PRIZE DRAWING: $15 Walmart Gift Cards


Hey Impulsive Buy readers! It’s the season of giving so we’ve decided to give away two $15 Walmart gift cards.


To enter The Impulsive Buy’s $15 Walmart Gift Card Prize Drawing, leave a comment with THIS post. You can write whatever you want, but please don’t forget to fill out the email field because we’ll be emailing the randomly selected winners for his or her mailing addresses.

We will stop accepting entries on Friday, December 25, 2015 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. Only one comment allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents 18 years old or older.

Good luck!


The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to send you Walmart emails. The Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send you Walmart circulars. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail, damaged mail or Walmart mail.

Image via flickr user Mike Mozart / CC BY 2.0


324 responses to “PRIZE DRAWING: $15 Walmart Gift Cards”

  1. Jim Gater

    I’m at work counting down the minutes until the end of the day. After this, two glorious weeks of winter break. 3:15 can’t come soon enough.

    Oh, great site, by the way.

  2. I would love to win one of the gift cards. Thank you for hosting this giveaway.

  3. nocode

    Count me in. Thanks.

  4. Jackie

    I like things. This is a thing. I like it.

  5. Jessica

    I could use this!

  6. Gift cards are one of the only types of gifts I like to receive.

  7. Andy R

    Posting ftw!

  8. Michael M

    Merry Christmas to all!

  9. Tabitha


  10. Paul

    Merry Christmas to all my fellow Impulsive Buy readers. 🙂

  11. amy mara

    today is a vacation day. no work for me. yippee!

  12. Darrell Martinsen

    Hey Happy Christmas and Merry New Year! Thank you for the chance!

  13. This would be awesome! Keep up the great work on the site

  14. Erin

    I’m not looking at anything but the clock today until I get to leave and be gone for a solid 16 days! Wooo!

  15. Thanks for the good posts all year long!f

  16. Chris

    I will dress however necessary to make using this gift certificate “People of Walmart” worthy.

    Great site!

  17. Debra

    I have never been to a super Walmart and can’t even imagine how big they must be!

  18. Landshark

    My town’s Walmart kinda sucks, but I’d still go if I won this.

  19. Jason

    Merry Christmas

  20. Anita Senkowski

    What, you couldn’t get Target gift cards? The good news is that if I win, I can go shopping in my pajamas!

  21. qp

    Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!

  22. Matthew

    I would enjoy these and put them to good use! Please keep up the great reviews!

  23. With $15 I can buy a lot of food at Walmart… I like food. Love your site and thanks for hosting!

  24. j.barber


  25. Penny

    MERRY CHRISTMAS! God Loves You

  26. Anonymous

    It’s the most wonderful time of the year

  27. Penny

    MERRY Christmas & Happy New Year! May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you 😀

  28. Cara

    walmart is my jam!

  29. Sara

    Fingers crossed!

  30. Penny

    Have a Safe Happy Holidays! May your family and love ones experience the love of Christ, 🙂

  31. Keith

    I would love to win this cause it about the only place I got to shop in the small town I live

  32. Whitney

    Gift cards are the best gifts!

  33. MINDY

    Gift card me, please!

  34. Jackie

    This would be a great Christmas present! 😀

  35. Anonymous

    Merry Christmas

  36. Ryan

    Count me in! 🙂

  37. Bj

    I would love to win this and buy a huge frozen lasagna. ?

  38. Alexa

    Merry Christmas!

  39. I’m from the hometown of Walmart. This prize was made for me!

  40. Vanessa

    This would be an awesome Christmas gift for sure. I love your site btw! You always seem to find such tasty foods!

  41. Jeff W.

    I could use this gift card to get something practical, but I’ll probably end up gorging myself on discounted Christmas candy.

    Hey, at least I’m honest.

  42. Jarred

    I love prize drawings!

  43. merry early christmas!!

  44. Casey

    I want stuff. Give it to me.

  45. John


  46. Renee

    Happy Holidays!

