REVIEW: Jack in the Box Spicy Sriracha Burger

Jack in the Box Spicy Sriracha Burger

I imagine there are a number of you who got really excited when you saw the the word “sriracha” in the title of this review. In your head, you’re probably yelling, “SRIRACHA!!!” But I am here to extinguish your excitement like milk extinguishes the capsaicin in your mouth when you eat something spicy.

I can understand your excitement because my head was screaming, “SRIRACHA!!!” after I ordered one. However, my head was thinking something else after I ate it.

The Spicy Sriracha Burger looks like a Sourdough Jack that’s been given a make over by a Subway Sandwich Artist. It has a beef patty, hickory smoked bacon, shredded lettuce, tomatoes, pickled jalapeño slices, and a creamy sriracha sauce on a toasted sourdough bun.

I’m not sure why Jack went with the shredded lettuce. Their lettuce is awful to begin with, so shredding it won’t make it better. But shredding it does make the burger messy. Despite a kung-fu grip around my burger, the lettuce kept falling out. You might be thinking that’s a good thing because the lettuce is so sad, but it’s not because the sad lettuce was usually coated with the creamy sriracha sauce. So if I let the lettuce fall, most of the sauce won’t be in the burger.

Yup. I just spent an entire paragraph talking about lettuce. But the shredded lettuce isn’t the worst problem.

Jack in the Box Spicy Sriracha Burger 2

It’s the jalapeños.

I raved about the flavor and heat of Jack’s jalapeños in previous menu items, like their Jalapeño Ranch Ultimate Cheeseburger, but that had “jalapeño” in its name. This menu item does not, but it sure tastes like it does. If you’re hoping to get the sweet, spicy, and garlicky flavor of sriracha, I’m sorry to say your hopes and taste buds are going to be smothered by the jalapeños’ flavor and heat. Granted, Jack’s creamy sriracha sauce, as I learned with their Sausage Grande Breakfast Burrito, is noticeably mild compared with the Rooster Sauce, but it should be the sriracha that stands out, not the jalapeño.

There were bites here and there when I could taste other ingredients in the burger, like the bacon’s smokiness and the thin, dry burger patty, but it was mostly The Jalapeño Show Starring Jalapeño Jalapeño with musical guests Jalapeño and cameos by Bacon and Beef Patty.

So if the thought of sriracha excites you and makes you scream “SRIRACHA!!!” in your head, I’d recommend skipping Jack in the Box’s Spicy Sriracha Burger. But if the thought of jalapeño excites you and makes you scream “JALAPENO!!!” in your head, I’d recommend Jack in the Box’s Spicy Sriracha Burger.

(Nutrition Facts – 691 calories, 411 calories from fat, 46 grams of fat, 14 grams of saturated fat, 2 grams of trans fat, 90 milligrams of cholesterol, 1612 milligrams of sodium, 478 milligrams of potassium, 38 grams of carbohydrates, 4 grams of fiber, 6 grams of sugar, and 33 grams of protein.)

Item: Jack in the Box Spicy Sriracha Burger
Purchased Price: $7.49 (small combo)
Size: N/A
Purchased at: Jack in the Box
Rating: 5 out of 10
Pros: Great if you love jalapeño. Flavor of bacon and beef patty pops up every so often behind the jalapeño. Good heat, thanks to the jalapeño.
Cons: Bad if you love sriracha because the creamy sriracha sauce isn’t noticeable. Thin beef patty. Sad shredded lettuce falls out easily, taking much of the sriracha sauce with it. The number of times I used “jalapeño” in a sriracha burger review.


7 responses to “REVIEW: Jack in the Box Spicy Sriracha Burger”

  1. Matt

    The top bun looks like a beret

  2. BigBelly

    pretty much what I expected, thanks for removing any temptation to make that long trip!

  3. Kerry Abel

    Is the Sriracha sauce really the same stuff as the chipotle sauce on the SW Monster Taco and the ghost pepper sauce on Jack’s Blazin Chicken? Just wondering.

    1. Kerry Abel

      OK, I tasted the creamy “sri-rancha” and the ghost pepper sauce side by side. The ghost pepper is several notches hotter.

  4. Jackson

    I am addicted to the Spicy Sriracha Burger. I have had at least 5 in the last week and a half (i have a sneaking suspicion that they may be putting crack in it. I’m seriously addicted) And I haven’t had one that looks as sad as your pictures. I never would have tried one if I would have read this first. I also love the grande sausage burrito (not spicy at all). The burger is definitely not sriracha spicy, I agree, but I can live with that. I also agree that it’s a dressed up Sourdough Jack, but I’m ok with that too. The Sourdough Jack was my go-to burger until the amazingness that is the Sriracha Burger crossed my lips. Maybe if they called it something else you wouldn’t be so judgemental. I won’t hold it against you though. More for me.

    1. steve

      I too feel as if I am addicted to this particular burger. Having a couple beers around the time I ate it really intensified the craving for it as well. Jack in the box is always so shitty im surprised I liked this as much as I did.

  5. alan rodriguez

    its so dam easy plp.. jeeesh chrst if u get a lousy meal just go home open the srcaha contaoner and douse it to hell and put some fresh onions.. stupid