Remember those Mountain Dew Kickstart samples we received that came with pricey sunglasses, which we gave away last month? Well, those samples also came with a silver iPod shuffle, which we’re going to give away to a lucky TIB reader.
For those of you who want to know the tech specs, click here to Apple’s page about it. The iPod shuffle we’re giving away has 2 GB of storage, comes with the sync/charge cable and earbuds, and has the words “Kickstart Your Day” engraved on the back.
To enter The Impulsive Buy’s Kickstart iPod shuffle Drawing, leave a comment with THIS post. You can say whatever you want in your comment, but it MUST include an iWord. For example, “This iTurkey is dry” or “iHate dry iTurkey” or “iHate dry iTurkey and iHate this iFamily!”
Please don’t forget to fill out the email field because we’ll be emailing the randomly selected winner for his or her mailing addresses. The Impulsive Buy will stop accepting entries on Sunday, March 31, 2013 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. Only one comment allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents 18 years old or older.
For those of you who have a Twitter account, you can get an additional entry by tweeting the following by Sunday, March 31, 2013 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time:
Hey, @theimpulsivebuy! iWanna iPod so iCan iListen to iJustin iBieber! iHeart iJustin iBieber! iSqueeee!
So just copy, paste, and tweet. Only one tweet per Twitter account.
Good luck!
Fine Print: The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to send you viral videos that went viral before 2008. Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send you magazines you didn’t ask for. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail, damaged mail, or you having too many iPods.
308 responses to “PRIZE DRAWING: Because An iPod shuffle Can’t Hold My Entire J-Rock Collection”
iPod for iFree? iKnow who wants that, iMe!
iCan’t believe I’ve already been iWake for over an hour. Here’s hoping iFall back to sleep soon…. Maybe I’ll listen to some iLullabies on my iPod.
These iPretzels are making me thirsty
iWant this for my iDaughter to take to iSchool!
All iWant is to not be iSick anyone so iCan enjoy the new Ben and Jerry’s flavor iHeard about!
iWish winter would exit stage left so iCould dance into spring with a new iPod Shuffle.
I’m going to be Ilate for work but it will be so Iworth it if I win!!!
I would totally irock with that ipod
Is it weird that my future mother-in-law has started calling me iJosh? I’m her own, personal iT department! ilol
I am already iLate for iWork!
iNeed an iPod because iBest-Buy iBroke iMine….again. *le iSigh.
I would ilove this iprize, it would make my iday!!
I believe that if life gives you ilemons, you should make ilemonade… And try to find somebody whose life has given them ivodka, and have a iparty. (Ron White)
My iPod finally broke a few months ago. Of course iHad the thing for about five years, so iWasn’t Surprised.
iLove the iMpulsive buy
Icame, Isaw, IwonaniPodshuffle… Icameagain. Iapologize for that joke.
isee what you idid there.
Iwant to go back to ibed
iTried the Kickstart enerydrinks and wasn’t all that impressed, they weren’t bad, but was hoping for more.
iAm actually iListening to iJustin iBieber rn but I would never iSqueal about iT. iT’s just so darn catchy
i have an iHeadache
I have so many freaking iMeetings at work I want to smack someone.
This weekend I will be iKayaking, even though it will be iCold! Am I iCrazy! iYes!
i felt irate yesterday but it’s iokay now
These ipretzels are making me ithirsty.
iHope you review the McDonalds premium iWrap soon. It was iNasty.
iHave been reading TIB for many years now, and iStill iLove it. Thanks for not going the way of the iDodo.
Go iBillikens!
Have an appointment to do my taxes later today. iHope iGet a refund.
iHate Apple but iLove the thought of selling it on eBay!
iWant to win this device for the gym
These iPretzels are making me iThirsty!
iWould love to win this for exercising off the calories from stuff i’VE bought because of The iMpulsive Buy!
i hate my iJob, and would love to listen to some iTunes to drown out my extremely obnoxious coworkers.