  47. Chris

    Sha sha shaw!

  48. I shamelessly shop at Walmart.

  49. Liz

    Merry christmas and thanks for doing this 🙂

  50. Ruffy

    i could use this to buy clearance candy after christmas

  51. TehBuLL

    I shamelessly visit this site a lot. Well…maybe not shamelessly. Too much. Should do a shorter Nosh Show every other week just to keep the shakes away. Gimme gimme gimme.

  52. Molly

    I never knew Hawaii had its own time zone. Guess it makes sense, just never thought about it before. 🙂

  53. Mark W

    I pretty much visit this site everyday as a break in between writing code.

    Plus we use Walmart a lot.

  54. Matthew

    Get that elf off the shelf

  55. BP

    Pick me, TIB!

  56. Michelle

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

  57. Lindsay

    Merry Christmas!

  58. Melanie

    A wise man once said

  59. Cindy

    Merry Christmas!

  60. Amanda

    Wooo!!! Giveaway time.

  61. Raymond

    I need to go back to Walmart and buy some snacks and Rice Krispies Treats cereal.

  62. Whitney

    Gift cards?! Sign me up!

  63. Angie Fenley

    Merry Christmas!!

  64. Sarah

    I would probably buy $15 worth of those holiday oreos because they seem to taste better because there’s a penguin on the cookie.

  65. Jessica

    I enjoy your reviews and new item alerts. Keep up the good work, TIB! Thank you, and happy holidays.

  66. Jer

    Love your site! Thanks

  67. Steve

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

  68. Josh

    I’m at Walmart way too much.

  69. Danno

    Merry Christmas

  70. Chad Boudjouk

    Happy Holidays all…..Please pick me!

  71. Dave

    Awesome site!

  72. Jason

    I could do serious damage in the snack aisle!

  73. Bethany

    Happy Holidays! (A.K.A. Merry Christmas)

  74. Mike P

    Thanks for giving these away!

  75. Brian Herrmann

    Happy Festivus!

  76. Kristian W.

    Thank you!

  77. Claudia

    Thanks for another year of “Impulsivebuy” info. Hope I win 🙂

  78. Karl M.

    I Love The People Of WALMART!!!

  79. Dustin L.

    I love your site.

  80. Ashley S

    I could definitely use this! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  81. I love your “Spotted on Shelves” articles!

  82. Smeeta P

    would love to win!

  83. Cindy M

    Well, worth a shot!

  84. Alex

    FREE groceries? Yes please!

  85. Adam C

    I like winning. Doesn’t happen much, but I like it.

  86. Anthony

    Happy Holidays!

  87. kris

    Ho ho ho!

  88. Michael Flory

    Pick me, Pick me!

  89. Anne Sutton

    I think it is safe to venture back to Wal Mart now that Black Friday has passed! Happy holiday to you all!

  90. Kaylynn

    would love to win!

  91. Jocelyn

    Woohoo! Merry Christmas!

  92. Katie

    Chicken nuggets

  93. Melissa

    Would love to have this for Christmas!!!

  94. Kristie dilcher

    Love Walmart and your blog! Would love to win! Happy Holidays!

  95. Katlyn

    Candy, candy, and probably more candy.

  96. Awesome, thanks for the chance to win!

  97. Christine

    Definitely would use towards groceries!

  98. Caitlin

    I would love to win one of these! Although I’d probably spend the entire thing on junk food and ice cream xD

  99. karubah

    Came for the food news. Posting for the $15 gift card.

  100. Theresa Bergeron

    Walmart money is always useful!

  101. MP

    Happy Festivus!

  102. ms tk

    Happy holidays!!!

  103. Candice

    I want walmart card please 🙂

  104. Michael Hurt

    Give me, I have to go buy the stuff i wanna buy.

  105. Ali

    Woo! Free walmart cards!!

  106. Marc

    “Whatever you want”

  107. Shandelle

    Merry Christmas!!

  108. som seyedkazemi

    i like you.

