatever I want in my comment cause I was compelled to by some unknown force.

  39. Mike

    Love the reviews (usually).

  40. Brandon

    Would love these to make me look waaaay cooler than i normally do!

  41. I’d looove these!



  43. Jeremy

    I Spy MTN DEW Kickstart and SPY Sunglasses in my future

  44. Tomiko

    I’d like to see these on my husband!

  45. Jon

    I could put those on my dogs butt.

  46. Travis

    Those are some awesome sunglasses! Love your site!

  47. Kaylin

    I want these for my Mountain Dew loving boyfriend so bad…

  48. Zachary Jacob Zblewski


  49. Mary

    Hey! I Wouldn’t Mind $150 Sunglasses

  50. J

    I enjoy sunglasses and free things!

  51. Stephen M.

    I SPY these on my eyes.

  52. James Cannon

    These look great.

  53. Stacey

    MY ass is not cool enough for those sunglasses but I’d Love to win them!

  54. oat squatter

    I don’t like sunglasses

  55. YJ

    Oooooohhhh, I want!

  56. Jim

    Jimmy Likey!

  57. My ass is actually cool enough for those sunglasses :-).

  58. Alec

    Because really, why wouldn’t I need 150$ sunglasses.

  59. Ant

    Whatever you want in your comment. 🙂

  60. Scott

    I Can Has!?

  61. Troy

    I went out and tried this stuff today. Not bad, but free sunglasses would make it better.

    1. Adam

      very cool sunglasses!

  62. Bear Silber

    Pick me, pick me!

  63. todd watson

    cool sunglasses

  64. I don’t know if I’m cool enough for those either but I am willing to risk it.

  65. Beth B

    Cool shades.

  66. Cameron Woodruff

    i’d wear contacts all the time just to be in those.

  67. JoAnn

    Sweet shades!

  68. Lindsey

    I sat on my only pair of sunglasses this morning on my way to work. Therefore I definitely could use a pair of swanky new ones!

  69. Justin S

    im in the market for a new pair of shades so i wouldnt be mad if you picked me.

  70. Jay


  71. Jarmel

    Cool shades, indeed.

  72. Jay J

    I would look like a total dork in those glasses. I must have them!

  73. Ric Flair


  74. Beth

    i lost my suglasses a few weeks ago…this is fate!

  75. Jess

    I want to win some sunglasses. I would totally be cool.

  76. Jerry

    Mmmmmmm… sunglasses.

  77. Chris

    I want themmmm

  78. Jenn

    I kind of love them.

  79. Reynz

    I would love these sunglasses to put into a silent auction i’m putting on for charity!

  80. Kenneth Rathburn

    And here I was about to waste $10 on a pair of glasses that already have a crack on them.

  81. David

    I would look good in these.

  82. Toan

    so dope.

  83. Sarah

    Pick me please, I have been looking all over to find my hubby a good pair of stunner shades 🙂

  84. Ria

    Aw yiss. I could totally go for some cool sunglasses. I could look like Agent J from Men in Black.

    Well, except a foot shorter and not black and not male and also I look nothing like Will Smith who am I kidding.

    …But sunglasses would get me one step closer!

  85. Cath

    I could certainly use a pair of cool sunglasses!!!

  86. Tim Tran

    I need these sunglasses because, I get the biggest b***rs when I’m on campus!! The last sentence isn’t going to make much sense

  87. Anita

    I might not look bad in these glasses. I have a pair of Foster Grants that are similar in style, but they are old and scratched and are getting difficult to see through on my way to and from work. These would be nice. But good luck to all who entered.

  88. Enrique Lopez

    Those look pretty rad. They’d look good on my face!

  89. Anna

    Those are fantastic! Fingers crossed

  90. Chels

    The only thing I want more than your babies, Marvo, is these sunglasses! Shooooot.

  91. Brian

    These are aight

  92. Melissa

    A new pair of sunglasses would definitely come in handy!

  93. Jeff Williams

    I… am out of hooch currently. So I must needs get some this weekend, and perhaps some o’ that new Mountain Dew breakfast energy drink to wash it down with. And WOULDN’T I LOOK *COOL* sippin’ on some booze whilst wearing a $100+ pair of sunglasses? Damn straight I would.

  94. som

    my ass might not be cool enough for the sunglasses, but my eyes might be =)

  95. Ashley

    Id Love to enter! Who couldn’t use a new pair of shades!

  96. dudebro

    I could get mad lots of cooch with these.

  97. Stefanie B.

    *puts on shades*

  98. Jimmy James

    This is me commenting in the comment field. Hooray for free stuff!

  99. Robyn M.

    Could definitely put them to good use this summer! 🙂

  100. Kevin S

    those are some dope sunglasses

  101. Michael

    I am not sure how you can tell how they look just by the photo. But a pair would be nice I guess.