Everyday iShufflin’?
This igiveaway is iawesome..and now ifeel incredibly ilame!
My blood type is IB positive as in Ibe positive that I really want to Iwin that Ipod
Impulsive entry into this contest… iWant this iPod!
I’m so iready to watch this itournament
I have two idogs who snore. A lot. I could use an ipod shuffle to drown out the isnoring.
iLove the chance to win an iPod! Mine died, so iCould use it.
iLike jerky, not turkey.
it is iEvil to make me iTweet that iLove iJustin iBieber, but iHeart iYou anyway!! <3
iHate when there is no more eggs in the fridge :/
ineed spring break
iGot gum stuck iN my old iPod shuffle
Once I sent my old iPod shuffle through the iWashing machine. It did not survive. iRIP.
iThink Apple is finally on the verge of getting their comeuppance.
iwould’nt mind winning this contest
Its hard to concentrate on a clever comment when our new iPuppy is whining…
I haven never owned an iPod of any model. iOld.
ICould really use a new IPod cause my old one IBroke on me!
i wanna a new iPod for my iRunning iSessions w/ my iHusband! thanks! pick me pick me!!!
I don’t want to use an iWord in this comment, but I do want an iPod so – iPooped when iCame back to my iHouse after I got done with my iJob this morning.
I would love to win! Then I could take my ipod on iRuns!
iWanna rock and roll all night with a new iPod!
iheart Mt. Dew kickstart despite some of the negative reviews. I used to start my morning with Red Bull, but Kick Start is a healthier option! And I could really use the ipod shuffle for my morning workout (once my kickstart has kicked in and gotten me going)
iFreaking love this site.
iLove to kickstart my day with iTunes on an iPod, since iImpulsiveBuy!
Why should I get this iPod?
Uh, because iWant it.
iHope iWin!
Gimme free iShit!!?
iLove the impulsive buy! thanks for the giveaway!
iHope iWin
iAm looking forward to listening to iMusic on my new iPod
I’m iHopeless, but it would be cool to win the iPod.
iWant this iPod but damn so cold making me admit my love of Justin Bieber on twitter! That’s my secret iShame!
iHate mornings. Reading the iTIB makes them better.
Holy iCow, iNeed this iPod iBad!!!
I love Impulsive Buy! Big fan! (Can we develop an iSnack? Y’know, something light, sleek and almost instantaneously outdated? Mmm…iSnacks…
iHope iWin! It’d be cool to have to listen to some tunes when iWOD at my crossfit box.
I am not at risk for having too many iPods. iNeed this shuffle.
iAM the iAM
ipods help with imarathon training sessions :]
iWant free iStuff.
iCurrently enjoy disguising myself as an iWolf in Android Clothing and confusing the masses using pedantic reasoning that leads to iConfusion
iWant it too.
iLike the iPod Shuffle, so small, and no lights when you take it to bed at night!
Wasting time at my iJob to win a tiny iPod. Wheeee!
iWant to win this iPod.
iNeed this iPod!
This would make an excellent replacement for my first gen Ipod Photo which is approximately the size of an IVCR and weighs as much as something iHeavy.
this is going to be a good iDay!
iHope my iBoss is not iWatching iMe iTrying to iWin
Maybe this will help get get my iFatass to the gym :/
If iWin this, that would be awesome!
Maybe this will help me get my iFatass to the gym :/
iLove reading this blog!
iLove the iMpulsive Buy! Oh and the iPod Shuffle :p
I am eating my Igranola with coconut milk and peanut butter reading this article right now.
iWanna win this iPod!
iNever win these drawings but maybe this time iWill.
iHope the iBeliebers don’t iNsult me for mentioning their god on Twitter.
It will be an iMiracle if I win this……
iGot this.
iHope iWin this iPod
“What happened”
iAm iTotally iCraving iIce iCream.
