The Impulsive Buy

FAST FOOD NEWS: Rally’s Crispy Chicken Tacos

Rally's Crispy Chicken Tacos

Rally's Crispy Chicken Tacos Closeup

Impulsive Buy readers Jacob and Ali purchased these Crispy Chicken Tacos at a Rally’s location in Bowling Green, Ohio. According to Jacob, it consisted of “a pile of popcorn chicken chunks, liquid cheese, and ranch sauce with some lettuce thrown in for texture.” There’s also a spicy version.

He went on to say, “The tacos weren’t bad, but they weren’t anything super noteworthy. The cheese & ranch sauces overpowered everything, and the tacos weren’t very well-constructed. They were more like a messy wrap than anything else.”

There’s no mention of them on the Rally’s or Checkers websites, but if you’ve seen and/or tried them, let us know in the comments.

(Thanks for the photos Jacob & Ali!)

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