COMING SOON: Nabisco Oreo Thins

Oreo Thins

Nabisco is set to release a thinner Oreo called Oreo Thins. The cookies will have slimmed down wafers and a thin layer of creme filling.

They will come in 10.1-ounce packages that have about 40 cookies and will be available in three varieties: original, mint, and Golden. The new cookie line will be hitting shelves later this month.

The thin and crispy cookies are new here in the U.S., but they were originally developed for Chinese snackers.


13 responses to “COMING SOON: Nabisco Oreo Thins”

  1. F


    1. jwoolman

      The video says they were developed in China for the Chinese market, which prefers lighter snacks. The Chinese figured out solutions to the manufacturing and processing problems to prevent easy breakage. Oreos really are quite a calorie hit, so I bet they will do well in the USA also if they’re tasty.

    2. J

      It’s Nabisco do you really have to ask why they do anything they are the company that gave us the fruit punch cookie and made it taste good

  2. alek

    They had similar concept in 100 Calorie Packs. Except for crème being replaced with powered sugar. Why they have to do this since the cookies are crispy itself.

  3. EzyTarget

    So, instead of eating 6-10 regular oreo’s, I’ll sit and eat this entire box in one sitting?

    I also bet I’ll pay the same price as the regular oreo’s too.

  4. Leela

    I’d try them! I wish they would come up with thin oreo wafers without the creme inside. They could even include a creme dip in the package for those that enjoy it.

    1. Anonymous

      Leela, they do make the cookies without the creme and they are really good! They are in the 100 calorie packs and are just the cookie wafer part. If you want the same taste though, try chocolate Teddy Graham’s. I think the taste is really similar.

    2. J

      they did they are called Oreo sticks they are a Dunk aRoos type product

    3. Anonymous

      There are Oreo Handi Snacks… try them!

  5. Anonymous

    For people looking to cut back on calories without sacrificing taste is my guess.. Since 2 regular Oreos was what.. 120- 160 calories? Probably can eat 4 or 5 for the same calories as the regular size.

  6. Josh

    Any idea what the nutrition information is on these Marvo?

    1. I’m sorry, I don’t have any.

  7. Anonymous

    Three varieties coming out week of July 13… regular, golden & mint.