Ineed this ipod! Mine “idisappeared” when my husband “ran off”. itotally true.
iLOVE this giveaway
my idog ate my last iPod
this is iAwesome! YOU are iAwesome!
iThinks this is a fantastic food site…and now that you got me hungry…
Fun giveaway! iWant!
iWonder if I could fit all my sci-fi songs on this.
i want to iwin this ishuffle!!
iNeed to win this!
iNeed this iShuffle cause iLet my little sister use mine and it broke. iAlso would like to win a prize drawing for the first time in my life.
iWould like to iWin this because my former iPod is now an iShattered.
iWant to iWin this iShuffle…so need an iBackup for long iRaces. iRunning without iMusic would make me iCrash!
iLove giveaways
iLike the iLook–and iLook forward to it!
I would like to iKickstart my day with an iPod shuffle.
I stabbed myself in the iBall with a pen. Owwwwwwwwwww
iPlease iPick iMe!
iReally would iLike a new iPod. iThanks!
ilove french fries
iWould really like a new iPod!!
it’s ibeen ia ilong iday iand iwanna iwin isomething
Look, a double irainbow!
I iPromise not to accidentally iWash another iPod shuffle in the iWashing machine like the last two.
ireally could use this for running. ihope to win! ithankyou for the chance!
Hey Impulsive Buy, iWant to win this iPod so bad so iCan listen to iMusic while burning off all the calories iEat after visiting your website.
iNeed something besides my non-iPhone to play my iMusic since it kills my iBattery.
iLove iMpulsive iBuy.
please ipick me
iThink an iPod would iMake me iWant to iDo iJumping-jacks around the iRoom. (iIn my iBoxers and iWifebeater, no iLess.)
iWould love to win that
Wow, I’ve been an avid follower of this site for a while now but I never realized you were into J-rock. iLove me some J-rock too! Haha, how about that?
No, but seriously, awesome music taste!
iLOVE this post because the iPOD is exactly what iWANT!
iWould really love to iWin this iGreat iProduct iPls
iWouldn’t mind having another iGadget.
Im iFreezing in Wisconsin and would ibrighten my day to win the ipod!
the food that i is currently eating is so spicy that my eyes are tearing up to the point that i can barely itype this entry comment.
iThink this ipod could help me.
iNever win any of these iContests but iAlways try anyway!
iNeed an iPod to help battle the iDes of March.
This iGolden Girls marathon is ihilarious. The only ithing making being in bed with the istomache flu bearable. Too bad I don’t have an iPod Shuffle. -Briana
iWould love to get a new iPod shuffle!
iWish i would win this iContest because iLove my iMusic and iLove the iMpulsive buy!
ilove to check out the impulsive buy website daily to see what goodies have been spotted in grocery stores
What a great iGiveaway! iWant one!!
This would be a great device to store my various songs involving goats. You shall be dubbed igoats player
Great idea iMpulsive buy! iCould really use an iPod shuffle. iHope iWin
Great giveaway! I think your iReviews are the iBomb!
Crying on my iTreadmill because iForgot to give up Mcdonalds for Lent. iSuck.
iLove the iMpulsivebuy…gimme that iPod!
iCould really use the iPod for some iMusic!
i just want an iPod please! it would be iAwesome 4ever!
ilove this contest and iwould totally love to win the ipod.
iHeart New York (but where I live in Oklahoma is nice too)
iThink this is a pretty awesome contest.
iEye captain.
iM really hungry and iWant a big piece of chocolate cake.
i’D love a shuffle.
I love iMusic and a new shuffle would be a great way for me to listen to it!
¡iCaramba! iNeed this PRiZE!
iHate dry iTurkey and iHate this iFamily!
Thanks for the giveaway! iWould love to win!
iHeart iPods!
iWant an iPod!
iWanna win this!
iNeed an iPod because my iCar does not have an iStereo.
iHope iWin!
iWould just enjoy this so iMuch!
I would love to win this iPod!
