2016 SEASON OF GIVING (DAY 6): $5 McDonald’s Arch Card

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I wanted to fill this space with links to all the new products McDonald’s rolled out nationwide this year, but there aren’t any. There were lots of test items and regional products, but nothing available across the country. So instead of links to new products, I’m just going to list insane menu items I hope to see from McDonald’s in 2017.

  • Enormous Mac – A burger with six quarter pound all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, pickles, and six slices of cheese on a sesame seed bun with another bun in between every patty.
  • Apple Pie Hot Fudge McFlurry – Soft serve with a couple of pumps of hot fudge with a chopped up apple pie blended in.
  • McBucket of McNuggets – A McNugget-filled bucket that’s similar in size to a KFC chicken bucket, and it comes with three containers of every dipping sauce.
  • Tray o’ Fries – A McDonald’s dine-in tray topped with a layer of McDonald’s French Fries. No take out.
  • Eggy McEggface – A breakfast sandwich made with all the ways McDonald’s prepares eggs (round egg, scrambled egg, folded egg, and egg whites).


To enter this prize drawing for a $5 McDonald’s Arch Card, leave a comment with THIS post. You can write whatever you want, but please don’t forget to fill out the email field because we’ll be emailing the randomly selected winner for his or her mailing address.

We will stop accepting entries on December 20, 2016 at 12:00 a.m. Hawaii Standard Time (2:00 a.m. Pacific, 5:00 a.m. Eastern). Only one comment allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents 18 years old or older.

Good luck!

FINE PRINT: The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to send you emails that link to a story about the 27 girls and guys that will make you miss summer. The Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send you flyers for your local hair restoration clinic that will take hair from other parts on your body and put in on your head. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail or damaged mail.


200 responses to “2016 SEASON OF GIVING (DAY 6): $5 McDonald’s Arch Card”

  1. Karen

    Please and thank you!

  2. Zin The Phoenix

    Caramel would make more sense than hot fudge for an “Apple Pie McFlurry”. xD

  3. Gomboc

    Will the Eggy McEggface be available all day?

  4. CC

    ohhhhhh now this one I hope I win!!

  5. Bob Kupniewski

    Hey this is good for coffee!!!

  6. Niki

    Big Mac, McDLT, a Quarter Pounder with some cheese . . .

  7. Danai

    This would totally make my daughter’s day. Thank you!

  8. M.A.

    I would love to win this great giveaway.

  9. Lindsay

    Merry Christmas!

  10. Bobby X.

    Still lovin’ the Big Mac!!

  11. Ryandog

    Classic MC DEEES, Havent had it in a while! Cheers Marvo! Good luck yall!

  12. Marc Goldberg

    The all day biscuit sandwiches has been the greatest thing to happen to me in 2016!

  13. Tabitha

    Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun. 😉

  14. Kelly

    Big Mac attack time.

  15. Matt

    Happy Holidays!

  16. Mary

    I hope I win.

  17. Heather Mcknight

    Sometimes I think that the guy that eats only big macs everyday is the only one of us that really has it all figured out.

  18. Kari G


  19. Melissa

    Yum, this would be great!

  20. K

    All day biscuit sandwiches!!

  21. Sarah

    Ice Cream!

  22. Stacie

    Yum….lunch for days!

  23. Heather H.

    Feliz Navidad.

  24. Justin

    Does this gift card work at McDowell’s too?

  25. Devin H.

    All of the Holiday Pies.

  26. Carla

    Thanks for hosting the givaway!

  27. Rob

    I’m in.

  28. amy marantino

    cheese on 12?

  29. Jess

    I’d build a time machine, and go buy an Arch Deluxe.

    Since that’s likely impossible, I’d buy all the strawberry sundaes I could find.

  30. Kenneth W Robinson

    Merry Christmas to all.

  31. Mike P

    $5 worth of fries please!

  32. Laurie Lankin

    I’ll have an Enormous Mac, a McBucket of McNuggets, and a Tray O’Fries please!

  33. Ashley

    Merry Christmas

  34. BigBelly

    gifty mcgiftcard me please

  35. Dale Shields

    Mcmuffins are life!!

  36. Corisa

    I honestly love McDonald’s soft serve more than ever!

  37. Kim


  38. Mindy

    McDonald’s me, please!

  39. David

    How about grilled chicken McNuggets? Because if 2017 isn’t about making McDonald’s more healthy than what is the point of all of this? If you’re fit and trim of course you want to eat at a fast food burger and fries place.

  40. Jason

    I want this!

  41. Darrell Martinsen

    I wish that in 2017 McDonald’s comes out with a banana split McFlurry or banana cream pies! After all Hawaii has the haupia coconut cream pies right? It should be doable! 🙂

  42. Michael


  43. D.J.

    Always get stuff from McDonalds.

  44. Cindy

    Love the McBuckets of MCNuggets idea.

  45. Alyssa

    The french fries. OHHHH the french fries!

  46. Priscilla De Leon

    I miss the oatmeal cups during my college starving days, lol.

