REVIEW: McDonald’s McCafe Oreo Frappe

McDonald's McCafe Oreo Frappe

It took 27 years but I’ve finally learned you can’t always have your cake and eat it too. Sometimes you just get to have the cake, and you can’t eat it, you just get to possess it. We all have to settle at times.

Like how the escaped prisoners in New York had to settle for eating Pop-Tarts without a toaster. Cold Pop-Tarts?! Bleh! You’d have to be pretty desperate to eat those. Oh…yeah…escaped prisoners on the run. Ahem.

Or how in a fantasy draft you have to settle because the jerk picking before you takes the player you had your hopes and dreams set on, and you have to instead draft your fallback option. I cringe just thinking about the time Buster Posey was picked right before I could get him, and I panicked and blurted out John Axford. Please don’t laugh at me too hard, baseball fans.

My most recent case of settling came when I tried to save a few extra bucks by opting to go to McDonald’s for a tasty frozen beverage instead of Starbucks. I know what you’re thinking…life can be a real bitch! Yeah, I’m thinking the same thing!

But McDonald’s Oreo Frappe ended up being so good that I didn’t have to settle for anything. And being cheaper than a Starbucks drink it’s a win in both taste and price. Of course it’s also a win in the sense that I get to say “small” like a normal person, instead of “tall” at Starbucks, which sounds like it’s a large drink, but as most of us know it’s the smallest size.

McDonald's McCafe Oreo Frappe 2

At first glance it’s clear there are Oreo cookies blended throughout the drink. It also has Oreo chunks on top of the whipped cream. I suggest stuffing the whipped cream and cookie chunks into the drink and then mixing it, but that’s just my style. You do you, faithful TIB reader.

The cookie taste is strong with this one. Right away you’ll get a heavy chocolate cookie flavor. Along with frappe, I also noticed notes of vanilla. The drink is made with a cookies & crème syrup, and the crème flavor is definitely noticeable. To put it into fractions, it’s 3/5 Oreo cookie flavor, 1/5 frappe flavor, and 1/5 Oreo cream flavor.

I got a small since I was headed for a Dibella’s sub right afterward, and though my intentions were to sip on it so there would be some left to have with the sub, the Oreo Frappe was so good that it lasted only about a minute and thirty seconds.

There were a couple of issues with the drink. It has a thinner consistency compared with other Frappe flavors. It also has a higher calorie count and much higher fat count than my normal Starbucks choice, the always trusty Green Tea Frappuccino. Normally this would be a huge turnoff for me and I wouldn’t get the drink again but the taste is such a win that it easily negates these issues.

We all do have to settle at times, but when it comes to the Oreo Frappe, there isn’t any settling involved.

(Nutrition Facts – Small – 540 calories, 180 calories from fat, 20 grams of fat, 12 grams of saturated fat, 1 gram of trans fat, 60 milligrams of cholesterol, 170 milligrams of sodium, 82 grams carbohydrates, 1 gram of dietary fiber, 68 grams of sugars, and 7 grams of protein.)

Item: McDonald’s McCafe Oreo Frappe
Purchased Price: $3.01
Size: Small
Purchased at: McDonald’s
Rating: 8 out of 10
Pros: Great Oreo flavor. Can taste both cookie and crème flavors. Cheaper than Starbucks. Possessing cake. Not having to say “tall” when asking for a small drink.
Cons: Thinner consistency than other Frappes. Not the healthiest drink. Panic picking John Axford.

19 thoughts on “REVIEW: McDonald’s McCafe Oreo Frappe”

  1. I eat Pop Tarts almost every morning and don’t toast them. I’m trying to get nourishment into me to function, the last thing I want to do is wait for the toaster.

    1. Well then you’re really missing out, Jessica. Should give the toaster a try, will change your life.

      1. In my opinion, the hierarchy of Pop-Tart preparation options goes:
        Frozen > Toasted > Plain > Microwaved

        I shudder to think of microwaved Pop-Tarts.

        1. So you are kinda complaining about calories here? I mean… instead of green tea (which isn’t available at mcdonalds, i know that, and still has way too much calories) you went for an oreo cookie and cream frappe and were “shocked” about the higher calorie count? Instead you could’ve choosen the caramel or moccha version and the calorie count would’ve been almost the same :p 😉

          Still i’m really sad i won’t be able to get my hands on an oreo frappe here in germany :/ 🙁

        2. OMG! Im so sorry!
          Never intended to reply with this comment to yours. oO
          I’ve to admit i wanted to ask you something about your averseness to microwaved pop-tarts, but this specific comment was written for Trevor ^^ 😀

          So my question for was: Why?! The first warm Pop-Tart i ate was microwaved, ‘ause i didn’t want to create a mess in my toaster, and it was delicious, easy to make and i was able to controll how hot/warm my pop-tart should be.
          So what are the differences between toaster and microwave pop-tarts? ^^
          (i would try it but i don’t have any right now and it’s nearly impossible to get them here in germany and when you find someone who is selling them… they want a ridiculously amount of money for it… -.-)

    2. I’m a big fan of pop tarts but this is a first for me to see someone put nourishment and pop tarts in the same sentence. I didn’t know carbs, sugar and fat was nourishment for the body.

  2. My McDonalds put like 6 huge chunks of Oreo in mine and they all suck to the bottom. There was no crumbled up oreo on top.

  3. Patrick Bateman

    You can have your cake and eat it too. You have the cake, then eat it. You cannot eat your cake and have it too. Once you eat it, it is gone. This saying always annoys me and it makes no sense. I always use the switched saying. BTW this saying helped get the Unabomber caught.

    1. I disagree. You can take a few bites of the cake, which qualifies as eating it, then you still have the remainder of the cake.

  4. So you are kinda complaining about calories here? I mean… instead of green tea (which isn’t available at mcdonalds, i know that, and still has way too much calories) you went for an oreo cookie and cream frappe and were “shocked” about the higher calorie count? Instead you could’ve choosen the caramel or moccha version and the calorie count would’ve been almost the same :p 😉

    Still i’m really sad i won’t be able to get my hands on an oreo frappe here in germany :/ 🙁

    1. Hey, don’t quote me on something I didn’t say! I never said “shocked,” so you can’t quote me on that! And I’ve been on a workout plan/healthier diet lately, and the calorie count was much higher than the only drink I really get anywhere (green tea frap) so it just jumped out to me. But I’m sorry you can’t get it in Germany, it was a pretty tasty drink! Avita zein.

      1. OMG!! I’m deeply sorry!! I think we have classic misunderstanding produced by some kind of country-specific differences…

        I never intended to falesly quote you or to anger or offend you. I put the quotations marks around the word “shocked” to kinda tone dwn the meaning of it and not to show that you used it somewhere in your amazing review.
        I’m so sorry and i hope you an forgive 🙁
        (I feel really bad right now :()

        1. No no, you didn’t offend! There was sarcasm in my tone, I was just joking. I hope I didn’t offend you!

          Please don’t feel bad you didn’t do anything wrong. And thanks for the kind words about the review, it wasn’t amazing but I do appreciate it!

  5. edward a ryder

    Oreo Frappe,yek.I couldnt stomach this concoction.I will stick with the Carmel Frappes.

  6. Okay, so I just bought one for the first time and am currently drinking it as I type this. I have a Mocha Frappe addiction. Get one at least 3ish times a week. And so I thought I’ll try the Oreo one. Doesn’t taste nothing like Oreo.if yiu ever tried the Waffle Crisp Cearal, to me, that’s exactly what it tatse like. It’s good don’t get me wrong! But to me taste nothing like Oreo or cookies N’ cream. I’m enjoying it tho!

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