About this time every year, we…
Wait, let me double check something.
(searches TIB)
About this time almost every year, we hold a prize drawing to give away gift cards because it’s the season of giving gift cards. This year, we’re doing something, but a little different. In the past it was just one prize drawing, but this year there will be multiple drawings.
Twelve to be exact, which will be spread out over 12 days. And that begins tomorrow, December 14. Oh, I just realized it’s like the Twelve Days of Christmas. Except there’s only one gift card every day, no gold rings, no geese, and none of you are my true loves.
Okay, so I guess it’s not at all like the Twelve Days of Christmas.
The gift cards are from twelve different stores and fast food chains. You’ll have to visit the blog every day to find out what’s being offered.
The title of these posts will begin with “2016 SEASON OF GIVING.” Because we’re having a new drawing every day, we’ll be accepting entries (via the comments) for each gift card for only a 24 hour period. The prize drawing posts will go up at 12:00 a.m. Hawaii Standard Time (2:00 a.m. Pacific, 5:00 a.m. Eastern) and once the 24 hours have passed, the comments for that post will close. The winner will be announced in the days that follow.
As with all our prize drawings, it’s only open to U.S. residents and those who are 18 years old or older.
Good luck!
8 responses to “ANNOUNCEMENT: It’s The Impulsive Buy’s Season of Giving (2016 Edition)”
Oh snap! Cant wait! The Impulsive Buy is my browser’s homepage — so I will keep watch for announcements
As with all our prize drawings, it’s only open to U.S. residents and those who are 18 years old or older.
Does this have some legal reasons?
‘Cause two weeks ago i discovered, that targed ships to Germany now and (just if) there is a chance of winning a gift card and reduce the costs a bit, THAT would be a christmas gift ^^
But i’m sure it’s a legal issue right?
(good luck to all that enter! :))
Yes. Almost all the gift cards say on the back they can be used only in the U.S. (or in some cases also Canada).
What a bummer…

But thanks Marvo for your quick reply and the information!
Still: Good Luck to all others!
Sounds like fun! Can’t wait!
Any hints as to what the restaurants will be? :O
Let’s do this!