  47. Josh C

    I just want some of their holiday pies. Those should be out everywhere.

  48. richard

    McRib if you can still get one when the card is shipped.

  49. holly

    parfaits and the best cheap coffee there is for days!

  50. holly

    Oh and speaking about a Tray O’fries, it makes me think of when “french fry eating parties” were a thing in Japan.

  51. Camille

    Oh goody!

  52. Mandy

    I would like to eat a tray full of fries!

  53. Erin

    I’d totally use it to buy 5 cones!

  54. Fran

    Yes please!

  55. Whitney

    Happy holidays!

  56. Ashley

    Merry Christmas!

  57. Linda M.

    Your ideas are spectacular!

  58. Karin

    Pie. Its all for pie.

  59. RA

    Thank you!

  60. Jeremy

    McDoubles, here I come!

  61. Timothy Coon


  62. EG Melby

    who can’t use a McD’s gift card?!?!?

  63. Farnic

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  64. kris k

    Sausage mcmuffin

  65. Renee Ladd

    That is a very fancy gift card.

  66. Alek

    Apple Pie McFlurry does sound yummy. No brainer and taking existing stuff then blending it

  67. Ashley S

    I”d totally get a big mac with this! Love McDonalds!

  68. jebsmom

    One Mc D’s would give my dog mini ice cream cones through the drive-thru! 🙂

  69. Tina

    I would order an Eggy McEggface just to say it!

  70. Jason Johnson

    McGriddles make me McHappy!

  71. dan bolyard

    I’m Lovin’ it

  72. Katie B

    I have a strange addiction to McDonalds’ ice cream cones.

  73. Toni C.

    I need some McNuggets right about now.

  74. Mark W.

    Sounds good.

  75. Whitney

    McFlurry, oreo please.

  76. Amanda Willis

    Sausage egg and cheese McGriddle please!

  77. Erin

    Happy Holidays! I want to try the Apple Pie Hot Fudge McFlurry!!

  78. Adam

    I want that apple choice McFlurry, now!

  79. Pam

    Fries with tarter sauce!

  80. Krystal

    Happy holidays!

  81. Taylor

    The Big Cheese: Big mac bun grilled cheese with all their various “cheeses,” and lettuce, tomato, onion, special sauce.

  82. Mason

    It’s too bad McDonald’s didn’t release the Holiday Pie nationwide this year.

  83. kaitlyn

    “Eggy McEggface” hahaha

  84. Grant Bute

    Enormous Mac is too much Mac

  85. Courtney

    Happy Monday 🙂

  86. Stephen Z

    Big Mac

  87. JJ

    I need me an Egg Nog Shake!!!

  88. Anne M. Sutton

    I think that egg sandwich you proposed would give me my dose of sodium for a year! But the egg lover in me would try it.

  89. Kristie Dilcher

    Nothing like a McDonalds cheeseburger and chocolate shake! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  90. Jocelyn B

    I’ll order the McBucket next time I go to Mickey D’s

  91. Roger

    And I would probably buy a couple of filet-o-fish. Or lots of coffee.

  92. watashi

    you made me sad that apple pie mcflurry isn’t actually a real thing lol

  93. I’m not a huge McDonald’s fan, but their hot cakes are great.

  94. Chris


  95. Tom

    Thank you!! I would use this for a McFlurry!

  96. Junior

    Big mac…the first fast food burger I ever had once I graduated from the happy meal.

  97. Katie Dunnigan

    Yum! I could get some Holiday Pies!

  98. Melissa

    Eggy McEggface is genius!

  99. Adrian

    Can’t wait for the Grand Mac and Mac Jr!

  100. Please bring back the McDLT!

  101. Shannon

    Happy Holidays!

  102. Steve


  103. Linda B

    I think it’s been over a year since I’ve eaten McDonald’s…this gift card would intice me to make a trip. If you Enormous Mac wish comes true, I would love to try that…although after eating that, I’d probably need another long break from McD’s!

  104. Adrienne

    Winner Winner I want a McDonald’s dinner!

  105. Stew

    Double quarter pounder for me.

  106. Amy B

    They have the best coffee!

  107. A.B.

    Mmmm Caramel Frappe.

  108. Zachary Jacob Zblewski

    Eggy McEggface… all day breakfast?

  109. Josh


  110. MicheleA

    my fav

  111. Mike S.

    Cool card design!

  112. Kate


  113. Kelly

    Two all beef patties…

  114. Amy

    Thanks for the giveaways!

  115. PJH

    I can’t wait to get a McDLT with that gift card!

  116. J

    I’m Lovin’ it!!

  117. Randy Weil

    So hungry for a Big Mac right now!

  118. Nocode

    Planters Cheese Balls.

  119. Brad H

    Just enough for me to get a Grand Mac!

  120. Rik

    I’m a silly Christmas baby!

  121. Joeanna

    Golden Arches

  122. Claudia

    GOLDEN ARCHES – glowing like a beacon in the night when travelling!!!

