2016 SEASON OF GIVING (DAY 7): $5 Trader Joe’s Gift Card

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I could list every Trader Joe’s product we’ve covered this year. Or I could embed a video made in 2009 about Trader Joe’s that I didn’t know existed until a week ago.

I choose the video.


To enter this prize drawing for a $5 Trader Joe’s Gift Card, leave a comment with THIS post. You can write whatever you want, but please don’t forget to fill out the email field because we’ll be emailing the randomly selected winner for his or her mailing address.

We will stop accepting entries on December 21, 2016 at 12:00 a.m. Hawaii Standard Time (2:00 a.m. Pacific, 5:00 a.m. Eastern). Only one comment allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents 18 years old or older.

Good luck!

FINE PRINT: The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to send you emails that link to a story about the 27 girls and guys that will make you miss summer. The Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send you flyers for your local hair restoration clinic that will take hair from other parts on your body and put in on your head. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail or damaged mail.


199 responses to “2016 SEASON OF GIVING (DAY 7): $5 Trader Joe’s Gift Card”

  1. Liz S.

    Love Trader Joe’s – so many fun products, especially around this time of year.

    1. Laurel

      Love Trader Joe’s, and The Impulsive Buy! This gift card would feed my daughter’s and my dried mango addiction! 🙂

  2. peter lobl

    trader joe’s is missed here in germany (aldi has very few TJ items)

  3. Shay

    The best…

  4. Chris

    One of my favorites!

  5. Brian f

    Let’s get some jingle jangle!

  6. Tracy t

    Please help me feed my peppermint addiction by giving me this gift card!!! Thnx ?

  7. Jason

    I want this

  8. G

    I would love to win this giveaway.

  9. Priscilla De Leon

    Oh my God!!!! Yes! Yes! YES!!!!!

  10. Carol

    So many cool and different products at Trader Joe’s. Sunflower see spread…hmmm. Would be great to win this giveaway.

  11. Skye

    I love just going in to Trader Joe’s and am so happy that one moved into my state!

  12. Chris

    dolph lundgren

  13. Bob Kupniewski

    I drive over 2+ Hours just to go to trader joes on a monthly basis and drop over 100$ each time stocking up on stuff. This would be awesome!

  14. BigBelly

    Hello Chocolate Babka

  15. Tabitha

    I wanna trade with Joe

  16. Jarmel


  17. Elizabeth

    I love Trader Joe’s!

  18. Matt

    Happy Holidays! Want me so Joe Joes

  19. Bobby X.

    Always a fun time at TJ’s!!

  20. Melissa

    Trader Joe’s is a favorite of mine, but I don’t shop nearly as often as I would like to, so this gift card would be the ideal treat!

  21. Laurie Lankin

    would love to try me some 2-buck chuck … that’s cheap beef, right?

  22. Danai

    My favorite store on the planet. Thank you!

  23. Bryn


  24. I stopped by to chew bubble gum and enter this giveaway…and I’m all out of bubble gum.

  25. Justin

    Ooh this might be the best giveaway yet!

  26. Yareth

    My daughter thinks traders joes is the best supermarket in the world

  27. Fran

    Favorite store!

  28. Heather H.

    Feliz Navidad.

  29. Amanda

    Trader’s is easily one of my favorite stores. I drive an hour just to go shop and it’s worth it every time!

  30. Tonya Bryant

    Love Trader Joe/s

  31. Sylvie

    I’d love to try some of the new Trader Joe’s holiday items for free. And I don’t mean in store samples!

  32. JoAnn

    Great gift card, thanks!

  33. Jess

    It’d be nice to have a trader joe’s. I like to buy their cinnamon pear cider in the winter for mixed drinks. It’s pear cider, birthday cake vodka, coconut rum, and I feel like there’s something else I add to it, but that might be it. It’s dangerous.

  34. Whitney Gates

    I freaking love Trader Joes!

  35. Shawn Hunt

    Cookie Butter! Just a jar and a spoon!

  36. Devin H.

    I’ve never stepped foot inside a Trader’s Joe before. This gift card could change that.

  37. Sarah

    My favorite store!

  38. Kelly

    Love the Ginger Almond Granola!

  39. Mindy

    Trader Joe’s me, please!

  40. Denise Z.

    So many tasty options at Trader Joe’s!

  41. Sean

    Please and thank you.

  42. H Miller

    Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens,
    Bright copper kettles and warm woollen mittens.

  43. Linda B

    I love TJ’s! They have the most awesome collection of pumpkin stuff during pumpkin season! I stock up on whatever I can to make it last as long as possible

  44. Amanda

    I’d love to win this.

  45. Joe

    So many holiday products to try!

  46. amy marantino

    Ho, Ho, Joe

  47. Marc Goldberg

    Trader Joe’s is the best. Cookie Butter should be one of the food groups!

  48. Kari G

    Love TJ’s!

  49. D.J.

    Trader Joe’s is so cool!

