The Impulsive Buy


Here are some interesting new and limited edition products found on store shelves by us and your fellow readers. If you’ve tried any of the products, share your thoughts about them in the comments.

Limited Edition Strawberries 'n Creme Oreo

I wonder if these Limited Edition Strawberries ‘n Creme Oreo cookies will taste like these limited edition Oreo cookies from a few years ago. I also wonder why Nabisco hasn’t put out a Limited Edition Mega Stuf Triple Double Oreo yet. They have the technology! (Spotted by Adam at Walmart.)

Nice Coconut Water Instant Powder Packs

At a quick glance, these look like varieties of Walgreens Nice Boxed Coconut Water. But if you look closer they’re really Walgreens Nice Instant Coconut Water Powder. Nice! (Spotted by Justine at Walgreens.)

Fruit Gushers Flavor Mixers

Whenever I’ve had something that claims it gushes, it ends up oozing. And whenever I’ve had something that claims it oozes, it ends up all over my clothes. (Spotted by Stephen at Waldbaum’s.)

Velveeta Cheesy Casseroles Dinner Kit Shepherd's Pie

I really wish there was a four-fingered anthropomorphic glove that can help me make this. (Spotted by Lauren at Publix.)

Thank you to all the photo contributors! If you’re out shopping and see an interesting new or limited edition product on the shelf, snap a picture of it, and send us an email ( with where you found it and “Spotted” in the subject line. If you do so, you might see your picture in our next Spotted on Shelves post.

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