  123. Jessica O.

    Thank you!

  124. Kenna Bartle

    Who wouldn’t love this?? I know I would!!!

  125. sairentohiru

    I gotta say, I dig those holiday pies.

  126. Eunice Kim

    Happy Holidays

  127. Josh

    Arch me up.

  128. TropicalChrome

    You know, I’d try that Egg McEggface.

  129. Leslie M

    Happy holidays!

  130. hamburgler raped grimace

  131. Gabriella

    definitely buying holiday pies if I win

  132. Craig Asen

    Bring back boxes of McCookies please!

  133. Alex L

    I was just thinking about how there were quite a bit of disappointing releases this year. But then again, there were some awesome ones.

    Habanero Doritos come back!

  134. snuff


  135. Zwizenator

    I dip, you dip, we dip

  136. Michael

    I bathe in special sauce.

  137. Kevin Snow

    Do any readers on this blog not like McDonalds?

  138. Karl M.

    Give it to me now!

  139. Caitlin J

    Near my house McDonald’s is having egg mcmuffin sandwiches on sale for $1.99 and any size latte is also $1.99. That means if I win this I can get a full breakfast of an egg mcmuffin and large hot peppermint mocha without spending anything, other than maybe a few cents for tax 😉

  140. Colee

    Please let me drown my sorrows in a 20 pack of Chicken Nuggets.

  141. Matt J.

    Happy Holidays! from my dog.

  142. Martin

    The McDLT is Mcdonald’s best-ever burger.

  143. Alison

    Hmmm, how much would McD’s charge for the ‘Enormous Mac’????

  144. Philip

    Love that McDonald’s.

  145. Melody Traynor

    I would love a McBucket of McNuggets lol. Thanks for the chance!

  146. Astor

    I wish McDonald’s would do a “world menu” where you could order popular menu items from around the world…like the most popular Japanese McDonald’s item…or something like that…so we can try other countries foods, without having to live there.

  147. Libby

    Pick me pick me!

  148. Bryn


  149. MP


  150. Hannah

    Love their Coffee!!

  151. coolguy

    thanks so much!

  152. Josh

    Thanks Marvo

  153. JoAnn

    Great gift card, thanks!

  154. Jarmel

    Hi there.

  155. Donna Dee

    Sausage McGriddle with cheese, no egg!

  156. Christina

    That McNugget idea is AMAZING

  157. Michelle

    I love The Impulsive Buy!

  158. Dianne

    I’ll take the bucket of McNuggets to go!

  159. Courtney


  160. Sue

    Definitely craving a mac. Ill get fries and acaramel sundae too. Been a long time. Lets see if I win.

  161. Layne


  162. Diana Lis

    Thank! Dzi?kuje! Would luv a McD card!

  163. Mike Maynarich

    Choose McMaddog! Havin a Mac attack!

  164. Sarah

    Hell yea….all of those plz

  165. Carson

    Happy holidays!

  166. Alex

    Love the site! Pick me!

  167. Melissa

    Thanks! Love your give aways!

  168. Matt

    Ooh bucket of mcnuggets!

  169. Rosie Mc-O-Donald

    Yo I missed Day 5!

  170. DeannaS

    I’d be lovin’it if I won this gift card. Thanks for this opportunity! 🙂

  171. jj

    if only the card would let us buy tallow-fried fries…

  172. Vicky

    I want a McTeri and a saimin!

  173. Liz L

    I haven’t the McRib yet.

  174. Laurie P


  175. Roger Daniels

    I’m lovin it

  176. M

    Food, folks and fun. I’m old.

  177. Ammera

    Love their apple pies

  178. Amry

    Thank u for these giveaways Marvo

  179. Leela

    Burgers and fries from a bunch of nice guys 🙂

  180. Nikki

    Mmmmm…a bucket of mcnuggets with kfc gravey to dip. Yea.

  181. Alex

    Hashbrown-bun breakfast sandwiches for 2017 plz

  182. Ariel


  183. Eric B


  184. Matthew Langan

    Sausage Muffin one half Big mac the other

  185. Sheila

    I’d love to win a McD’s GC! Thanks for all the giveaway opportunities!

  186. Andy

    McD for free for me please.

  187. Lauren

    Feed me!

  188. Carol

    Mc D’s is for me. McBucket of McNuggets or Apple dessert. mmmm….breakfast, lunch, or dinner – great food. If Mc D’s can serve breakfast any time, why not the other food any time too?

  189. Sylvie

    Haven’t been to a McDonald’s in years! It was my favourite vacay treat!

  190. Shawn Hunt

    Merry McChristmas Junk Food Eaters!!!!

  191. Gohst

    What ever happened to Grimace and the Hamburgerlar? That question deserves a $25 Arch Card:)

  192. Gohst Alistic

    What ever happened to Grimace and the Hamburgerlar? That question deserves a $25 Arch Card:)

  193. Whitney


  194. Melanie

    Mcds please!!

  195. Cierra

    I will take this one

  196. Amry

    Happy Holidays!