  109. Leela

    Merry Christmas! Thank you for all the reviews and pictures of new products.
    I always look forward to them.

  110. Richard


  111. Bilmster

    Let’s make some blue light memories.

  112. M86

    My cupboards are currently sitting bare… This would help! Thank you for the giveaway!

  113. Co

    I still really need to try those hot chocolate Chips A’Hoy man.

  114. Thank you for the chance to win. Long-time reader here. 🙂 Happy Holidays!

  115. Sweet! Maybe I can finally get some of those Hot Chocolate Chips A Hoy cookies!

  116. Amy

    The perfect excuse to go people watching at Walmart.

  117. Fifteen dollars would be enough to grab some of the things I find in the “spotted on shelves” posts, hehe. Thanks for the opportunity!

  118. Dennis


  119. Josh C

    This would be nice.

  120. Danai

    I never walk out of Walmart without dropping at least $50 so this would help!

  121. Joely Toler

    I need this in my life

  122. Lia 0

    Happy Holidays! Love Walmart !!

  123. michelle

    Would love to win! Thanks for the opportunity!

  124. Lia P.

    Happy Holidays! Love Walmart .

  125. well versed

    Thank you!

  126. Shannon

    I can buy a lot of sprinkles

  127. Kelly

    I only go to Walmart for limited edition candy!

  128. Sam

    Shop smart, shop S-Ma…..err Walmart!

  129. Nicole

    Do you know what’s a good appetite suppressant? Poverty.

  130. Anonymous

    I hope you have a wonderful holiday! Thank you for the chance to win.

  131. Barbara

    Sounds like a great giveaway!

  132. Courtney G.

    Love your site.

  133. Vikki Fisher

    Thanks for another giveaway opportunity.

  134. Jennifer

    Hope I win!

  135. Cat

    I could splurge on some junk food!

  136. Amy J

    Could certainly use! Thanks

  137. Kathleen

    Merry Christmas!

  138. Dan


  139. Thank you for doing this giveaway. Merry Christmas to all of you!

  140. Devin H.

    There’s always something worth buying at Walmart.

  141. Patrick Bateman

    nWo 4 life!

  142. Matt J

    $15 can get me a decent amount of Skittles.

  143. Ryandog

    HAHAH! Sweet, Walmart card contest nice! Maybe I can get a blu ray or something as a gift for a friend.

    Merry Chirstmas Impulsive buy! Cheers

  144. Krystan

    I could certainly use a Walmart card. We do 80% of our shopping there.

  145. Deb

    Would like to win this!

  146. Sue

    Hope to win. I’ll buy some fresh produce with it to counter some of the impulsive buys I make.

  147. Ryan

    Fingers crossed!

  148. Jarmel


  149. Tam

    Hope I win!

  150. Lynn P

    Thanks for the fun give-away!

  151. Heather H.

    I hope I get it! I hope I get it!

  152. Daniel T

    I won, right?

  153. Billy C

    I could use at least one giftcard!

  154. jeremy

    Hope i win

  155. GovtMinion

    I promise to buy nothing but cookies with this money.

  156. Melody

    Could use this giftcard to try out some of the new items spotted on their shelves!

  157. James

    Hope I win!!!

  158. Jared

    Love the nosh show and the blog. Good work

  159. Tyler

    I am getting ready to see Star Wars and the thought of seeing the Doritos Loaded in the lobby is making me ill.

  160. Velcro

    I’ll take it!

  161. Enrique L.

    Yes please!

  162. Debbie

    This the season to be IMPULSIVE!!!

  163. David

    Walmart has great frozen pizza

  164. patti e.

    Merry Christmas TIB!! Thanks for another great year of posts!

  165. Rik

    I’ll take that gift card, thanks!

  166. Andy P

    Would love to get some Patti LaBelle Sweet Potato Pies with it!

  167. Hillary

    Woo gift cards

  168. Karin A

    Thanks for bringing sights of new stuff in one place. Love the site and good luck to all.

