The Impulsive Buy

QUICK YOGURT REVIEW: Yoplait Plenti Strawberry Greek Yogurt

Yoplait Plenti Strawberry Greek Yogurt

Yoplait’s Plenti Strawberry Greek Yogurt has 140 calories, so this review will have exactly 140 words.

The highlight of this yogurt are the whole grain oats, flax, and pumpkin seeds floating IN the yogurt. There’s no side mix-ins compartment like Chobani Flip or mix-ins in the cover like YoCrunch. Yoplait continues to make it so easait for folks who like simple yogurt instructions.

The yogurt tastes and looks like regular Yoplait strawberry yogurt with bits of fruit. As for the texture of the whole grain oats, flax, and pumpkin seeds that have been sitting in yogurt for days or weeks, they were soft and squishy like quinoa in a quinoa salad. Their texture was weird at first, but halfway through I didn’t mind it. To be honest, if they were still crunchy I would’ve yelled, “Science, what have you done!”

Yoplait Plenti Strawberry Greek Yogurt 2

Purchased Price: $1.49
Size: 5.5 oz.
Purchased at: Safeway
Rating: 7 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: 140 calories, 15 calories from fat, 1.5 grams of fat, 0 grams of saturated fat, less than 5 milligrams of cholesterol, 50 milligrams of sodium, 20 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fiber, 12 grams of sugar, 12 grams of protein, 4% vitamin A, 10% calcium, 2% iron, and 20% vitamin D.

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