PRIZE DRAWING: Because It’s The Season of Giving (2013 Edition)


Gift cards are a popular Christmas gift.

They are also a popular blog giveaway prize.

Because it’s the season of giving and the season of receiving gift cards, we are giving away, not one, but two $25 gift cards — one from McDonald’s and one from Subway.

To enter The Impulsive Buy’s Season of Giving (2013 Edition) Giveaway, leave a comment with THIS post. You can say whatever you want, but you MUST include which gift card you’d like to win. Please don’t forget to fill out the email field because we’ll be emailing the randomly selected winners for their mailing addresses.

We will stop accepting entries on Sunday, December 15, 2013 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. Only one comment allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents 18 years old or older.

For those of you who have a Twitter account, you can get an additional entry by tweeting one of the following by Sunday, December 15, 2013 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time:

Hey @theimpulsivebuy! @McDonalds is way better than @SUBWAY!


Hey @theimpulsivebuy! @SUBWAY is way better than @McDonalds!

So just copy, paste, and tweet. Only one tweet per Twitter account.

Good luck!

Fine Print: The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to send you holiday e-cards. Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send you melted snow (which would be hard to obtain here on this rock in the middle of the Pacific Ocean). Bribes will not be accepted. If you’re coming from a site called Online-Sweepstakes, your entries will be disqualified because this drawing for Impulsive Buy readers only. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail, damaged mail, or Santa giving you coal.


347 responses to “PRIZE DRAWING: Because It’s The Season of Giving (2013 Edition)”

  1. Starkzilla

    As a poor college student that McDonald’s gift card would be AMAZING.

  2. Misty Jones

    Subway!!! Crossing fingers for the win 🙂

  3. Erin

    I love them both! Hmmmmm I guess I would pick McDonalds and spend all $25 on ice cream cones.

  4. George B.

    Gunning for that Subway Card. Big Subs No Whammie.

  5. Nick T

    McDonalds all the way. Subway’s chicken is remarkably more processed than McDonalds’.

  6. Corrina

    Tough choice, but Subway please!

  7. Renee

    Thanks for an entertaining blog! I’m hoping to win the Subway gift card.

  8. Michelle

    I would like the McDonald’s!

  9. Lauren C

    Subway for sure!

  10. Angie S

    Love then both but in the fast food world, McDonalds
    is the French fry king! So McDonalds for me.

  11. Mike S.

    Many thanks for the contest–and season’s wishes to y’all!

    Think I’ll go for the Subways card–been awhile!

  12. Tim

    Just to keep up the grand tradition of alternating entries: McDonald’s (plus I find the other lacking)

  13. DrTom

    McDonald’s please!

  14. adam

    subway is where it’s at

  15. Alex

    As a major FAN of subway, I would definitely get use of that being a poor college student 🙂

  16. Veronica

    I sure love me some hash browns. YUMMY IN MY TUMMY!!!

  17. McDonald’s, please. Gimme back dat filet-o-fish. Give me dat fish.

  18. Wanna try those siracha subways

  19. well versed

    Gotta go with McDonald’s, more meals out of that $25! Thanks!

  20. Deanna

    College student with a Subway located on campus. That gift card would be much appreciated so I am no longer stuck eating crappy dining food. You feel me?

  21. Eric

    I want a McDonalds gift card because I need to try a Holiday Pie. And another McRib…

  22. Doug

    I would like the Subway gift card!

  23. Noodlez

    I needs a McDonalds gift card so I can get McRibs for my homeslices.

  24. Kara

    That McDonald’s gift card would be great!

  25. Kensie

    Tough choice, but I’m going to have to go with Subway 🙂

  26. KenDeezy

    McDonalds gift cards are my spirit animal.

  27. Jennifer

    I would like the Subway gift card.

  28. jezebel

    Mitch Hedberg: “I went to a Subway sandwich shop, and I said, ‘Let me have a bun,’ but she wouldn’t sell me just a bun. She said it had to have something on it. She told me it’s against regulations for Subway to sell just a bun; I guess the two halves ain’t supposed to touch. So, I said, ‘Alright, put some lettuce on it,’ which they did. They said, ‘That’ll be $1.75.’ I said, ‘It’s for a duck.’ They said, ‘Alright, well then it’s free.’ See, I did not know that — ducks eat for free at Subway. Had I known that, I would’ve ordered a much larger sandwich. ‘Lemme have the steak fajita sandwich, but don’t bother ringing it up, it’s for a duck! There are six ducks out there, and they all want SunChips!’”

