PRIZE DRAWING: $15 Walmart or $15 Target Gift Card

I’ve noticed when we do a Target gift card prize drawing, there are more entries than when we do a Walmart gift card prize drawing. Do you folks prefer Target over Walmart? Well, let’s find out. I have a $15 Walmart gift card and a $15 Target gift card to give away to two Impulsive Buy readers.


To enter The Impulsive Buy’s $15 Target or $15 Walmart Gift Card Prize Drawing, leave a comment with THIS post. In your comment, tell us which gift card you’d prefer to win. Please don’t forget to fill out the email field because we’ll be emailing the randomly selected winners for his or her mailing address.

We will stop accepting entries on Saturday, June 18, 2016 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. Only one comment allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents 18 years old or older.

Good luck!

FINE PRINT: Walmart and Target are not affiliated in anyway with this prize drawing. The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to send you emails with surprise letters from an African prince. The Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send you Valpak coupons. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail, damaged mail or having only Kmart stores in your area.


391 responses to “PRIZE DRAWING: $15 Walmart or $15 Target Gift Card”

  1. Fran

    Target card! Love your blog!

  2. Paul

    I’d like a Target gift card please. Love the food and snack reviews! 🙂 -Paul

  3. Cassie


  4. Eilish Brazell

    Target, all the way!

  5. Nocode

    Walmart card. It’s Monday.

  6. Vanessa

    Target please please please 😀 have to go there to get some exclusive oreos!

  7. Sam

    Wally World!

  8. Shawna Landers

    I like Target but I actually shop at both! LOL~

  9. Jennifer


  10. Samantha U.

    I prefer Target over Walmart.

  11. Joe hacker

    We shop at both but would prefer target

  12. skye pechie

    i prefer target but wal mart has more stuff I need. Not want but need.

  13. Jennifer


  14. Erin


  15. AP

    Walmart $15 gift card for the win(and budget)

  16. MP

    I’ll use Walmart.

  17. John L


  18. Target, please and thank you!

  19. Deb

    Love the reviews and new items, just wish more of then were actually sold in Texas.
    Walmart card please.

  20. Kim

    Walmart card please!

  21. Cait Colacchio

    Definitely Target! Love reading your reviews!

  22. Brandon


  23. Brandon

    Walmart please!

  24. Kelly

    Wal-Mart, please. There’s no targets close enough to me.

  25. Krysti Golden


  26. Jackie

    Target! Rabble rabble! Target!

  27. Jon

    Wal-Mart card please!

  28. Cierra

    Target, please!

  29. amy marantino

    i prefer Walmart

  30. Kate Horton

    Target please! Because… Target.

  31. Justin


  32. Joyce Benzing

    Walmart – they are a couple of pennies less than Target and I’m quite cheap! 🙂

  33. Amanda Imperati

    Target!! I’m there all the time

  34. Savanah

    Target! I try to avoid Wal-Mart when possible.

  35. Amanda Francissen

    Walmart Please!

  36. Target gift card, please and thanks.

  37. Shandelle

    Either one would be awesome! Thanks!!

  38. Tracy

    Target card please. Thank you.

  39. Rachel D.


  40. Tabitha

    Nice insight, totally prefer Target.

  41. Aaron Uballe

    Targét please! I only go to Walmart for the special Oreos!

  42. April C

    I shop at both but Target just happens to be more accessible. That might help explain a few reasons why people prefer Target? Thanks!

  43. Chris

    Target… to go and get some Blueberry Pie Oreo’s 😛

  44. Kristie Dilcher

    Walmart for me! We have a lot more WM stores than Target! Mucho gracias for the giveaway!

  45. Elizabeth

    Target gift card! closer to where i live and work

  46. holly

    Target, duh! there is no comparison between the two.

  47. Lindsay

    Would love a Walmart card

  48. Anthony Monterosso

    Either are great. I live close to both and shop at both. Keep up the great work!

  49. Nikki


  50. Chris

    Target please!

  51. Chris Nagler

    Target card would be amazing! I check your blog every day

  52. Lauren

    I’d prefer target – they get better exclusive oreos!

  53. R


  54. Leah Short

    Target! Keep up the great work with your blog. Love reading it!

  55. George

    Target. Thanks!

  56. MelissaF

    I’d love to win the Target gift card.

  57. K Cha

    Walmart! Walmart! That’s our store! We go there because we’re poor!

  58. Farnic

    Target, please!