  50. Me me meeeeeeee

  51. Meral H

    Can’t wait to buy another bottle of two buck chuck!

  52. richard

    Pretzel Bagels!!!!

  53. aileen

    ooo i need this in my life … fig butter!

  54. Gigi

    Oh, sweet mother, do I love Trader Joe’s!!! It’s the only place near me that sells my favorite Spanish rose wine so, of course, every time I go in for a few bottles I HAVE to spend another $200 on other random stuff.

  55. Whitney

    Cookie butter!!!

  56. Farnic

    This would be spent in a heartbeat!

  57. Camille

    I love TJs!

  58. David

    I love me some Trader Joe’s!

  59. EG Melby

    happy holidays!

  60. Jackie

    Trader Melissa’s.

  61. Ashley

    Merry Christmas!

  62. Cindy

    Love the video…made me hungry!

  63. Jessica

    Love Trader Joe’s!

  64. Happy holidays!

  65. John L

    TJ gift Card sounds good

  66. Charlene

    Thank you, and happy holidays!

  67. watashi

    hidey ho

  68. mars

    I love their cheddar & caramel popcorn.

  69. R A

    Thank you.

  70. jebsmom

    I love their Thanksgiving flavored kettle chips!

  71. Amanda Willis

    I need a Trader Joe’s where I live. 🙁 But this would give me a reason to go visit my mom. I mean, other than the fact that she’s my mom.

  72. Karina


  73. elissa

    this is the best!

  74. Craig Asen

    Ding ding

  75. lauramich

    I live 2 hours away from the nearest Trader Joe’s, but it’s worth the trip. We try to go 2-3 times a year and spend ridiculous sums stocking up on our favorites.

  76. Alek

    I LOVE TJ’s!!!

  77. Deb N

    Please help enable my adventures in cheap red wine exploration. Thank you 🙂

  78. Jarred

    Haven’t been to Trader Joe’s in over a year, would love to check out all their new goodies.

  79. Ashley S

    Traders Joe’s is my fave! I’d love to win this!

  80. Grant Bute

    Merry Christmas!

  81. Erin

    Sounds like a great reason for a TJ trip!

  82. Nocode

    Magic Middles

  83. Tina

    OMG, Trader Joe’s is my favorite store ever! 😀

  84. Katie B

    Winning this free $5 gift card will result in a $70 purchase. 🙂

  85. Aaron

    I sooo love Trader Joe’s! And Trader José’s. And Trader Giotto’s. And Trader Jacque’s. And Trader Joe-San. And…

  86. Josh C

    I’m sure I could find something tasty.

  87. Marla

    I’m obsessed with Trader Joe’s. Pick meeeeee! <3

  88. Mike Davis

    Jingle Jangle!!! AAAHHH!! JINGLE JANGLE!!!!!

  89. Nicole

    Love Trader Joe’s, but love The Impulsive Buy more : )

  90. Kami Sutton

    My fave splurge on myself is to take $20 into TJ’s & see how much deliciousness I can come out with!

  91. Zachary Jacob Zblewski

    Sloppy Joe. G.I. Joe. Trader Joe.

  92. Candied ginger and meatless meatballs. (Not eating them together, though!)

  93. Rod

    Thanks again!

  94. Emma S

    Trader Joe’s is my kryptonite. 🙂

  95. Kristie Dilcher

    I’m due for some Trader Joe pb and j bars! Thanks for the giveaway!

  96. Anne Sutton

    Three words…ice cream pannetonne!

  97. Cassie

    I <3 Trader Joe's!

  98. Amry

    I ?? Trader Joe’s!

  99. Leslie M

    Merry Christmas!

  100. Ammera

    Happy Holidays!

  101. Thirany


  102. Molly

    Happy last day of fall!

  103. CD

    Ho Ho Ho!

  104. Stephen Rowan

    I kind of like Trader Joe’s, but I really like the NOSH show!

  105. Michael

    Go Joe!

  106. Mason

    Happy Holidays!

  107. Toni C.

    No Trader Joe’s here. But I still want to win because TJs is the best.

  108. A.B.

    Going to Trader Joe’s is quite fun!

  109. Laney

    Thank you for the opportunity!

  110. LL

    This one is definitely a winner!

  111. Tim

    Wish me luck

  112. Nick Marshall

    I’ll consider it a belated birthday present.

  113. sairentohiru

    Their dill pickle popcorn is the BEST!

  114. Thomas G

    Mmmmmm cookie butter stocking stuffer

  115. Jan Potzer

    I am visiting on Ft. Collins CO ,and this shop I want to get some gifts ,for ME and my family and friends back in PA!

  116. Renee Ladd

    Lots of good stuff at TJ’s

  117. Libby

    Trader Joe’s <3

  118. Kate

    Need to keep up on Whats good at traders joes- help?

  119. JJ

    Winner winner TJ’s chicken for dinner!

  120. Whitney

    need those sea-salt caramels!