  29. Peter

    Does’nt someone make a McSub somewhere?

  30. Jeremiah


  31. Matthew

    McDonald’s is my choice!

  32. M86

    Hmmm, tough choice. I’m going to go with Subway… Because the new year is less than a month away, and I’m sure I’ll attempt a New Year’s resolution of attempting to eat somewhat healthier. And I’m sure that resolution will last no longer than 2 weeks.

  33. Deanna

    McDonalds all the way!!!

  34. Lester

    Ooh, I’d love to get a Subway gift card. I know a lot of people I could give it to who would enjoy it!

  35. Richard

    McDonalds rocks the house!

  36. Rhonda

    I would love the Subway gift card!

  37. Jeff

    Subway, just for the Southwest sauce!

  38. Zack

    I want the Subway car because I’m tired of making my lunch for work.

  39. Mike Davis

    Since I got some really amazing food poisoning at Subway, I’d opt for the McDonalds card.

  40. Patrick K

    I want the Mcdonalds giftcard so I can try out the items on the no-longer dollar menu!

  41. Chelsie

    Tis the season to be naughty mc mc mc mc mc mc mcdooonnaaaallldssss!

  42. Kim Parrott

    Gotta go with Mickey D’s – happy holidays!!

  43. Matt

    It would be great to use the McDonalds card to try all the new stuff on the lamely named “Dollar Menu and More” Menu

  44. Liz Clark

    I need to keep a fill on my unsweet tea addiction, So Mcdonalds!

  45. Craig

    Subway. Happy holidays!

  46. Eagles409

    McD’s, that will buy a lot of those Holiday Pies they have this time of year.

  47. Melissa Long

    I would dig the McDonald’s gift card. Thanks for the chance!

  48. Mike

    I’ll have a McDonald’s card.

  49. adina

    Subway rules, Mcdonalds drules!

  50. Kim

    McDonald’s! To help feed my guilty pleasure.

  51. Luke

    McDonalds! Happy Christmas!

  52. Brent

    I’d like the McDonalds card, hopefully in time to gorge myself on McRibs. A guilty pleasure of mine. Shh.

  53. sairentohiru

    Subway because I’m a slave to that sweet, sweet bread.

  54. jrdunn

    Mcdonalds. That equals 24 soft serve cones to only 4 $5 footlongs

  55. Andy

    Subway please!

  56. joeseph

    I’d have to go with subway. Way better options for eating on the go

  57. Casey Miller

    Subway pbbbblease! Thanks!

  58. Joe

    McDonalds GC PLEASE. I need to it to get the entire NFL RUSH Zone Happy Meal Toy collection. Happy Holidays!! Thanks.

  59. Rod Telfer

    Love to have some free McDonalds!

  60. Karen L

    Subway please!

  61. Lisa C

    Please send me to subway.

    1. dizznee

      Mcdonalds rocks ! Happy Holidays to you & yours !

  62. I am a professional eater and am planning to do a six-foot footlong challenge soon! A gift card to Subway would definitely help with that!

    Unfortunately, I just read the fine print… As a citizen of Canada I am pretty much out of luck :/ Oh well, if you are interested in seeing me perform that stunt and others like it feel free to checkout my Youtube channel “Junkfood Bodybuilding” (shameless plug)

    Have a great day!


  63. Jeff

    McDonalds please.

  64. Jack

    Prove my third grade teacher wrong! S-u-b-w-a-y!

  65. Kassie Jamison

    McDonalds please 😀

  66. Billy

    Yo, Marvo. I love me some Subway! 🙂

  67. Whitney

    Whoop! I’d love the McD’s!

  68. Jennifer


  69. Missy

    Mickey D’s!!

  70. Frenchman

    I feel like I’m in the minority, but I’ll go with Subway

  71. Craig L

    Well, a Subway Gift Card would make up for January when the price of the 6-inch Meatball Sub goes back up from $2 to whateveritusuallyis.