  59. David Putman


  60. Kelly s

    Target !! Love your blog.

  61. Kevin

    Walmart please! 🙂

  62. Pablo

    Walmart gift card.

  63. Mike

    I shop Walmart but when I want to feel special, I go to Target. Mark me down for a Target gift card please! Thanks for doing this!

  64. Brad

    I will go with Walmart since as mentioned, its less popular!

  65. cindy

    Walmart!!! 🙂

  66. Dave


  67. sairentohiru


  68. Claudia

    I’d love the Walmart Card – I can get more candy for the $15 there than at Target. And I’d love to try the new Fried Twinkies

  69. Eunice Kim

    Target, my favorite store.

  70. Pam

    Target please!

  71. Raymond

    Target card, its my bday so i hope i win it.

  72. Sara


  73. Holly Thomas


  74. Melly

    Target for sure! Thanks!

  75. Matthew

    Walmart Walmart Walmart!!!!

  76. Maryann e


  77. Emma Shapiro

    I would love a Target gift card! It’s like an endless black hole of amazingness. 🙂

  78. Betty Jo R

    The Wal-Mart card!

  79. Mike Davis

    Target. The Walmart near me is too much of an anthropological nightmare.

  80. Thomas Griffin

    Walmart to use towards groceries!

  81. logan

    Walmart! keep up the great work guys!

  82. Jocelyn

    Walmart, since I live in the middle of nowhere and walmart is our only option! Keep up the great work!

  83. Tim


  84. Rebecca


  85. Rebecca B

    Target gift card please!!

  86. Wednesday Addams

    TARGET ??

  87. Denise Welsh

    Walmart please!

  88. Bilmster


  89. David Odell

    target target, please please

  90. TC

    Honestly, either? Poor college students can’t be choosers! That said, Walmart please!

  91. Thistle

    I actually shop at both, and would like either card equally…

    I’ll pick Wallmart though, since it looks like fewer people picked it thus far. 😛

  92. Leela

    I prefer Target 🙂


    Definitely the Target card!

  94. Taesha

    I prefer Walmart, but only because I go there at least once a week.

  95. Jessica

    I would prefer to win a Target gift card. And thank you very much for having this prize drawing. I really enjoy reading your posts and learning about new products.

  96. Jason Baker

    Walmart please!

  97. Renee Ladd

    Target for the win!

  98. Joey

    Target for sure

  99. Heather Mcknight

    Oh oh oh I want a target card!! Or Walmart! But mostly target lol 🙂

  100. BigGunn


  101. Kathryn Steinhebel

    Target… Better cereal. Oh’s!

  102. Nick


  103. Liam Paul Donafee

    I’d like to win the Target Card! but i wouldn’t mind the Walmart either ! 🙂

  104. Aimee


  105. Laurie Guarneri


  106. Elizabeth Finfgeld

    I think that the Target gift card is ideal because you can get more bang for your buck when you apply coupons and Cartwheel deals 😉


    I would like the Wal-Mart gift card. I always find new stuff there.

  108. Elizabeth W

    Target! Quality in general much better, especially employees – but still get good deals that you would find at Walmart!

  109. Caroline Pacholski

    I love Target. It’s right next to where I work so I must go in 2-3 times a week.

  110. Karina


  111. Karin

    I’m fair game for anything won.

  112. Rachel Amatuzzi


  113. SD Hornback

    Target mostly because it’s a lot closer to where I live.

  114. Shah

    Target! But honestly Walmart is great too.

  115. Jess

    I like Target better than Walmart, and would choose to go there between the two, but then again, I’d never turn down a free gift card to either! 🙂

  116. Leslie

    I’d prefer Target but either is OK with me!

  117. Barbara B

    Target! But I go to Walmart as well.

  118. Kami

    Walmart 🙂 I think I am the only girl in my office who is no obsessed with Target!

  119. Matthew Kochen

    Walmart gift card

  120. Dee Hilliar


  121. Vikki Fisher


  122. Steven L.

    Target. It’s closer both to work and home than Walmart.

  123. Tasha B


  124. Summer Stellato

    I’d like to win the Walmart gift card!

  125. Shannon Moore

    Target because I love to spend money on things I think I need. Going in for a book. Oh look, you bought a book, shampoo, and 20 dollars worth of food/candy.

  126. Alison

    Target – overall better shopping experience (and my choice of gift card), but Walmart crams a lot more variety and selection in the food area, so I shop both.

    Thanks TIB!