You know what this is all leading up to? iThink therefore iAm.
iThink the website iRocks.
iHate that iHave to work tomorrow, so iHave to actually set my alarm so iWon’t be late. Ew.
iNeed a new iPod to put my collection of spice girl and twerk songs on.
iLike to run! iDon’t have an iPod. Running foodies?
iLove your blog, iNot trying to suck up or anything… iLol
Since I am sans ihusband an iPod will do.
iHope I’m lucky enough to win this contest!
My iPod touch died about a year ago, iWould love to win so iCould finally have music when iRun again
iWinna, winna, chicken dinna!
here’s my submission to this igiveaway
This iContest is pretty awesome. iHope I win.
iCould use another MP3 player for my daily run.
My iDaughter would love her own iPod because she keeps using iMine.
iHope iWin!
iNeed another excuse to not do anything at the place iWork.
This thing is so cute, I’m giving it to my iBaby to listen to his iJams
iLike iContests
iWant this iPod to do an intense iWorkout to work off the calories from my iMeals.
If iKickstart every morning then iRisk rotting my iteeth.
iCan’t think of a good joke so iWon’t try to do one…
iHate myself for doing this.
Back to the lab, iFam
iWant this!
I love iCheese.
ipooped my pants when iread you were giving away an ipod!
iAlready have an iPod but I would love to give this to my iPodless iMom.
I hate dry Iturkey!
ilove theImpulsivebuy
iAm not a very original person.
iWant to win the iPod.
nWo 4 iLife!
I have to say that iLike this iSite very much.
iWant and iPod, I guess. Give it to the iAmbivalent iGuy.
The iBest things in iLife are iFree
iLove cats. iCat. ;P
iThink, therefore iWant this iPod please.
I’m definitely never going to use this to listen to the iLiad and even if I win this I will probably just feed it to my metal eating golem pet in hopes that it’s enchanted or whatever.
iWant that iShuffle so iEffen iBad!
iDesire this iPod shuffle!
iLove the puppy laying in my lap! But no really, I really could use an iPod!
Is this an iWord? I would hope so.
iCant believe iTs not butter
ahhh my old one hit the bricks earlier this year, so i definitely need a new one. iLove me some new Apple products…
iI love The iImpulsive Buy!
I wish Ben and Jerry’s would come out with an iElvis flavor with peanut butter, banana, and yes, BACON. MMMM iLove Bacon!
iWould like this iPod please
iThank you
iWill use this when I am walking my dog.
iLOVE the ImplusIve Buy!
iI would like to continue my iStreak of never purchasing iApple iProducts by winning an iPod. iPlease.
iHope to win this iPod, it would be my first one ever!
iHope iWin the iPod!!
iThink I’m not very creative when it comes to creating iMonikers, but as someone who’s never owned an iPod before, my fingers are crossed!
These ipretzels are making me thirsty.
Currently, I have a cheap mp3 player that pretends to be an iPod shuffle, but it’s really not. But I’d really love to have a real one to add to my collection of gadgets.
Ihope Iwin the IPOD.
iLike the idea of a new iPod.
Iwant Iwant…
iVe got my ieyes on this beauty
This iPod Shuffle will make my iShoes move even faster as I run on the iTreadmill.
iI iWill iPlay iThe iShit iOut iOf iThat iPod.
iSuppose iWouldn’t mind winning an iPod.
ifind that my iPod loves to play iBowie.
aHa. iLike iPod. iThank uFor uTime.
iReally would like to win this.
iHeart free things!
iHave to win!!!!
iHave never owned an iThing in my iLife.
Damn homey, shit just got iReal
I could so use this, as my iPhone is running dangerously low on istorage thanks to my itunes.
New from Apple, the overpriced Apple pogo stick clone, the iHop.
This would make a great ipresent!
Ilove your blog and Ilove music Icould use a new iPod
iNeed a new iMusic thing! Never had an ipod before, but my hubby stole my sony player, and I need a bigger one anyway
iAppreciate the giveaway and iWould love to win. iHope ya’ll have a great day!