  72. Melissa

    Subway Please I wouldn’t mind winning.Great Contest.

  73. Subway, yo. Eat fresh.

  74. Nate

    McDonalds please! Nice cheap food for the family!

  75. Marc

    I like ’em both for different reasons, but if I had to pick one to win I’d rather have McDonald’s. I love your blog and your podcasts!!! Happy Holidays!

  76. Kyle

    $5 Chipotle Chicken & Cheese, and $4 Meatball Marinara footlons sounds so good right now! Put me in for Subway!

  77. Claudia

    Love The Impulsive Buy …. would love to win a gift card. Either one of the two would be wonderful!

  78. Madeleine

    Thanks for the giveaway! I’d love the Subway card given I live walking distance from one of their stores!

  79. Lisa Siwanowicz

    I have not eaten fast food in twenty years but if i win i will go to McDonalds. I read your blog faithfully and since you tell me how it is i don’t need to eat it myself! My waist & my husband thank you! Lisa Marie

  80. Shawna F.

    Id love to win the mcdonalds gift card!

  81. Tyesha Miller

    Subway plz.

  82. Jesse Jaymz

    Subway because, well, Sriracha chicken subs.

  83. Tyler M


  84. Christian MH


  85. santi

    Mcdonalds because I owe my girlfriend a mcflurry

  86. UncleMatty

    I’d like the McDonalds GC, thanks!

  87. jezebelseven

    Mcdonalds, because, uh, well, Holiday Pies.

  88. Breezy

    McDonald’s – cause I’m fat. E-I-E-I-O

  89. Rob

    McDonalds ROCKS!

  90. Siva

    Subway because of their healthier options!

  91. Todd

    I would like the McDonalds gift card.

  92. storm eastvold

    I love it! mcdonalds

  93. Annie

    Happy Holidays! Mcdonalds please!

  94. JN

    Mcdonalds please.

  95. chase

    Eat fresh at SUBWAY!

  96. Linny

    McDonald’s, cause I’m cheap and can get more bang for my buck. LOL.

  97. Kelly D

    McDonalds, because my husband said to my just a second ago “I want McDonalds”.

  98. tk

    subway is my go-to lunch meal for lazy days.

  99. Matthew

    I thoroughly enjoy reading the blog/website. Please keep up the good work!

  100. Susan Garcia

    I’d love to win the Mcdonald’s gift card! I would take my brother out to lunch there since he always treats me. 🙂

  101. Sean

    Mcdonalds because Subway is disgusting

  102. Ryan

    I’m a skinny ass boy and that mcdonalds gift card will be MINE.
    I need extra holiday poundage

  103. I don’t know the last time I had McDonald’s fries. Or pies. ZOMG.

  104. Ryandog

    Ill say the Mcdonalds gift card impulsivebuy!! Good luck every1!

    Happy Holidays yall!

  105. Melissa F

    I love reading all of your reviews. I’d love to win the McDonald’s gift card.

  106. Christine

    I have an odd love for Subway!

  107. Codi

    hella love subway, theres one right on campus and i need that gift card owo

  108. Subway giftcard, I was naughty this year so santa wont be bringing me anything.

  109. Clevegal42

    Two all beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese pickles onions on a sesame seed bun! I’m picking Subway, of course!

    Just kidding – McD’s all the way! With a gift card I’ll finally be able to afford a Big Mac.

  110. I’d love the Subway gift card! We’ve got one right here in the building at work! (A Subway, not a gift card.)

  111. Erin

    I’m such a Subway girl!

  112. Diane Beebe

    Love The Impulsive Buy and I would like the Subway card.

  113. michelle wolfe

    Would love a Subway card!

  114. Pimousse

    Subway all the way!

  115. Deanna

    Thanks for the time and dedication you put into making this blog a fun and educational resource. Your blog is a daily source of interesting and comical food updates. I would very much appreciate winning the Subway card, given that I’m a poor college student with an appetite. Thanks again!