  127. Lori George

    I’d prefer the Target gift card 🙂

  128. Jennifer Roberson

    I don’t have a Target near me, so I would rather have the Walmart card. Thanks!

  129. Caley

    Wal-mart 🙂

  130. Bob K

    Walmart for me! My target is super small, not a super target, and leaves out a lot of exclusive things.

  131. Erin Ahern

    I prefer Wal Mart: I can impulsively buy more things there than I can at Target with$ 15.00!

  132. Velcro


  133. Nick

    Target, please!

  134. Liz S.

    I would prefer to win the Target gift card. Thank you for hosting the giveaway.

  135. Tricia Bolkan

    Target is better!

  136. Jarmel Rhem

    Target gift card please.

  137. Stephanie Shuttlesworth

    I love Target. 🙂

  138. Bob


  139. I like Target. I prefer not to spend a half hour behind some family with 27 sticky, screaming children waiting to check out. Well, actually I usually just abandon my stuff when I look at the checkout line in Wal-Mart.

  140. Alek


  141. Jarred

    Target is where it’s at. 8 |

  142. snuff

    Target is preferred but walmart is also appreciated

  143. coolguy


  144. Marla

    I’d absolutely prefer the Target GC. Thank you!

  145. Danai

    Walmart. Cheaper and closer to home. I think Target has some better quality items but Walmart wins in our house.

  146. Janelle

    I would prefer to win the Target gift card.

  147. Jessica Kuligowski

    I shop at both but I shop at Target more often, so Target.

  148. Brad H

    Walmart please. I prefer to shop at Walmart, cause there are way more babes in Walmart.

  149. Candice

    Walmart better food there

  150. Billy C

    $15 Walmart gift card for me, please

  151. Dallas D Thorne


  152. Erin

    Target target target!

  153. Sandra

    Walmart please!! They always have all the new items you guys post on here. Love the site : )

  154. Jen

    Definitely Walmart! Cheaper and closer. Love this website!

  155. Glenda

    I would like the Target gift card.

  156. msscomp

    Target, just because it’s closer to my house.

    And also, I LOVE THIS WEBSITE!!! I discovered it not long ago and I visit often. Keep up the good work!

  157. Mindy

    Walmart…or Target. I go to both stores!

  158. Matt J

    Target gift card for me…Thanks!

  159. Curtis P.

    Target…….it always hits the bullseye!

  160. Kathy


  161. Mark B

    Target, please!!! But who I am to turn down Walmart?!

  162. Katlyn

    This is tough because I love going to both stores, but without a super target I’d have to say a gift card to Walmart would be better for my ridiculous junk food purchases!

  163. Chante

    target please. I love walmart too!!

  164. Sunny Smith

    Target, natch. Going into Walmart requires tactical combat gear and I’d rather just roll out of bed in sweats and be done with it. 🙂

  165. Ammera

    target please 🙂

  166. Christine

    Target Target Target! Please!

  167. Annie

    I definitely prefer Target over Walmart! Better deals, better environment, nicer employees…I could go on. Lol.

  168. jean finegan

    I honestly would take either- Wal-Mart is great for staples, but you can’t beat the more stylish items that Target has.

  169. Richard

    Target… they are closer

  170. Pam


  171. Donna Dee

    I would like the Walmart card please. Pick me! Pick me! (raising my hand)

  172. Marie

    Target, easy.

  173. Elizabeth

    Target is the best!

  174. Tam

    Target for those blueberry Oreos

  175. stacey

    I go to Target more but I wouldn’t turn down Wal-Mart

  176. Brittany

    TARGET!!!!!! I pretty much live there.

  177. kris k

    Target for sure!

  178. Nicolle


  179. JoAnn

    Target is closer and more pleasant.

  180. Keith Young

    Hard to choose I like both places but I would choose target

  181. Walmart! Target left Canada!

  182. Starkzilla

    Target probably, but I could buy more at Walmart with $15. Decisions, decisions, especially for a poor college student!

  183. Ben

    Walmart, please.

  184. Kyle Spangler

    I will enter the WalMart card please! Thanks for the opportunity I’m a daily reader of your site.

  185. Adam

    Target! but only because its right around the corner

  186. Tara

    I gonna say Walmart. The prices are unbeatable.

  187. Lisa Sequens

    I would like to win the target gift card please!

  188. Jess

    Both, ideally. But, if I can only have one, I will go with Target. They have a wider variety of fizzy waters and a livelier clearance section.