  121. TJ4TW
    (apparently, speaking in acronyms in a comment is considered spam)

  122. Andy


  123. Mary D

    Ho Ho Trader Joes!

  124. Adrienne

    Yes please!

  125. Chris

    When is the winner picked ?

  126. Courtney


  127. Carol

    Happy Holidays.

  128. Robert Cannizzaro

    TJ’s real close! I’ll take it!

  129. Caitlin J

    The closest Trader Joe’s to my house is over thirty minutes away and I’ll admit I’ve only gone twice. However, my father is OBSESSED with the store and brings home goodies from there all the time, he would love this!!!

  130. lucy


  131. Jules L

    That was such a great video 🙂

  132. TJ

    Never been, but there is one >30 mins away.

  133. Thistle

    Yay TJ!

  134. Ariel

    Best shop ever

  135. Mike S.

    Look forward to it!

  136. Amy B

    I love TJ’s!

  137. Kenna Bartle

    Yes please!!!!

  138. Karen

    I need this!

  139. Jennifer

    I love TJ’s, please pick meeee! 🙂

  140. Nadin B.

    YASSS TJ’s!

  141. Angela

    Love their Kona Coffee!

  142. Brad H

    What is this!? A school for ants!

  143. MissyB

    Please, Santa, please! I need a TJ’s fix!

  144. TropicalChrome

    The Chocolate Covered Peppermint Joe Joes are the reason I do not commit mayhem during the holiday season.

    I have at least three boxes hidden on a shelf in the laundry room.

  145. Alex L

    Trader Joe’s has a pretty neat selection of products. I’ve never actually bought anything there, though.

  146. Liz L

    I love shopping at Trader Joe’s!

  147. Melly

    I can buy some Two Buck Chuck with this! Too bad it’s not two bucks anymore!

  148. Stephen Z

    Trader Joe’s fa sho

  149. Kelly


  150. Katie


  151. Dominic Flaim


  152. Junior

    I love TJ’s! Their bagged lettuce lasts twice as long in my fridge than the bagged lettuce from other grocery stores. And their fruit tastes amazing!

  153. Mark W.

    Would give me an excuse to stop at one and check them out.

  154. Mike B

    Trader Joe’s is the best!

  155. Anthony

    fingers crossed

  156. Sue

    I was planning a trip after new years for some 2017 healthy food stock up. Yay to resolutions.

  157. Leela

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  158. Donna Dee

    Cookie Butter!!!!! All the feels..

  159. Heather Mcknight

    ::drool:: That’s me at Trader Joes.

  160. Kristina

    Happy Holidays!

  161. Sandy

    Happy holidays!!

  162. Michelle

    I love The Impulsive Buy!

  163. coolguy


  164. Carson

    Happy holidays!

  165. Stella


  166. Anthony Monterosso

    I absolutely love TJ’s!!

  167. Sarah

    All the Hodgepodge!

  168. Bianca T

    joe joe’s!!

  169. Michael

    I could use a nice, hot cup of Trader Joe’s.

  170. Kevin Snow

    Woo hoo!!!!!!

  171. Ashley

    I love Trader Joe’s!

  172. Dianne


  173. Taylor

    I need a little more Trader Joe’s in my life

  174. Mars

    Trader Joe’s is the best!

  175. Trader Joe’s is the best!

  176. Eileen Campbell

    Peppermint bark!

  177. Melissa

    love TJ’s

  178. Beth M

    I liked Rogue One better than all three Star Wars prequels combined.

  179. Deanna S

    I’m glad to read my email won’t be used to send me suspicious links to clichéd pop culture stories and hair restoration facilities 🙂

    I love Trader Joe’s–especially their house brand crunchy PB!

  180. jean finegan

    Ho Ho HO Who would’t want to go to Trader Joe’s! Merry Christmas!

  181. Erin

    Trader Joe’s!!!

  182. Sarah

    TJ’s….best frozen meals!!!

  183. jj

    Waxed bubs and gingerbread are sold out, but that’d cover most of whatever and whenever the spring Kringle might be!

  184. Ryandog

    Trader Joes is LIFE! Would like this!

  185. Hannah

    Trader Joe’s is the best!

  186. Vicky

    Love Trader Joe’s…only wish we had one in Hawaii! Guess it gives me an excuse to go to the 9th island…vegas!

  187. Jordan A

    pleas please please oh please me

  188. Shannon

    Trader Joe’s olive oil is my fave.

  189. Katlyn

    Mac and cheeeeese

  190. Zin The Phoenix

    I could definitely use this.

  191. Eric B


  192. Astor

    Reminds me I need to hit Trader Joe’s soon…stock up on some festive things.

  193. Matthew Wunderlich


  194. Sheila

    Yay for giveaways! Would love a Trader Joe’s GC! 🙂

  195. holly

    Trader Joe’s frozen entrees for the win!

  196. Sylvie

    I can’t remember if I entered but I sure love me some Jay Trade!

  197. Christina

    Scandinavian Swimmers and Lavash Wraps