SPOTTED ON SHELVES: Rockstar Cucumber Lime Energy Drink (ampm Exclusive)

Rockstar Cucumber Lime Energy Drink (ampm Exclusive)

Over the past 12 months, it seems as if there have been more new Rockstar Energy flavors than new Oreo flavors. (Spotted by Aaron at ampm.)

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24 responses to “SPOTTED ON SHELVES: Rockstar Cucumber Lime Energy Drink (ampm Exclusive)”

  1. karubah

    From checking the AMPM website their stores are exclusive to Arizona state. 🙁

    1. Chelsea

      Not true, I frequent them all up the California coast. Mostly they run under Chevron gas stations.

    2. Anonymous

      No true they’re here in Oregon.

    3. Steve DeG

      actually, ampm runs under Arco gas. Subsidiary of BP. Look for arco, baby!

  2. Matt

    Gatorade had (still has?) a cucumber-lime flavor and it by far the nastiest Gatorade flavor i’ve ever had. The fake cucumber scent was extremely strong, I had to hold my nose in order to drink it. Guessing this might be even worse

    1. Wendy

      That is actually my favorite Gatorade flavor. Then again I am sucker for anything that is cucumber lime flavor.

      1. Matt

        I like cucumbers…I like limes….but the artificial flavor of the drink was too much for me. Maybe i just haven’t had artificially flavored cucumber before and aren’t used to it

    2. Anonymous

      Dude the Gatorade is delicious its with lime

    3. Anonymous

      Here here I got a cucumber lime, could only get one ship down was disgusting. My daughter is into no carb no sugar and she couldn’t get it down either.

    4. Beverly

      Here here I got a cucumber lime, could only get one ship down was disgusting. My daughter is into no carb no sugar and she couldn’t get it down either.
      Hope this flavor is a one time torture to our taste buds. Looking foreword to new drinkable flavors.

    5. Elizabeth

      Actually tried this over the weekend and it was really good!! Low in sugar so there is no after crash and it doesn’t taste like cough syrup like some of the others!!

  3. matt

    I would love to try this flavor. does anyone know if I can find any ampm’s in Michigan or is this a west coast thing

  4. Ryan

    I tried this yesterday. This cucumber lime rockstar tastes like liquid stink bug. I could not believe someone in marketing tasted this and gave it a green light. LIQUID STINK BUG!

    1. Anonymous

      the gatorade flavor made the rockRock one taste bad..can’t taste the lime and cucumber waste of money..

  5. nico

    Love it. Has a lot of carbonation also which some fruit flavored energy drinks lack. Refreshing on a hot day. Guy at Arco AM/PM said it usually is hard to keep in stock since they’ve carried it. Guess you love it or hate it.

    Also a fan of the Gatorade Pepino Limon. I remember as a kid cutting up fresh cucumbers and eating them with salt or hot sauce. These dont replace that taste but bring back memories.

  6. Awfull.Yeah. I was initially excited to try it since they had a promo at am/pm. It said it had electrolytes too. Avoid this drink at all costs.It tastes like a can that was spray painted on the inside and then filled with soda water. The electrolyte is 45 mgs of sodium.So it has an electrolyte not electrolytes. I couldnt taste any lime either. I bet they stop this promotion by memorial day and it ends up at the 99 cent store or big lots., If you want a great energy drink with 200mgs of caffeine check out SPIDER energy drink at the 99 cent store. Best energy drink out there.

    1. This is the best energy drink out there.Look on the label,Less carbs and sodium.I recently had a heart attack followed by diverticulitis surgery.I asked Pharmacist the other day about this drink.He said all good things.
      I like the taste too,has electrolytes too.Walmart runs out because of me.1.50 there.

  7. Dawn

    It seems like I am one of the only people who have tasted this who LOVE it!

    For the person who said the “artificial” cucumber lime flavor was “too much” for them…do you not read the ingredients on what you consume? If you did, you would see that it very plainly says “NATURAL flavors”

    I must admit though, I am a mature, older woman who doesn’t like the highly sweet tasting fruit favors of most energy drinks. This flavor is light, refreshing, and awesome on a hot, summer day after my Zumba class. If anyone does see this in a bargain store, please post where they saw it because I would buy it in bulk if it were not $2 a can at AM/PM.

  8. John Jackson

    I’ve been looking for this cucumber Rockstar since trying it back in May on a road trip. Best flavor by far that they have! Can’t seem to find it where I Iive (Lake Tahoe Been drinking a Rockstar every day for 10 years. Sure wish I could find a place that sells it. Do they still make this flavor?

  9. Jimbo

    One thing about the Cucumber Lime flavor is that you must drink it while it’s super cold. If it’s even a tiny bit warm it will taste bad. The artificial cucumber taste almost made me heave. Amazing that someone let this one through. I guess when you sell millions of drinks a day, you can afford to green light something that may not work out. I will stick to my favorites, Rockstar Watermelon and Fruit Punch Zero, oh and Monster Ultra Orange Sunrise.

  10. B. Pee

    If you’re in Portland, Oregon you can also get these at John’s Marketplace in Multnomah Village.

  11. Jayrose

    I was super excited when I bought this cucumber lime rockstar! I took a huge drink and could not get over the smell! The taste is good if you ignore the smell of the drink. I find the new drinks at Walmart and so far loving the watermelon 🙂

  12. Steiner

    Tried one today and really liked it. Mild and refreshing, I also like the Gatorade Cucumber Lime. Had the RS on ice in a Tervis tumbler with a straw. You don’t chug something like this although I sucked it down fairly quickly. Filled the cup of ice with water afterwards and it had a nice slight cucumber flavor. Will definitely purchase again. Rockstars most places here are two for $3…..I got burrrnnned out on the Watermelon after having them for a couple of weeks straight but they are good.

  13. Ron

    Did the trick; however I must say if a trash compactor full of diapers and underwear were thrown into a blender with ammonium chloride and rat poison sprinkled with a balding mans scalp remains and poured generously into an old boot, I may have enjoyed it