  189. JT

    Target, hands down

  190. Melanie

    Target. Though seems like a better chance for the Walmart…. But I try to avoid the place if possible. So target it is!

  191. Marcy

    Definitely, prefer Target over Walmart!

  192. Julie

    I am definitely a Target fan!!

  193. Tabatah washington

    TARGET.. Emphatically speaking

  194. Jim McQuinn

    Give me that walmart card! Found the one in my area that has the chobani dips!

  195. Target all the way! Can’t beat their impulse buy $1 section at the front of the store

  196. Kayla


  197. patti edwards

    Walmart; it’s closer to my house.

  198. Diana


  199. Kim Eagleson

    Walmart, but only because it’s closer. I love Target though!

  200. May

    Target–but I wouldn’t turn down the Walmart card if you wanted to give it to me for free…

  201. Dianne

    I seem to be doing more shopping at Target lately. So please pick me and send me a gift card for them!

  202. Natalie

    Walmart please.

  203. Corisa Jubinsky

    Target is definitely my favorite out of the two!

  204. Sophie

    It really depends on limited edition Oreo availability… so it’s a tie.

  205. Meagan

    Target, but either would be great!

  206. Steve

    I perfect Walmart. More variety so there’s a better chance of me finding the stuff you mention on here. 🙂

  207. Michael

    Target gift card

  208. Bryn

    I shop at both…but target is my fave!

  209. Katy

    Target gift card all the way! Then I can buy the new Oreos!

  210. Grace Buell

    Target for sure!

  211. Andrea

    Target is preferred! Think of it this way: would you rather eat Archer Farms or Great Value junk food?

  212. Krystal

    I prefer Target.

  213. Jimmy James

    Target, definitely Target

  214. Jim

    Target Target

  215. Phil


  216. Ashley Hoover

    Wal-mart please 🙂

  217. Amy S


  218. Joshua

    Yaaaasss, come through Target, COME THROUGH!

  219. Damon

    Tarjay ( yes I mean Target 🙂 )

  220. Sara

    I would pick Target

  221. Robbie

    Love target, but Wal-Mart needs the love!



  222. Samiya

    I enjoy Target more.

  223. Katie

    Walmart because there’s no Targets near where I live.

  224. Cierra

    I prefer either uh they’re free lol but i shop at walmart more than target

  225. Jen H.

    Personally I like Target better. You know what they say “Target is the Walmart for people who think they’re too good to shop at Walmart” LOL

  226. Katie B

    (There are at least 3 within 5 miles of my house vs. 0 Wal-marts )

  227. Jessica Olson

    I guess I’d prefer the Target one even though I shop at Walmart more often.

  228. Dominic Flaim


  229. Cat


  230. Kristian G

    Walmart please, hoping ill see that ecto cooler soon!

  231. Chelsea

    Walmart for everyday things

  232. Krystalyn

    Target! I want to spend the GC on Target-exclusive Oreos!

  233. BigBelly

    Walmart, it’s closer

  234. Amy B.

    I would LOVE a target gift card!

  235. Ali Martinez

    Team Target *woo woot* , but actually I wouldn’t mind Walmart either. I buy Arctic Zero there and frozen chicken.

  236. Candace pettiford

    Wal-Mart, of course

  237. raven


  238. Troy Diggs

    Ooh, Targé!

  239. Jasmine Glenn

    I’d prefer walmart.

  240. Ryandog

    Target! Have a walmart close but its one without electronics.

  241. Courtney

    Either place is great. 😀

  242. James

    Target… their clearance section for my kids.

  243. David Dominguez

    Walmart, because purchasing power goes further.

  244. Rob S.

    Yes please.

  245. Brian

    I’ll go for the Walmart card, Target is too far away.

  246. Sarah

    I’d love Target, but what can you buy for $15? I’ll take the Wal-Mart card only because I could give it to my brother. He’d use it!

  247. Sylvia

    Team exclusive target items all the way!

  248. Melissa Garcia

    I would prefer target!

  249. Amanda

    Target would be great since I have a lot of food allergies and they sell food I can eat!

  250. Christopher

    As much as I love Target, having twin two-year-olds means I am at Walmart much more often…

  251. Joshua C

    I think it’s nice to have the Target gift card because then I don’t feel as bad dropping so much money.

  252. Jason

    I’ll go for Walmart here (because of odds) but I like shopping at Target better

  253. Colby Davis

    Target please!

