Here are five recent fast food news bites:
You get a Starbucks that sells Teavana Oprah Chai Tea! You get a Starbucks that sells Teavana Oprah Chai Tea! And you get a Starbucks that sells Teavana Oprah Chai Tea! Everyone gets a Starbucks that sells Teavana Oprah Chai Tea! (via Business Wire)
Three words: Popcorn chicken nachos. (via Brand Eating)
Have you ever thought to yourself, “Hey, I wish I could get more bacon on Carl’s Jr’s Western Bacon Thickburger without having to flirt with the cashier?” Well, for a limited time, you don’t need to. (via Grub Grade)
Red Robin…Yum, um, how did I get here? Where’s my shoe? I’m not drunk, you’re drunk. The floor feels so good on my face. Red Robin…(hurl). (via Brand Eating)
Sorry we’re late with this Domino’s online ordering pizza deal that ends tomorrow and really late with this 2 for $1 corn dog deal at Weinerschnitzel that ends today. (via Grub Grade)