QUICK REVIEW: California Pizza Kitchen Limited Edition Greek Recipe Crispy Thin Crust Pizza

California Pizza Kitchen Limited Edition Greek Recipe Crispy Thin Crust Pizza

Purchased Price: $5.99 (on sale)
Size: 14.3 oz.
Purchased at: Safeway
Rating: 5 out of 10
Pros: Wonderful crispy crust. Preservative-free crust. Lots of veggies, especially olives and tomatoes. If you don’t eat meat, you may like this pizza. Decent source of vitamin A and calcium. Ready in 12 quick minutes.
Cons: ALL I CAN TASTE AND SMELL ARE OLIVES!!! (Okay, occasionally, I could taste parmesan, spinach, and a little bit of garlic.) Tomatoes give the pizza a juicy texture. Red onions were flavorless. Didn’t notice the tzatziki sauce. Some lamb might’ve been nice. A serving is a third of the pizza…who’s going to cut a pizza into an odd number of slices? I suck at fractions.

California Pizza Kitchen Limited Edition Greek Recipe Crispy Thin Crust Pizza Closeup

Nutrition Facts: 1/3 pizza – 300 calories, 130 calories from fat, 15 grams of fat, 5 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 20 milligrams of cholesterol, 550 milligrams of sodium, 30 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of fiber, 2 grams of sugar, 10 grams of protein, 20% vitamin A, 2% vitamin C, 20% calcium, and 10% iron.


6 responses to “QUICK REVIEW: California Pizza Kitchen Limited Edition Greek Recipe Crispy Thin Crust Pizza”

  1. Annie Benson

    Cut it into six pieces and eat two of them.

    Or you could eat my portion as well, if you like. Olives = ick.

    1. Oh yeah. Heh. I am not bright.

  2. Come on. It should have Gyro meat on it or Marithes(look em up). I’d eat that then. More like a greek salad pizza.

  3. rob

    I like olives on a pizza but I would like some chicken too, imo CPK has upped their chicken game over the past year.

    Nothing but veggies as far as the eye can see …

  4. jwoolman

    I’m surprised someone hasn’t patented a pizza cutting template for cutting a round pizza into 3 or 6 pieces (which are equally difficult to do). I generally just do the nutritional math for my pizza database and cut into quarters or eighths. The math can be easiest per package sometimes, as well as by the slice. An alternative would be to dig up a protractor and refresh my memory of geometry. There are ways to evenly divide a circle …

    Or just pig out and cut the darned thing in half.

    1. jwoolman

      Actually they should just draw a cutting template on the inside of the box.