  254. i would love either!!! if i had to choose, target, but i would probably just buy a million things i never knew i needed haha. walmart would be less enjoyable, but more economically spent!

  255. Jeff S

    Definitely Target!

  256. Deb

    Target is one of my favorite stores!

  257. Melissa

    I’d love to win the Target gift card!

  258. Matthew

    Target please

  259. Stew


  260. Mike S.

    Would prefer a Target card–but just because that store is closer to me.

  261. Danielle


  262. ML

    Target! Does it freak anyone else out that they don’t play music in their stores? So quiet…

  263. Whitney

    A Target gift card would rock my world.

  264. Nicole

    Target, but I wouldn’t say no to a Walmart gift card either 🙂

  265. Alex

    I have no preference, but as far as foodie shopping goes, Walmart usually has the newer stuff soonest.

  266. jeremy


  267. Tom

    I would love a Target gift card! Thank you!

  268. Nikole Landelius

    I’m gonna say Walmart because I can use it for food or gas. While I do prefer Target, I can’t get gas there, just lots of other cool stuff Walmart doesn’t carry. 😉

  269. Jason

    I can’t go into Target without spending an hour wandering around looking at all the splendor.

  270. Alex

    Walmart he he.

  271. Erin


  272. Jared

    I’d take either, but the walmart would be used much quicker at my house.

  273. Robert

    Walmart for Groceries, Target for Diapers!

  274. Bob

    Walmart plz!

  275. anna

    Target, because it’s a slightly less evil giant corporation than Walmart. If I won a Walmart gift card, I would take it and buy supplies to make an anti-Walmart protest sign

  276. Jenny

    I’d rather have the Walmart gift card because the closest Target is an hour away from my town.

  277. Anne Sutton

    Wal mart because I have three kids, cats and dogs…get more bang for your buck in food and clothes.

  278. Nicole E.

    Id love to win a Walmart card 🙂
    Much as I like target, I find myself at Walmart way more often

  279. Chad B.

    I’ll take the walmart card, old pick me!

  280. Amanda McLain

    I would like to win the Wal-Mart gift card.

  281. Nat ogu

    I would prefer target but grateful to have either

  282. glen altman

    Target for sure.

  283. Emmy


  284. Ruffy

    Target, but I have no shame and would accept anything for free 😛

  285. Jennifer T

    Target, because it’s closer to the house!

  286. Amanda W.

    Walmart, it’s closer. 🙂

  287. Lisa

    Target! It’s closer and they have a better selection.

  288. cynthia sebring


  289. Jeremy

    I’m not too good to shop at Walmart!!

  290. lori

    walmart would really help out our household.

  291. M86

    It’d be awesome to win either one, but I definitely prefer Target over Walmart!

  292. B

    Walmart, $15 is a week of groceries that I could really use.

  293. Tiffany B.

    Walmart. I actually like shopping at both. 🙂

  294. Chris

    I’ll take the Target

  295. Theresa Bergeron

    Either would work for me, but Walmart is my preference – they have a full grocery selection, unlike our Target.

  296. Brandon

    A Target card would be great! They seem to be the only store in my area that actually has some of the new products you guys post.

  297. well versed

    Target, thanks!

  298. Molly

    I just like Target better.

  299. Michelle


  300. Lynn Barna


  301. Courtney Haupt

    Target 🙂

  302. Dominic Campos

    Target cuz why not. though I don’t mind Walmart either.

  303. Stephen Mellentine

    Either Target or Walmart would be awesome.

  304. Maxwell F.

    Target of course! Blueberry oreos for life.

  305. Katie

    Honestly I would take either. $15 is still $15. 🙂

  306. Cassidy Tolan

    I would love either but I have been going to Walmart frequently on my lunch break, so Walmart.

  307. Emma M.


  308. Kelly

    Target. All the way. No offence Walmart people.

  309. Ali

    I prefer Target!!

  310. Michael


  311. Laura

    Target for sure!

  312. Sarah


  313. Starr


  314. Alexis Hawes

    Walmart please! 🙂

  315. Kevin Snow

    Close, but Target. I think there are more food varieties limited to Target stores versus Walmart.

  316. Heather

    Walmart! Thanks!

  317. Christine

    Target all the way!

  318. Alexandra

    Walmart please 🙂

  319. Collin


  320. Daniel Trogdon

    Walmart, please

  321. Raphael Martinez

    Walmart is closer, so….

  322. Peyton


  323. Martin

    I’d love to win the Walmart gift card since that’s where I shop.