  116. Marianne

    I’d take either … Subway and McDonald’s each have their place and their taste 🙂

  117. I would gladly take the Subway gift card off of your hands!

  118. Cathy Ting

    McDonald’s, cause then my kids my kids will stop whining a outgoings there!

  119. dallas

    mcdonalds. Love this site, your reviews are the best.

  120. Caley

    Subway, but either would be awesome!

  121. Jessica

    Mcdonalds!!! Now I’m craving it, damn you!

  122. stacey

    subway would be awesome

  123. Karina

    Could definitely use the Subway coupon- we go all the time!

  124. Brent

    Subway! I dunno how I would even spend $25 at McDonald’s.

  125. michele

    McDonalds. I need more Holiday Pies

  126. Nathan

    Hey, The Impulsive Buy is awesome and a gift card for McDonald’s would be too!

  127. Enrique L.

    The McDonald’s gift card will be a good gift for our annual white elephant party.

  128. Jennifer

    Subway would be a great gift card to receive!

  129. Sofia

    Love that moment when you open the door to Subway and are enveloped by the smell of baked bread.

    And fresh cookies. Heaven forbid I forget the cookies.

  130. Allie in SC

    Would loooooove to win the Subway gift card! I love their sandwiches. And the COOKIES! If I win, I am taking my twin sister out for an awesome lunch. We love the chocolate chip cookies! Thank you for offering up a giveaway so close to the holidays. Woohoo!

  131. JoAnn

    The Subway gift card would be absolutely great!

  132. Heather B

    Subway! Yum!

  133. Brian

    McDonalds has some pretty awesome hot cookies too, I would get $25 worth of hot cookies to ring in the New Year

  134. Echo710

    Would prefer the McDonald’s card. Because shamrock shakes. (Or holiday pies, if I don’t want to wait that long.)

  135. Kaylin

    I would love to win the Subway gift card please!

  136. Patrick Bateman

    Since Mac-Donald’s specializes in crap food, I’d have to go with Subway. nWo 4 Life!

  137. Samir

    I love this site. Happy Holidays!

  138. charlotte

    McDonalds gift care pleeeeeeeeeeeeeze so I can try for free the burgers you have been reviewing. Thanks!

  139. kris k

    Mcdonalds sounds good:-)

  140. Randa

    McDonalds would be amazing, chicken everything!

  141. Michelle Stareu

    SUBWAY! Hate their low quality bread but you get what you get

  142. Brent

    Since I loved McDonald’s commercials when I was a kid, “It’s a good time for the great taste…of McDonald’s”, I would love a McDonald’s gift card.

  143. Melissa C

    even though i do like subway, i’d have to chose the mcdonald’s gift card!

  144. Andrew

    I like free stuff 😀

  145. Jay

    Definitely McDonald’s. I can stretch it on in the dollar menu for a while.

  146. Ray

    I would love to win the McDonalds gift card, to take my family out for a fun meal as a gift to them for all they do for me.

  147. Keiko

    McDonalds all the way!

  148. I’ll go with McDonald’s, please.

  149. Erin Ahern

    It is the season of giving. I’d love to be given a free McD’s gift card and if they produce any sort of interesting new menu item, I promise to GIVE you a full ” Spotted on Shelf” update. Thank you for giving us a chance!

  150. geoff

    I like Subway and McDonalds. Double my chances, double my chins

  151. snuff


  152. Deanna

    I’d love the Subway one. 🙂

  153. skye

    Subway, please, just ’cause it’s healthier. I’ll miss the fries. I wish they offered a spinach and artichoke or roasted veggie sandwich…

  154. Sami

    Meow, subway, please.

  155. Becky

    Subway!! Trying to be somewhat healthy

  156. Raymond Torres

    If I had to choose, I’d say I want the Mcdonalds gift card. I’d spend it on the Mccafe items.

  157. Meral Henton

    I would love that Subway gift card! I have been wanting to try the new Siracha melts! 🙂

  158. Natalie

    I would love the subway card!

  159. TC

    I’d like to say I want Subway because it’d be healthier…but let’s be real, you can make the most deliciously unhealthy sandwiches there if you try hard enough. Mmmm Subway…

  160. laura

    McDonalds.. I haven’t had it in 10 years.. or more.

