Burger King had an amazing year, if by “amazing year” means a bunch of products that made folks say “WTF” or odd enough that they ended up being mentioned during your local news because they needed to fill 15-30 seconds. Here’s a list of the most interesting products from the fast food chain this year:
March 2016 – Angriest Whopper with a red bun
April 2016 – Chicken Fries Rings
May 2016 – Whopper Dog
June 2016 – Mac n Cheetos
August 2016 – Whopperrito
September 2016 – Cheetos Chicken Fries
To enter this prize drawing for a $5 Burger King Gift Card, leave a comment with THIS post. You can write whatever you want, but please don’t forget to fill out the email field because we’ll be emailing the randomly selected winner for his or her mailing address.
We will stop accepting entries on December 24, 2016 at 12:00 a.m. Hawaii Standard Time (2:00 a.m. Pacific, 5:00 a.m. Eastern). Only one comment allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents 18 years old or older.
Good luck!
FINE PRINT: The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to send you emails about hair care products made from aloe vera. The Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send you empty USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate boxes. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail or damaged mail.
123 responses to “2016 SEASON OF GIVING (DAY 10): $5 Burger King Gift Card”
I hope I win!
4am and now I want a juicy, flame grilled Whopper. Thanks!
Thank you!
Thank you.
Love the Whopper!!
Sweet! Wanna get my BK on!
Didn’t get to comment on the last few drawings because none of those places were anywhere near me. Good to be back and good luck everyone!
The land of the free and the home of the Whopper.
I wonder if they still have any Whopperitos.
long live the king
Could go for a chicken sandwich and onion rings right now. Mmmmm.
The King!
Thank you
Perfect for picking up coffee after being shoved back in fourth in a crowded NYC train lol
I’d use this to get the cheesy tots!
Merry Christmas!
I know every other company has gift cards, but why am I surprised that Burger King does?
This would be great to enjoy for lunch!
Happy holidays!
I can use this on their next Cheetos flavored product.
I want some white lettuce on a cold burger!
This card will buy some chicken fries for us!
Burger King me, please!
Please bring back the holiday-themed colas! Maybe next year?
Can’t wait to see what BK comes up with in the new year.
King me!
‘whatever you want’
Hold the pickle!
Have it Your Way.
99 cent Whoppers.
Breakfast please!
Happy holidays!
Feliz Navidad
Still haven’t tried the pancakes yet
I’d get a milkshake. Thanks!
I love their French Toast Sticks.
Would give me a reason to give them another chance.
Come on.
Want this one
Lettuce have fresher veggies at BK!
Woo! The King!
bring back the king sauce!
Thank you!
Thanks Marvo!!!!!
Thank you! I like their Whopper Jr!
I love Burger King! Thanks!
Yes BK!
Too tired to comment cleverly
King me!
Of all fast food places, BK has my favorite burger. The Whopper!
So disappointed in the Mac n Cheetos.
Don’t know why I bother since the one near us is always “out” of milkshakes. Pretty sure the workers just don’t feel like making them.
Happy Holidays!!
Love Burger King! Merry Christmas!
Just last week I had a Whopper Jr for the first time since I was, like, ten. I’d forgotten that those things are somewhat decent-tasting.
Whopper dog.
Love Whopper Juniors! Thanks for the awesome giveaway! Happy holidays!
Merry Christmas!
I just had some BK yesterday!
The whopper burrito fusion was not good.
I could sure use a cheeseburger right about now.
A gift card will allow me to try a couple things on the menu that I haven’t had before. Thank you!
I could treat my whole family to the $0.89 pancakes with this card. LoL.
Happy holidays!
gimme gimme gimme!
That’s two chicken sandwiches!
I love BK!
That would be a lot of nuggets!
Ah, my old dinner staple. Two Whopper Jr, fries, and vodka. Memories…
King me
Angry Whopper wasn’t as good as it used to be and the Big King was a let down, but I still love their Spicy chicken sandwiches and Double Cheeseburgers.
I’m a silly Christmas baby!
BK is great!
Look forward to it!
Double whopper
Kids like the fries and nuggets, I like a double whopper jr. (No cheese).
Wearing my Burger King King costume right now.
Fingers crossed…
I’m trying to think how long it’s been since I’ve been to Burger King….yup, a long time!
BK is just ok
Burger King
Have it your way. Yummy!
BK? What?
King me!
They should make a burger called the Whipper Whopper.
I don’t know what it would be.
Mmmmmmm original chicken sandwich
I like white people, but I don’t like you!
I’ll be honest, I was so impressed and in love with the Whopperito when I tried it that it brought a tear to my eye.
Cheesy Tots!
Would love to get some french toast sticks with this. It’s too bad bk got rid of their satisfries, they were better than the original fries imo.
i like their onion rings…
Burger king rules
loves me some bk!
I like it!
The chicken fry rings were not as good as white castles but they did the job
I love The Impulsive Buy!
BK is King.
Still kicking myself over missing the Surge icey thing and the Black Bun Halloween burger
fries and a a choc shake
Onion rings ;o)
Merry Christmas
Thank you!
Yes please!
Lets end 2k16 with a BK gift card! Shout out to The Nosh Show!
Burger King!
Burger King ice cream cones are surprising tasty!
Looks like lots of people like Burger King (me, too).
They got rid of the rodeo burger and fry sauce at my location.
Whopper Jr. and chicken fries!
What crazy item will BK come up with next?
I won’t bean angry whopper if I win. I’ll just eat a free one!