  324. Christina Klein


  325. Patrick Bateman

    I like to keep it real (ghetto)! Wal-Mart for me and hopefully I survive my trip.

  326. kim bacon

    target 🙂

  327. Jason

    Walmart please! Only because Walmart is closer but I prefer Target.

  328. Christian H


  329. Stephanie D

    I would LOVE a gift card to Wal-Mart to help with some groceries !!!

  330. Deb

    Always Target!

  331. theBean


  332. Tracy

    Walmart! We have a neighborhood market nearby where I get groceries!

  333. Ashley S

    would love to win the Walmart card!

  334. KS

    Let’s go with Walmart.

  335. Pimousse

    Target! They had some nice adult coloring books lol

  336. Melissa

    I shop at both, but I prefer Target.

  337. Ashley V.

    Walmart, please!

  338. Mike

    I’ll take the Wal-Mart card!

  339. Stephen Rowan

    Used to be Wal-mart because of cheap gas, but there is a Super Target next to my new job, so Target!

  340. Kyle


  341. Dennis H

    Target so I can track down the Ben & Jerry Empower Mint ice cream and try that.

  342. Thom

    Walmart please!

  343. Jeremy


  344. Karla

    Target- Love target!

  345. Yoshi

    target please!

  346. Bonnie


  347. Vivian

    Target 🙂

  348. david

    i prefer walmart because it is much more convenient to me

  349. Michael


    Hopefully playing the right odds.

  350. Siyi

    Walmart, please!

  351. Walmart, please!

  352. Jhanielle


  353. I like target

  354. Darrell Martinsen

    Walmart.,because the closest Target is about an hour away.

  355. Emily Boyd


  356. serpico009

    Wal-Mart, but only so I can buy three pints of Ben & Jerry’s Pecan Sticky Buns ice cream.

  357. Derek


  358. Whitney

    I shop at both, but prefer Target.

  359. Kieran

    Target over everything

  360. Rhonda

    I’d like the Target card please.

  361. Jerry

    Target Please Thanks !

  362. D.J.

    Walmart – want to get the Summer Oreos!

  363. Robbyne

    Love your site! Target, please!

  364. Zoe


  365. Arvin Chattha


  366. Stephanie Areson Earl


  367. Michelle K

    Target ^-^

  368. Sean


  369. JohnVH

    Walmart. So I can use to buy the Walmart exclusive Ghostbuster Stay Puft White Chocolate Marshmallow Twinkies!

  370. Salem

    Walmart 🙂

  371. Tyler M


  372. Chris


  373. Daniel

    I would buy a new pizzadillia from Walmart. They look interesting especially the chicken enchilada variety

  374. Caitlin J

    I would honestly be happy with a gift card at either store! Normally I find more exciting things at Target, but if given the option I would have to choose Walmart only because it’s closer and they sell a greater variety of So Delicious and Arctic Zero ice creams (which I know a lot of people can’t stand, but I love regardless and I’m dying to try their new flavors!)

  375. Reese D

    I am more likely to see something at Target that I won’t hate myself after eating.

  376. Devino

    I prefer Target gift cards because when I make an online purchase, I can use my 5% Red Card discount and have it apply toward a purchase with my gift card. I like to buy Nintendo eShop cards this way, because I save a little bit. Also, they email me the eShop card.

    Walmart is a little behind with all of these features. Maybe if Walmart offered something like the Red Card I would be more inclined to shop there.

  377. Karen Johnson

    TARGET!! I can’t stand Walmart and only go there when I have no other choice.

  378. C

    Target. It’s a bummer they seem to be losing a lot of these impulse buys, but part of that is because of how creepily aggressive Walmart is.

  379. Devin H.

    I’m gonna go with Walmart. Target probably has a wider variety of foods I want to try, but Walmart generally has lower prices. So even though this is free money, I’ll probably get more out of it shopping at Walmart.

  380. Michelle Martin

    Definitely Target. I very rarely go to Walmart.

  381. greentopiaries

    I would like Target. Thanks for the chance!

  382. Courtney J

    I am more likely to shop at Target, so….Target.

  383. Tonya


  384. Angie


  385. Target for me plz.

  386. Chris

    Walmart, so I can use my 10% off and get an extra 1.50 of freebies on my lunch break.

  387. Matt H.

    I’d like to win a Wal-Mart gift card…Thanks!!

  388. Katie


  389. Gary

    Walmart please ?

  390. jenny