  161. Nick O.

    Always McDonalds! MCD > Subway

  162. kellie

    i love subway!

  163. Sandy

    Just because you made that jalapeno burger sound SO dang tasty, I’d go with McDonald’s please! 😀

  164. Carrie

    I get oh so hungry for Subway!

  165. Erin

    Mcdonalds all the way!!!

  166. Alexandra Tikerpuu

    Just tried Subway’s new creamy sriracha sauce on my turkey sandwich today and I could definitely go for more with a free gift card 😀 SUBWAY FTW!

  167. Brian Pierson

    I’ve been meaning to go to Subway more, so a $25 gift card would be a good reason for me to start going there again.

  168. Barbara

    McDonald’s is much closer to me then subway.!!

  169. Hungry Guy


  170. Brandon

    Subway whoopity whoop whoop!

  171. Yvonne S

    As much as I love the McRib, I doubt I could spend $25 at McDonald’s…so Subway for me, please! Thank you for this giveaway!

  172. taylor

    definitely subway!!

  173. JO

    That’s a lot of grilled onion cheddar burgers! McD’s, please!

  174. Jimmy James

    All in for that Subway GC! Woooo!

  175. Alexis

    I’m a broke college student so Mcdonalds if definitely the way to go 🙂

  176. I would probably prefer to win Subway over McDonald’s, though it’s a toss up! I’d take either one 🙂

  177. Sammy B

    McDs please

  178. Chris

    Crossing my fingers to win that McDonalds card!!!

  179. Stefanie B.

    McDonalds WTF!

  180. Claire

    Subway! I never get to have it because I always opt for whats cheapest LOL

  181. Prime Time Pauly G

    So I generally try not to eat at McD’s because there are usually healthier alternatives, but if you, Marvo, are treating me, then I’m all in! Hook me up with McDonalds, Marvo!.

  182. Nico

    McDonald’s! Rock & Roll McDonald’s is a few blocks away from where I work. Of course, so is Subway, but I get to see this particular restaurant location that Wesley Willis immortalized in song!

  183. AMG

    I would have to choose Subway, I did have a decent sandwich there this summer.

  184. Jess

    Sometimes you get on the subway, and there’s a person eating a sub, and you’re like CRAP I need to go to Subway. And then you wished you had a Subway gift card, because then you could get one of those three-foot subs, and eat it all by yourself.

    Yeah, totally the Subway card.

  185. BL

    I choose McDonalds, the lesser of two evils (in terms of food quality).

  186. Keith young

    Love the website visit it everyday and either one on the cards

  187. Toni

    Actually, it is not terribly difficult to get melted snow on this rock in the middle of the Pacific.

    I’d choose the McDonalds gift card; I don’t know that I actually prefer it over Subway, but since someone gave me a Subway gift card (that I have yet to use) for my birthday, a McDs card would balance me out.

  188. Jessica J. Ehlers

    Hey Marvo, I haven’t won a contest yet. Maybe this will be my first!! 🙂 McDonald’s, please! 🙂

  189. sany

    I’ve been a good girl all year so I deserve some McDonald’s treats before the year is over!!

  190. Caitlin

    I would like McDonald’s because 1. They have delicious fries and Subway has no fries and 2. I could take my nephew to McDonald’s and make him think I’m cooler.

  191. Jarred

    I need a break from McDonald’s. I’ve eaten there so many times compared to Subway. I think its time to finally switch it up. If I won the Subway gift card, I’d make it my duty to try as many new things as I could. That is my pledge as a foodie. XD

  192. Mama june

    I eat subway almost everyday for lunch so mcdonalds card for me!!

  193. J

    McDonald’s for me. Their new dollar menu items are all pretty solid.

    Happy holidays!

  194. Jonathan

    Nothing says “Happy Birthday” like a McDonald’s gift card. Now I can take all my friends out for some nuggets. My treat!

  195. Kari

    Subway. Once I get back to the US, I’d like me some Subway.

  196. Devin

    I despise Subway, so I would like to win the McDonald’s gift card.

  197. Shandelle

    Subway! Subway! Subway!

  198. sylvia

    since subway is pretty much the only fast-food place i go to, i would love to win a gift card so i can spend less money there than usual! maybe save some and try another restaurant!