These pretzels are making ithirsty.
iLove TIB!
iI iLove iTIB
iwin freeipod
iCould sure use this for running so iCan work off some small fraction of the calories iEat…
iWould love to iWin!!!
I usually stay away from Apple products, but free stuff is an iexception.
I wants to be able to lay out my iPad an my iPhone an my iPod Touch an my new justly won iPod Shuffle…lay all them Apple iDevices out so I can impress my bitches when dey come over…I can say “Look at all my iShit!”
iCan’t believe iAte the whole thing
I’m so embarrassed iTweeted that…
iBelieve iCan fly.
iWould like to win this! iNeed a new one!
iPick me!!!
iHate dead space in tortillas!
iJust sold my iPod to be able to pay my bills so I would love to have a new one. Sad but true iStory.
Ain’t nobody got iTime for that!
ilove the impulsive buy
I want, iNeed, yes please!
what is iTurkey??! iAmHorny ;0
iLove the reviews and spotted posts on The iMpulsive Buy.
These icomments are istupid
ilove this blog.
iMMMMMMpulsive Buy is a very nice stop on my everyday iBlogging journey.
iWant That iPod shuffle iPlease.
iThink therefore iAm – Descartes
iHate iSnakes Jock, iHate them – Indiana Jones
Ilove ichicken fingers and ineeds an ipod shuffle i!
This would be great for me to go iSkateboarding
iCan’t Believe iT’s Not Butt Cheeks!
idon’t understand why there is a need to put an i in from of every new product, but it is at least somewhat amusing–iRobot, iPad, etc etc. WHat’s next?
iAm a vegetarian so I won’t be eating any iTurkey. iTofurkey maybe.
I love iCap’n Crunch but the new iCinnamon Roll Cap’n Crunch was neither as yummy as regular iCap’n Crunch nor as addictive as iCinnabon cereal.
iWonder why Apple hasn’t iSued Nickelodeon for iCarly.
have a safe and happy vacation. it is well deserved. also, please make sure you pack your iUnderwear
if we don’t get some iSun instead of all this iSnow, I’m going to run screaming into the night.
iHEART ipod suffles
iM not a big iFan, but this iPod shuffle would work great with the headphones iHave with the ridiculously short repaired cord.
iHeart everything and iHeart everyone
iWant this iPod shuffle to drown away the snowing iSpring we have in Buffalo right now
iImpulsiveBuy because like you, I love to eat and try out random things. This is my favorite website.
iWonder what would happen if Apple and McDonald’s collaborated on products (under the “iMcCollaboration iMcAgreement”). Maybe iMcPrizes in Happy Meals! On second though, nevermind – McDonald’s can’t have the Apple iSignature in front of the “Mc”, plus “iMc” sounds too much like iMac, another Apple branding. “Mci” won’t work either, since it’s, well, “MCI”, which is now Verizon, but that’s another story…
iNever win these sorts of things…
Iwanna win this iPod so ican rock out in my stocking feet before iWork in the morning!
iM pretty confident iHave no chance of winning with so many entries. iLL give it a shot anyways.
iLike this site.
iWant this iPod shuffle to use at my desk where iWork.
You all will be iSorry when I win this iPod
Thank iGod it’s iFriday.
Not a big Apple fan, but iHeart free stuff.
Maybe I’ll iWin one day, Probably not but iHope
Im iStoked to maybe win this iPod!!
This is a great iContest! Hope iWin!
iheart istuff.
iAm not very creative, so this will have to suffice.
iWanna da iPod Shuffle.
iHeart Impulsive Buy! iWanna win iPod!
I tried a Mt Dew iKickstart. Not to ishabby.
iWant to win a shuffle. iThank you for the chance.
iLove Freestuff!
I iWant an iPod.
I tried a kickstart and it made me ifart.
iCould use a new iPod…
An iPod would make my iheart ising with ilove <3