SPOTTED ON SHELVES: Snack Pack Pudding Bars (Chocolate Fudge and Chocolate Caramel)

Snack Pack Pudding Bars (Chocolate Fudge and Chocolate Caramel)

What? No pudding filling? The pudding is baked into the bars? That’s lame and it makes me angry enough that I’m going to write, “Jello pudding is far superior to Snack Pack.” (Spotted by Marvo at Safeway.)

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9 thoughts on “SPOTTED ON SHELVES: Snack Pack Pudding Bars (Chocolate Fudge and Chocolate Caramel)”

  1. If the pudding was actually filled in the bars that would be a game changer. They could had filled it like a jelly donut. It just a regular chewy bar with pudding flavor.

  2. Swiss Miss is much better than Snack Pack or Jell-O! And I too would have expected a gooey pudding center. Weren’t there some cookies a while back called “Pudding in the Middle” or something like that?

    1. Swiss Miss is made by the same company at the same plant…only difference is the refrigeration.

  3. Their are Walmart brand muffins with a gooey center. Banana Nut Bread, Blueberry, and Chocolate. The chocolate is the best one. The other two make you feel guilty for loving sweets so much.

    1. Darrell Martinsen

      Those are really good! And our Walmart has the lemon ones too which are great.

  4. Ugh these are TERRIBLE. They taste like the “Brownie” that you’d find in TV Dinners.

  5. Considering some brands of cake mix have pudding “in the mix” – this doesn’t seem so unusual. But yes, pudding center or bust! Their pudding is already shelf stable.. C’mon Snack Pack! (Watch Jell-O come out with one with puddin’ in the middle.)

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