  199. Kim

    McDonald’s gift card please.

  200. nonobadkitty

    I would love to win a SUBWAY gift card so I can buy some Southwest Turkey Bacon sandwiches. 🙂

  201. I’m Lovin It

  202. Frogbert

    I would like the subway one and then I would like you to dance for my amusement.

  203. imgovtdrone

    Because I can’t take a subway I will instead eat a Subway sandwich.

  204. Kate

    Subway would be awesome.

  205. Would love to treat my mom to a tasty lunch from Subway!

  206. Lindsay Kermisch

    Subway FTW

  207. McDonalds rules!!!

  208. Danger

    I’m looking forward to the jalapeno popper items at McDonalds!

  209. JonnyThunder

    Subway…sriracha yummy…

  210. NG

    I’d love to win the McDonald’s card! It’d keep me in Filet-o-Fish sandwiches and fries for a while!

  211. B. Locke

    McDonalds please!

  212. kevin

    Because im in love with the new siracha sauce, i would love that subway gift card!

  213. Shellie

    I would love it if Santa brought me a Subway gift card!

  214. Nicholas

    Subway is much much tastier than McDonald’s!

  215. Mike N.

    McD me!

  216. Mandy

    Subway FTW!

  217. i’d love to win subways!

  218. Mike

    I’d take the McDonalds, can’t stand that Subway smell.

  219. David

    Probably McDonald’s- Subway is often “out” of something, bread, meat, cheese…

  220. Jennifer

    Subway! My daughter and I’s favorite dinner date!

  221. Whitney

    Subway! It would make my year.

  222. Corey

    Subway! Sriracha meeeeee, son.

  223. Megan

    McDonald’s! More bang for your buck!

  224. Stephanie

    If I’m going to be wearing my fat pants this holiday season anyway, might as well go for some Big Macs. McDonald’s!

  225. Barbara

    McDonald’s. Cause nothing says Christmas like Holiday Pie!!

  226. Adam

    Subway! I needs me a hot meatball sammich to make it through the holidays!

  227. Jasmine

    A couple of years ago my boyfriend asked where I wanted to go for dinner on Valentine’s Day and I told him that the only thing I was really craving was Subway. SUBWAY! I love how you can smell that delicious bread a block away.

    P.S. My boyfriend did not agree to Subway on Valentine’s Day.

  228. Karen

    McDonald’s for sure. Even though there’s apparently no McRib period this year.

  229. KRISTI P

    burr its cold…..a subway cheddar chipotle sub sounds gooooodddd!

  230. Josh

    I would love the McDonald’s gift card!!

  231. I would love to win a Subway Gift Card, please!

  232. Anne Sutton

    The annual Chick-fil-A calendar is a great deal at Christmas. I got one last year for $5 and probably got over $25 worth of food (from a GOOD fast food place). And they are making strides in taking artificial everything out of their buns and soup. The calendar is now $6 but has some great free food if you take advantage of it every month. OK this has nothing to do with Mickey D’s or Subway. Hmmmm but if I won, I’d have to pick McDonald’s because I can do a lot with their dollar menu 🙂

  233. Kim

    Subway, ours has a yummy taco sub!

  234. Colby

    Subway, Sriracha Chicken!

  235. Laurie

    McDonalds card please, their breakfast alone beats Subway by a mile!

  236. Chad

    Mcdonalds card please! Merry Christmas!

  237. Megan

    McDonalds please! Their dollar menu is pretty good.

  238. David

    Subway! Because the only thing better than “Eat Fresh!” is Eat Free!

  239. BigBelly

    I’d like to Mcwin a McDonalds card

  240. Tony

    I love that sweet onion sauce from subways!

  241. Emily Semmelrock

    McDonald’s gift card for Christmas… I’m Lovin’ It (c)!

    1. Lisa

      Jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way ,
      Oh what fun it is to eat a Big Mac and not pay
      I would love to get the gift of the McDonald’s card please!

  242. Laura

    Subway, thanks!

  243. Carissa

    Subway, thank you.

  244. Caren

    Subway please!

  245. Anthony

    Subway all the way!