    Sometimes there sure are some strange stuff out there to buy. Lol

  169. sergio torres

    good luck!

  170. Raphael Adidas

    ME! ME! ME!

  171. Courtney J

    I need to go to Walmart soon.

  172. Blaire

    I wanna be a Wally World winner! Love your blog!

  173. Michele Adams

    This would be great

  174. PJH

    Happy Holidays!

  175. nat ogu

    yess i NEED this , its the only place other than gas station that i can find calypso lemonade

  176. Mike S.

    Sure, I’ll bite–but I wish that Wal-Mart’s online and electronic system actually functioned well . . . Wal-Mart only now is learning e-commerce . . . .

  177. Jorge with a G

    I am hungry. Yeah for Walmart!

  178. Emma M.

    Hope I win!!

  179. Ari

    I find the funnest most random foods from spottedontheshelve!

  180. Martin

    Here is hoping I win.

  181. Ashley

    Want to win!

  182. Karla

    Pick me!

  183. Melly

    Thanks for the opportunity! May the Force be with you!

  184. Charles


  185. Erica Marceau

    Thanks for the great contest.

  186. Matt

    You can’t win if you don’t try!!

  187. Sofia

    On the third day of Christmas, impulsivebuy gave to me: three cinnamon bun Oreo packs, two sugar cookie toast crunch boxes, and a partridge in a pear tree.

  188. Dawn

    Love reading theimpulsivebuy every evening in Virginia!

  189. Layne

    Oh, how nice!

  190. Stephanie

    Love your blog steve!

  191. Jess

    Yeah! The amount of things I could buy at walmart w/ $15…

  192. Pushu

    Hello! Just going to leave this here…thanks for the consideration!

  193. Lucy

    This is cool

  194. Mary D

    Ho Ho Ho!

  195. Alek

    ME WANT! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!

  196. Sylvia

    Love your site, great reviews. Please pick me 🙂

  197. Sounds great to me, a gift card is always put to good use!

  198. Britney

    Gonna try this out 🙂

  199. Derrick Lang

    I hope my luck doesnt fail me

  200. Daniel n

    Pick me please

  201. Jon

    Hey pick me!

  202. jean finegan

    Merry Christmas!

  203. Skye

    Thanks for doing these giveaways, they are fun!

  204. imee

    i want to win this!

  205. Craig L

    I’m no snob; I’d shop WalMart on somebody else’s $15. 😉

  206. Nicole

    Thanks!! ?

  207. JoAnn

    Very nice giveaway, keep the post coming!

  208. Sam

    Wal Mart!

  209. Rob

    Hey, cant say no to $15!

  210. EL

    Cool giveaway 🙂

  211. Matt Kochen

    Pick me!

  212. Sahra

    I would love to win!

  213. Jessica O.

    I want this!

  214. Woohoo, I’d love to win, I never win anything!

  215. EVA


  216. Beth M

    This would be awesome!

  217. Kevin

    Need….more …junk …food.

  218. Brad


  219. Rainyday

    I would love this!
    Pick me!!! ?

  220. ML Bishop

    Sweet giveaway- hope you have a great holiday and thanks for your rad blog!

  221. Dom

    Oooh pick me pick me!

  222. AJS


  223. cierra O’Dell

    Would love to win!

  224. Michael


  225. Charlene

    Thank you for the opportunity!

  226. Sylvia

    So many exclusives to get with this winning card!

  227. Sara

    Nicolas Cage

  228. Calbrena

    Yay, money!

  229. Bob

    Entered! Love the site!

  230. Randy

    Hope I win, too.

  231. Mary B.

    Love your site!

  232. Barbara B

    Pick me!!

  233. Pimousse

    Wally World!

  234. Sarah T

    Happy Holidays! This is my favorite blog!

  235. Kelly F


  236. Cat

    Happy Holidays, everyone!

  237. Pamela M

    Merry Christmas

  238. Rebecca

    How fun!

