ANNOUNCEMENT: Watch Me Talk About Snacks Tomorrow Morning on Hawaii News Now

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Hey Hawaii TIB readers! If you happen to be awake, not in traffic, and near a TV at 7:40 am tomorrow (Tuesday, April 2nd) I’m going to be on Hawaii News Now Sunrise talking about new snacks with Howard Dicus and Steve Uyehara.

Hey non-Hawaii TIB readers! If you happen to be near a computer at 10:40 am PST, 2:40 pm CST, or 3:40 pm EST, you can watch the segment via the Hawaii News Now livestream.

If you miss it, I think they’ll be putting up the clip on their website soon after they broadcast it.

Oh, one last thing. I was recently interviewed by Alaskan Public Radio for a story about McDonald’s Fish McBites. You can listen and read the transcript here.


3 responses to “ANNOUNCEMENT: Watch Me Talk About Snacks Tomorrow Morning on Hawaii News Now”

  1. Mike N.

    Do you always go by Marvin outside the TIB world? Marvo is a cool moniker, you could use it alone like Cher or Madonna or Kenji!

    I’m looking forward to seeing the new segment; congrats on the continued fame!

    1. I do. To be honest, Marvo is a nickname I gave myself because I didn’t want to use my real name.

  2. Alek

    I hope McDonald’s new additions to the menu will be better. The fish bites was okay my cat went nuts for it. I just removed the breading and gave her the fish part a very small amount as a treat.