  246. Kate W.

    McDonald’s please! I’ll make it last with 20+ orders of $1 Coke Zero. Yum! And thanks!

  247. Theresa Bergeron

    Subway supports Michael Vick; therefore I don’t patronize them. McDonalds, please!

  248. Curtis P.

    $25 McDonalds Gift Card. Good luck to everyone. Thanks.

  249. Matt B

    Subway is where it’s at. Would like to win a Xmas present of Subway.

  250. Gabrielle

    I’ll take a McDonald’s gift card, pretty please :D.

  251. Alyssa

    Subway, please! 🙂

  252. maryanne

    McDonalds please

  253. Benicia

    I would LOVE to win the SubWay one! I’d be eating FRESH for DAYS and could CAPITALIZE on this SO HARD ! !

  254. Marc


  255. AJ

    Would love to be eating Subway for a month for my diet!

    Thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  256. Rik

    Lovin’ the Nosh show, Marvo!

  257. Ant29

    Subway rules!

  258. Amy J

    Subway! Love their flat bread sandwiches!

  259. Jamie G

    The [not-so-fine] print is great, as is Subway =]

  260. Christine

    Hope I win the Subway gift card! Thanks for holding this giveaway!
    I’m really enjoying the Nosh Show!

  261. Sava

    McDonald’s gift card!

  262. Jenn

    Subway, pleezopleezopleez.

  263. Elizabeth

    Mcdonalds, por favor!

  264. SL

    McDonald’s FTW!!

  265. Greg

    Subway is where it’s at!

  266. I’d love a Subway card. They are only a few blocks from where I live. Great store.

  267. Jennifer

    Love this blog! And I would like the McDonalds gift card

  268. Andi

    Subway s’il vous plait !

  269. david

    Oh, the weather outside is frightful, MickeyD’s would be delightful.

  270. Katie M

    I’d love to win a Subway giftcard. The Sweet Onion Sauce is amazing…I want to buy bottles of it 🙂

  271. Holly B

    Subway is my everyday work lunch so I’ll take that card. Sriracha!

  272. Andy

    These pretzels are making me thirsty! Mcdonalds for the win!

  273. Amy N

    I would love the subway card! That would be so helpful and healthful, too!

  274. Stew

    McDonald’s for me.

  275. Jennifer

    I would love to have that Subway giftcard!

  276. Jorge

    I’d like to win the Subway gift card. It’s my usual lunch option when I can’t pack anything to it’d be nice.

  277. Bj

    I would prefer the McDonalds card. I go there way too often when I get off work at midnight.

  278. Meagan


  279. Jordan

    I think whoever wins the drawing should be forced to write a holiday jingle of thanks. I’d like the McDonald’s card.

  280. patti

    Subway, definitely!

  281. Courtney

    McDonald’s gift card please! I’d definitely use this for breakfast on my way to work!

  282. Brooke O’Connell

    I want the mcdonalds gift card please.

  283. Andrew

    Subway please!

  284. Mary D

    Send Subway my way, please!

  285. Eric K

    MickeyD’s please!

  286. sf11

    Subway please.

  287. Kelly

    Who are we kidding, I eat both! McD, please!

  288. Steph

    Both are great but I’m going with McDonald’s!

  289. Peyton

    I’m going with mcdonalds

  290. I’d love to win the Subway card!

  291. Icedus

    I accept full responsibility for any coal received this year. Also, if I ended up getting picked for the McDonald’s gift card, I’d totally accept one of those too.

  292. Katie

    I would love a subway giftcard for the cure fact of never having to cook dinner again…uh..I give to someone else so they never have to cook again?

  293. Donn D

    Subway would be great!

  294. Dannielle

    Not a fan of the other choice so, McDonald’s please.

  295. vicky


  296. LC

    McDonald’s please. Mmmm burgers!

  297. matt


  298. subway giftcard omg

  299. Jordan

    Subway for a day!

  300. Retha

    I would like mcdonalds

  301. Angel H.

    McDonald’s, please!

  302. Sam

    I would like to buy $35 worth of fries from Mcdonalds, pour them on the floor and roll around in them.

