A lot of people say they hit a depressive slump after the holidays, when the temperatures are cold and the nights are long. I hit a bigger slump after the Easter clearance at CVS is gone and I can no longer find a seasonal Reese’s shape for six months.
I’m Natalie, a college student in the middle of nowhere New Hampshire. The closest Target store is two hours away and my parents are probably sick of me calling and asking for a package of [insert seasonal/exclusive/new product here]. I troll grocery store aisles in my spare time and drove to the Ben & Jerry’s factory instead of attending my first orientation event. I placed a bid in that first auction for the Triple Double Oreo and started a campaign to bring back Green Apple Skittles after their first appearance in 2001 (We finally did it, America!) My taste buds are really into things with double-digit sugar contents and high fat dairy. Preferably both.
In a class last year, I was tempted to suggest the rebirth of Oreo O’s cereal as way to stimulate our nation’s economy. At that point, I realized I probably needed another outlet for my food obsession if I wanted to graduate, and now you all are stuck reading my babble. Thank you for being the savior of my GPA.
I am now on a mission to serve you in finding and tasting any new product that hits the shelves. I will search high and low through my rural New Hampshire wilderness, and then likely call someone in real civilization to mail it to me. But that’s okay, cause it’s my job now, so I have an excuse.
Hiya, Natalie! It’s good to see another college student also writing reviews for the site. I look forward to reading your work! And definitely look into purchasing some Oreo O’s from South Korea. They’re all over eBay.
If a girl ever gave me some boxes of Korean Oreo O’s as a birthday present, I’d marry her immediately. Alas. Every single soul I mention this cereal to gives me a blank look. I have never met a girl who likes Oreo O’s as much as me… Much less has even heard of them.
Good to have you onboard, Ms. Natalie.
Hi Natalie! I’m from NH too. Welcome!
Hi natalie! I’m also a new blogger! Nice to sort of meet you through the internet 🙂
Hiya, Natalie!
A little late jumping on the train here, but I wanted to give you a hearty howdy-do. Welcome to TIB! Totally love your writing style and looking forward to what you write next. 🙂
I’m Heather, I’m from NH too! Which college are you at? Plymouth State? Dartmouth? Nice to have a felloe NH female on TIB!
You’re responsible for the Green Apple Skittles? Gaaaaaaah! All the rage.
Welcome aboard! Happy to send you anything you need I live in Los Angeles.
Welcome to TIB. Nice article!