  102. Brad

    Oh boy, these glasses have quite the shade of awesomeness to them.

  103. Jeremy

    Sure, I’ll take a pair.

  104. Sam

    Hey! I would look good in $150 sunglasses!

  105. Kevin

    I need those glasses to protect my eyes when I plow through some Del Taco

  106. Amy K

    I’m going to name my first born Marvo!

  107. Sean

    Just email me when my sunglasses are ready, thanks! 🙂

  108. Justin

    I’ll take these.

  109. tk

    gimme dat.

  110. Lauren

    Cool sunglasses!

  111. citizen spark

    Gimme some shades, gimme some shades! 🙂

    Thanks, Marvo!

  112. Cat

    Hopefully winning these will encourage me to venture outside more! Wishful thinking?

  113. Rick

    Oh hey, I’m 18 now. I can enter contests on the internet.

  114. Jimmy

    I’ll take those off your sexy ass.

  115. Abel

    With these I’ll can look like ferris day off….

  116. Johnny

    gold bond mens lotion

  117. Justin

    Please pick me. Ill never take them off.

  118. Justin

    You are a scholar and a gentleman/lady!

  119. Ty

    Being the most unlucky person that’s ever graced this earth… It’s a miracle I’m not dead yet. And so I enter this drawing as a challenge to the gods of luck and chance. If I lose, then what else is new, if I win, what a pleasant surprise that would be.

  120. Hungry Guy

    Thanks for the drawing!

  121. natosha

    winner winner..chiken dinner

  122. Diane

    I would love a pair of sunglasses and love to read your reviews

  123. Will

    Sunglasses would be nice to win!

  124. The booth of a Red Robin ate my sunglasses a week ago and I am now without.

    In the Sunshine State of Florida.

  125. Santi C

    I love lamp

  126. Scott

    Love the blog, though it’s causing me to buy more junk food! The glasses would be great.

  127. Ian

    Hey, if my first blog post wins me a pair of Spy sunglasses, I may just be tempted to comment more!

  128. JW

    I’ll finally be cooler than my grandma, if I win!!!

  129. Jennifer

    I Spy+ a cool pair of specs

  130. Jason

    Kickstart sounds NOM!

  131. Sean

    Winter is coming.

  132. Ann

    Those super cool glasses could help me see thru the white out blizzard going on right now.

  133. Jonathan Lochinski

    Those glasses are the coolest thing since Chicken and Waffles chips!

  134. Tyler Walsh

    I like cool sunglasses!

  135. y hubby would look cool in those sunglasses

  136. kevin

    You guys rock!I wear my sunglasses at night!

  137. Barbara

    My son would look cool in those sunglasses.

  138. Ray

    Who cares what they look like as long as they make you feel like a spy 🙂

  139. Matt

    Spiffy spy specs!

  140. I don’t own any sunglasses, and I feel like I’m supposed to be a sunglasses guy. You could change my life.

  141. kris

    Free shades would be cool.

  142. George

    These could save me from eye cancer.

  143. Glenda

    I would love to win those sunglasses.

  144. Robert K

    Protect my eyes please!

  145. Noodlez

    So my birthday is the 28. I could use a gift. lol

  146. Amber

    I’m a sunglass addict and those would be a nice addition to the others. Help us complete are circle of love.

  147. Jerry

    Cool Shades ! You should sell those on eBay haha… But it’ll look better on me 😉

  148. Jeff

    Perfect for summer!

  149. Rob

    I envy the fact that you live in Hawaii…at least if I win the sunglasses I can hide the tears falling from my eyes as I can merely imagine myself riding in a convertible with palm trees overhead.

  150. Eugene Dowler

    Broke my last pair of sunglasses sure could use a new pair.

  151. Jamison

    Never owned a nice pair of sunglasses…me likey!

  152. Matt

    Those look spiffy. My dog thinks I’d look good wearing them.

  153. Arvinder Chattha

    I would really like a pair of sunglasses.

  154. Jill

    I have no idea what a pair of $150 shades would do for me, but my son would likely appropriate them and acquire yet another girlfriend on sheer cool factor alone. Help the boy out, will you?

  155. Thrash

    OH! OH! OH!

  156. Whitney

    I’d love to win ’em!

  157. Shane

    sounds good

  158. Cassie

    These are the perfect “deal with it” shades.

  159. Tony C

    Said what I want

  160. Larry

    Free Sunglasses won’t help me look cool, but it will help with my disguise as I go to Walmart looking for the new item “SPOTTED ON SHELVES”

  161. sairentohiru

    I just bought a Britney Spears CD on Amazon and need these to cover my shame.

  162. Chris

    I want these sunglasses, yes I do.

