PRIZE DRAWING: $15 Walmart Gift Cards


Hey Impulsive Buy readers! It’s the season of giving so we’ve decided to give away two $15 Walmart gift cards.


To enter The Impulsive Buy’s $15 Walmart Gift Card Prize Drawing, leave a comment with THIS post. You can write whatever you want, but please don’t forget to fill out the email field because we’ll be emailing the randomly selected winners for his or her mailing addresses.

We will stop accepting entries on Friday, December 25, 2015 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. Only one comment allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents 18 years old or older.

Good luck!


The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to send you Walmart emails. The Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send you Walmart circulars. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail, damaged mail or Walmart mail.

Image via flickr user Mike Mozart / CC BY 2.0

324 thoughts on “PRIZE DRAWING: $15 Walmart Gift Cards”

  1. I’m at work counting down the minutes until the end of the day. After this, two glorious weeks of winter break. 3:15 can’t come soon enough.

    Oh, great site, by the way.

  2. I’m not looking at anything but the clock today until I get to leave and be gone for a solid 16 days! Wooo!

  3. I will dress however necessary to make using this gift certificate “People of Walmart” worthy.

    Great site!

  4. What, you couldn’t get Target gift cards? The good news is that if I win, I can go shopping in my pajamas!

  5. MERRY Christmas & Happy New Year! May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you 😀

  6. This would be an awesome Christmas gift for sure. I love your site btw! You always seem to find such tasty foods!

  7. I could use this gift card to get something practical, but I’ll probably end up gorging myself on discounted Christmas candy.

    Hey, at least I’m honest.

  8. I shamelessly visit this site a lot. Well…maybe not shamelessly. Too much. Should do a shorter Nosh Show every other week just to keep the shakes away. Gimme gimme gimme.

  9. I would probably buy $15 worth of those holiday oreos because they seem to taste better because there’s a penguin on the cookie.

  10. I think it is safe to venture back to Wal Mart now that Black Friday has passed! Happy holiday to you all!

  11. I would love to win one of these! Although I’d probably spend the entire thing on junk food and ice cream xD

  12. Merry Christmas! Thank you for all the reviews and pictures of new products.
    I always look forward to them.

  13. HAHAH! Sweet, Walmart card contest nice! Maybe I can get a blu ray or something as a gift for a friend.

    Merry Chirstmas Impulsive buy! Cheers

  14. I am getting ready to see Star Wars and the thought of seeing the Doritos Loaded in the lobby is making me ill.

  15. Thanks for bringing sights of new stuff in one place. Love the site and good luck to all.

    Sometimes there sure are some strange stuff out there to buy. Lol

  16. Sure, I’ll bite–but I wish that Wal-Mart’s online and electronic system actually functioned well . . . Wal-Mart only now is learning e-commerce . . . .

  17. On the third day of Christmas, impulsivebuy gave to me: three cinnamon bun Oreo packs, two sugar cookie toast crunch boxes, and a partridge in a pear tree.

  18. Uh, Wally World?

    Wait wrong Vacation movie for the season. I guess it beat a Jelly of the Month club contest, though that is the gift that keeps on giving the whole year.

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