Here are some interesting new and limited edition products found on store shelves by us and your fellow readers. If you’ve tried any of the products, share your thoughts about them in the comments.

Angie's Spooky Candy Corn Kettle Corn

I highly doubt this Angie’s Spooky Candy Corn Flavored Kettle Corn is actually spooky, unless it’s dusted with the dead souls of murderers or contains six grams of trans fat. (Spotted by Yuna at Target.)

Herr's Candy Corn Pretzels

Holy crap! Those pretzels have the measles AND yellow measles! (Spotted by Sylvia at Target.)

Kellogg's Rice Krispies Treats Monster Treats Sheet

Stoned Dracula and Frankenstein on the packaging are probably happy there’s two pounds of Rice Krispies Treats to help satisfy their munchies. (Spotted by Tim at Walmart.)

Limited Edition TruMoo Vanilla Halloween Orange Color

I wonder how many people are going to accidentally buy this thinking they bought orange juice. (Spotted by Maria at Walmart.)

Thank you to all the photo contributors! If you’re out shopping and see an interesting new or limited edition product on the shelf, snap a picture of it, and send us an email ( with where you found it and “Spotted” in the subject line. If you do so, you might see your picture in our next Spotted on Shelves post.


One response to “SPOTTED ON SHELVES (HALLOWEEN EDITION) – 10/16/2013”

  1. Eilonwy

    Kettle-corn coffee is because you can’t just say “butter and sugar in your coffee!”, even though butter in coffee tastes really good. (It was suggested on some foodie site and I tried it in a moment of crankiness. Think of it as very experienced creamer.)