  163. The wife decided to get her hair done (or is it did?) so now all of my spending money is gone. I need sunglasses something fierce. Please help a fella out.

  164. Kevin

    I want free sunglasses.

  165. Sean

    How much crap did you get from these guys? Beats headphones, sunglasses, and an Ipod? This drink must suck if they have to warm you up with that much free stuff. Tell you what, let me drink a bottle of Mountain Dew, piss in a cup, and send it to you for review. And if you give me these sunglasses, I’ll also send those to you as a free gift with my Mountain Dew Kickstart “Morning Wood flavor” (It would probably have the same color as the Orange Kickstart)

  166. Jenny

    Oh man, oh man, oh man, what’s not to love about free sunglasses!!

  167. Chris

    Whatever you want in your comment

  168. cathy

    Cool glasses and hope to win

  169. skye

    Those are a lot cooler than “Mt Dew”. Bleh!

  170. Michael

    I SPY

  171. I’ve recently discovered this website and it’s so much fun to read, even though I live in Eastern Europe and can’t actually taste some of the products described. 🙂

  172. Free sunglasses you say? I’ll take them off your hands;]

  173. Stephanie

    I love sunglasses!

  174. Brandon L

    Free sunglasses would rock. I live in Florida so the more sunglasses I have, the better.


  175. Curtis

    Thanks for the opportunity. May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor. Good luck everyone.

  176. wendooku

    Because there is nothing cooler than the glasses over glasses look, and I would rock that so hard.

  177. David

    I could use a good pair of sunglasses. I’m in.

  178. Paul A. Schroeter

    I want these sunglasses so I can immediately sell them and use the money to buy a meet and greet package for the YES concert I will be attending in April.

  179. Curtis

    They may not look good on you but they will on me.

  180. Sandy

    I can pretty much guarantee that those glasses will look good on me.

  181. Mike

    My ass will look cooler than yours in these sunglasses, wait, what?

  182. George McNally

    I would really like these sunglasses…………

  183. imgovtdrone

    Going to glue googly eyes on them & wear them in a meeting.

  184. snuff

    hook a brother up, please

  185. snugglyduckling

    i would look really damn good in those.

  186. mary a.

    I would love those glasses for my son!!

  187. ruffy

    i sat on my sunglasses so a free pair would be delightful

  188. Lauratheexplora

    I love your website and I love free stuff so naturally, I should be the winner! <3

  189. Richard

    I love the website and would like an oppurtunity to win these sunglasses!

  190. Kelly

    I live in San Diego and go to the beach often so they would get their wear, thanks!

  191. Jose

    I need me a pair of those!

  192. Tamm

    It looks nice! I’d love to win this.

  193. Shaun

    Help a poor college student out! (please)

  194. Jennifer

    I’m gonna totes hock them for rent money!!!

  195. mexfactor

    Those look really nice

  196. Rachel

    But I’d look great in them.

  197. Royal

    I don’t own any sunglasses. Please send help. And sunglasses. Mostly sunglasses.

  198. Chris

    Damn, I’d look good in those.

  199. Kimberly Feldman

    I like turtles. (And sunglasses, sunglasses are nice.)

  200. Neilson

    So last night I stared at the full red moon for like an hour, then I had this red circle whenever I blinked.

    Then I found out that the moon WAS ACTUALLY RELATED TO THE SUN :O.

  201. Jeff F

    I love me some sunglasses!

  202. Jasmyn


  203. christopher

    don’t pick me

  204. Nick

    I love this site, I literally visit here every couple of days to keep up on all the new food 😀

  205. Bilmster

    Just found this site. I’m hooked.

  206. Lap

    nWo 4 Life

  207. Kevin

    After seeing the limited edition carrot cake M&Ms I hunted them down to see if they were good… I polished off three bags last week.

  208. senzurichampion

    ayo i need a pair of shades for if the sun ever comes out again

  209. Jason

    Great for the weather coming up!

  210. Yochai Re’em

    Have been looking for a good pair all year! What if I wore these only while eating/drinking

  211. Paige


  212. I love your website! Also, my eyes are always hurting and squinting when I try to read your product reviews in the sun, however could I fix this problem?

  213. david

    harlem shake videos forwarded me to you website. Awesome!!!!

  214. Mcboomofdoom

    I would like these sunglasses.

  215. Dave

    Funky fresh glasses!! I’d rock them with style.

  216. Kevin5280

    I need a new pair of glasses. My last pair flew out my truck window.

    They were only about $25 glasses. I’d be more careful with $150 glasses.


  217. Jeff

    pick me, pick me, pick me!!!

  218. Mary

    Hey I am cool enough for these glasses…pick me.

  219. Dan

    Those glasses are sweet!

  220. Dusty

    (Insert Timbuk3 reference here)

  221. Patti

    Great site! I probably wouldn’t look cool in those shades either but I love to win free shtuff.

