FAST FOOD FIVE – 2/25/2014


Here are five recent fast food news bites:

Taco Bell is going to roll out breakfast nationwide. When it does, I shall Live BreakMás. (via Grub Grade)

It was surprising to learn TCBY bought Mrs. Fields years ago, which makes it even more surprising they didn’t pair the two earlier. But it was even more surprising to learn TCBY and Mrs. Fields still exist. (via PR Newswire)

It’s fast food fish feason! (via Brand Eating)

Look at what Sonic’s got, people who are saying “screw it” to their New Year’s Resolution to eat healthy. (via Business Wire)

Because I’ll never try this, I now want to whip up a bowl of lemon sauce and dip some KFC in it. (via Brand Eating)


3 responses to “FAST FOOD FIVE – 2/25/2014”

  1. I wasn’t aware that breakfast at Taco Bell was not a nationwide thing. We’ve had it here in Washington for as long as I can remember.

  2. Kyle B.

    I’ve had the chance to try Taco Bell’s new breakfast menu, and it really wasn’t something to write home about. The waffle taco was pretty soggy, while the grillers and the other items were just variations of the same ingredients…well, I guess you can say that for most of the food served there. ANYWAY, since Taco Bell is rolling this out nationwide, I guess the test worked!

  3. sarah

    FINALY cookie dough at Sonic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!