  303. Jennifer

    I worked at Subway in Kaneohe (Windward City Shopping Center) in 1990 before it was super popular and found in every town. My favorite back then was a turkey on wheat with everything. Twenty three years later I still order the same sandwich and I still love it just as much. I would love to win a Subway gift card!

  304. Jordan

    Subway!!! So I can pretend to be healthy but really douse those puppies in mayo!!! Excitement!!!

  305. Farrah Lee

    I would love the Subway gc..esp since I started my diet this week 😉 Happy Holidays!

  306. Jessica

    There is a subway on my campus, so having a gitftcard for there would be lovely!!

  307. Bernadette

    Subway gift card all the way. Why? Meatball Marinara. I can finally pay for piano lessons!

  308. frank

    mcdonalds for me

  309. Sarah

    I can haz subway gift card? I’d like to eat my weight in sriacha chicken melts <3

  310. Jennifer P.

    Subway all the WAY!!

  311. Neil

    McDonalds so I can feed my 19 dogs…uh kids..

  312. Jenny

    Subway! Chicken pizziola!

  313. Danielle


  314. Thistle

    McDonalds. Their fries are the bestest!

    I’m glad you’re kicking out people from that other site, it will increase my odds– er, be more fair to your real readers!

  315. Whitney

    Gotta go with Subway!

  316. Kelsey

    Subway gift card would be nice since im a college student on a budget:)

  317. Thank you for this giveaway! I hope I win the McDonald’s gift card! My first job was at a McDonald’s, and I *love* their fries!

  318. Mike

    McDonalds, please. McDonalds is gross, but Subway is grosser.

  319. Brooke

    Subway is my hungover brunch of choice. Please help support my drinking habit

  320. ACm

    Im into a McDonalds gift card, because that’s definitely a way to justify going ; )

  321. Brandon L

    Subway. “Because I like to pretend I’m healthy” hahaha

    1. Robert

      McDonald’s…wanna get fat and be happy!

  322. Roy

    Subway. Mmm.. cookies.

  323. jen

    Subway, extra banana peppers for me lol1

  324. John Hoy

    Subway FTW! I work at McDonald’s and would love a change in meals lol.

  325. Sherry

    I’d love the McDonalds gift card!

  326. Elise

    Let’s be honest, the McDonalds gift card would get used much faster for me. Justifying it to myself that it’s because I work late and they’re still open when I leave… eh whatever.

  327. Sarah

    i would like the subway card, because the excessive advertising during football on sunday gets me EVERY TIME!!!

  328. An


  329. Milagros

    I come by your site everyday!!!
    McDonalds giftcard would be nice. Merry Christmas!!!

  330. jeremy

    mcdonalds please

  331. Carrie

    I’d like the Subway card – because I don’t pretend to eat healthy, I DO eat healthy.

    I actually had a fish sandwich from McDonald’s the other night (first time in about a year) and my mouth felt AWFUL after eating it – it had this strange, oily feel that I just HATED. Ugh. I think that it’ll be a long, long time (as in never) before I have another fish sandwich from McDonald’s.

  332. Brent D

    A Mcdonalds gift card would be awesome!

  333. selina

    Gift cards are awesome, subway gift cards are awesomer!

  334. Rae

    I would love a mcdonalds gift card!!

  335. Sunny

    Thanks for prizes! Prizes are great! I would like the Subway gift card……because honestly, I think McDonalds is gross…..

  336. Brian

    I would love to win a Subway gift card!!

  337. Emily

    McDonalds, since I don’t have to get out of my car to get dinner. #lazy

  338. Allison B.

    Subway–my husband grabs lunch there all the time.

  339. Aaron soles

    A McDonald’s gift card would be awesome! I love the impulsive buy!

  340. Kaci W

    I heart their breakfast!

  341. Andy

    Subway is the WAY TO BE

  342. amber c

    Subway is the best!

  343. Emma

    Great blog!

    Subway, natch.

  344. Andre

    Huh; I entered a Christmas blog contest that had Mountain Standard Time stipulations, and now a contest with Hawaii Standard Time rules. I feel like Marty McFly, bouncing between time zones! Or, at least, learning how to figure what the local time is in said zone.

    And… McDonalds gift card please! Merry Kwa-New-Dr King-tines celebration!