  222. Stephen

    Hey these glasses are cool!And your cool to,wishin I had glasses like these!there lime green ones,Blue Grey Ice ones are pretty cool to

  223. Matt

    Dope sunglasses! Love your blog, makes me hungry

  224. Corey Ellis

    Awesome giveaway. I’d love these, mine just got stolen from school!

  225. Andrew

    Hook it up!

  226. Dave Byknish

    odd tie in

  227. mike c.

    never. win. anything. ever.

  228. jperonto

    Ahhhhhhh! Those look so neat! Can I have them? :)!

    As always, I love your site!


  229. So like, if I win these sunglasses, can I give them away as a prize on my site? Is that wrong? And I have this weakness of entering contests with a low entry barrier. 😉

  230. Raymond Torres

    Gimme dem sunglasses! I want ’em.

  231. Norman

    Winner should also get a sample of Mt Dew Kickstart!

  232. justin wilcox

    Hi the impulsive buy
    I love your blog
    I to have a passion for new product especially beverage (function related ie energy focus.relax. Yadda Yadda. I also. Have a sunglass thing. I love spy optics. I use. Sunglasses for props. On my own halfcaffhalfrelax reviews podcast. Regularly
    I would rock n rep. These. All the Time
    Thank-you for awes opportunity

  233. Andy

    Love your updates! Keep up the good work!

  234. Laurel

    I want to be a cool kid.

  235. Tara

    Turns out you need sunglasses when it snows.

  236. Gabe

    Free stuff is nice. Free super-expensive sunglasses are great!

  237. Edward Otteson

    I barely go outside because of that darned sun, help me to start going outside again

  238. Adrian B

    Thanks to @geewhy for giving me a heads up on this giveaway.

  239. Adrienne

    So…those are some sick-ass sunnies. I’d LOVE ’em.

  240. Morgan

    I think these are cute!

  241. Kayla

    I feel like the term “sunglasses” is a little stereotypical…why do black glasses have to be worn ONLY in the sun? Why can’t I wear my shades in the shade? Or indoors? Poor little glasses, always being shunned to the sun….

    I would love me a pair of these, though 😉

  242. tabetha

    Those would look great on me!

  243. Brian

    Wow, $150 for sunglassses. I never owned a pair that cost more than $15.

  244. Bruce

    Derpy. I want.

  245. Donna Dee

    These would be perfect for me!

  246. Thunder Delight

    This is my entry. I have entered the contest.

  247. Sabrina

    Maybe then my boyfriend will stop talking about how he wants sunglasses. lol

  248. Heidi

    Dude, it’s bright out here! I need sunglasses!

  249. Kristin

    I too sit in front of a computer all day – it’s burning my retinas…

  250. Elise

    Oooh, sunglasses! Gimme. …Please.

  251. Thank you for coming to Loews. Sit back and relax. Enjoy the show.

  252. Ernie

    Thanks for the blog always look forward to reading your guys reviews.

  253. yo dog, imma let you finish, but those glasses would look hella fly on me

  254. Julia

    I can pretend to be an agent for the MIB! Well, if I win. And, since my name starts with J, I will be Agent J which I think means I am Will Smith.

    Or I could just look cooler the next time I go to the eye doctor and she needs to dilate my pupils.

  255. Adam V

    My last pair of sun glasses got stole at the beach, it’d be cool to get a new pair.

  256. Keith J.

    I would love these, I unfortunately lost my last ones and will definitely take care of these.

  257. Derek R

    Yo! I’d like to take these off your hands.

  258. Danielle

    I wouldn’t mind $150 sunglasses 🙂

  259. Ryan

    These look pretty cool, I’d love to win them.

  260. Ali

    I think I would look pretty sweet in those!

  261. Rika

    I’d look pretty good in dem glasses =P

  262. Rob

    Lets see if good fortune will follow this post!

  263. Christy

    I SPY a cool freebie. WOOHOO!

  264. Katie

    Reading this blog never fails to make me hungry!

  265. Snackmonster

    I know id look good in those glasses

  266. Richard

    If you let me win one, I’d automatically be your slave for life!

  267. pete

    i might have a shot at the ladies with these babies

  268. Jaie

    These look awesome, I want one please!

  269. Travis Graham

    Wow, 272 comments. if only this many people commented when you werent giving something away

  270. Brandon

    I want one, they look really cool 8)

  271. Alex

    Looks good to me.

  272. Villie

    Cool prize!

  273. Heather Borden

    Hey, @theimpulsivebuy! Your ass is not cool enough for those sunglasses! And I’m totally not cool enough for a Twitter account!

  274. Juba

    Awesome sauce.

  275. Kristen

    Pls pick me id definitely look cool in these shades B-)