  239. Heather R

    gift card

  240. Dary

    Merry Christmas!

  241. Anonymous

    You guys have the best content in the field! Thanks for always keeping me updated.

  242. Bryn

    I promise to buy clearanced Christmas junk food

  243. Christine

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  244. Alani

    I hope I’m lucky

  245. Surfer Sandman

    Jingle Bells
    Batman Smells
    Robin Laid an Egg…

    Happy holidays all!

  246. Kelly

    What a great Christmas present!

  247. Jason


  248. Robert


  249. Lynn barna


  250. Donna Dee

    Barry Manilow

  251. love the blog + podcast! 🙂

  252. Leslie M

    Happy Holidays!

  253. Robert

    This would make Christmas a little nicer!!

  254. Brian

    Hey baby, wanna wrestle?

  255. Nate


  256. JT


  257. Philip

    Here goes nothing.

  258. Chris D.

    I work here. Buy me lunch?

  259. Brittany O

    You are awesome!

  260. Whitney

    Yay for a giveaway.

  261. SL

    Happy holidays!

  262. Amy S

    Pick me pick me!

  263. Kaitlyn

    lol, i never see these comments above 10-15.. do a giveaway and BAM! 20x as many comments! ;P

  264. Taylor J

    I love giveaways!!

  265. Zachary Jacob Zblewski

    Ho ho ho

  266. Teen!

    Yes please !

  267. a giveaway, fun fun

  268. Curtis P.

    Happy Holidays!

  269. Mary

    I can buy some Doritos Loaded bites, if I win this.

  270. snuff

    I appreciate the opportunity

  271. Alison

    Cool – 2 drawings in one month! Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays 🙂

  272. Robbie

    Have a wonderful holiday season!

  273. Roger Bowman

    I can’t stand the rain… against my window.

  274. David

    I hate it when walmart only opens 1 register for only 200 people at the store.

  275. Carla

    I’ve been a good girl this year…

  276. Phil

    Uh, Wally World?

    Wait wrong Vacation movie for the season. I guess it beat a Jelly of the Month club contest, though that is the gift that keeps on giving the whole year.

  277. yay free stuff!

  278. Stew

    Merry Christmas

  279. Dan Bolyard


  280. Colby D.


  281. Leigh

    Long time reader, first time poster! 🙂

  282. Stephen M.

    I watch The Knick.

  283. Ashley S

    Free giveaway means a merry xmas!

  284. Jenny


  285. Tracy

    Merry Christmas!

  286. Kate

    I would like to Impulsively Buy some Walmart stuff please!

  287. Thistle

    Yay holidays!

  288. Katrina olson

    Sounds good.

  289. Keith


  290. Jade Day

    Me please!

  291. Beth C.

    Wooho gift card!

  292. Tanisha Gordon

    I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday

  293. Chelsey

    i would love to win!!!

  294. Taryn

    Happy Holidays!!! 😀

  295. John

    Happy Holidays, all! 🙂

  296. Thom

    Merry christmas

  297. Gary

    I eat crayons

  298. May

    What a wonderful holiday gift that would be!

  299. Tony

    I’m excited for the winners!

  300. Jon

    Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal…and a Happy New Year!

  301. Crysta

    Merry Christmas!!!

  302. John

    Its better to give than to receive.

    Especially in boxing

  303. Tracy

    Happy holidays!

  304. Daniel DuBay

    Merry Christmas Marvo and the rest of the crew

  305. Danielle

    Merry Festivus!

  306. Technosquid

    For those about to nosh,we salute you!

  307. Jenni P.

    Merry Christmas everyone! 🙂

  308. Stacie

    I love your contests!

  309. Dee

    Mury Chrismas

  310. Heide

    Merry Christmas!

  311. Page Tillman

    This is awesome!! Happy Holidays!

  312. Jordan

    Merry Christmas!!

  313. Happy Holidays, Impulsive Buy!

  314. Lisa

    Merry Christmas Y’all!

  315. Hailey

    Very nice, thank you!