REVIEW: Pringles LOUD Crisps (Mighty Margherita Pizza and Salsa Fiesta)

Pringles LOUD Crisps (Mighty Margherita Pizza and Salsa Fiesta)

I have a confession to make: I love eating ketchup on Pringles. I love it to the point where my posture is currently italicized just thinking about it.

Pringles and ketchup is a tradition passed down in my family for generations. I’ve made intricate catsup illustrations on Pringles canvases that would make a Subway sandwich artist‘s cold cut craftsmanship look like a kindergartener’s elbow macaroni picture frame.

Heck, I even have the family record for most ketchup-squelched Pringles stacked and eaten in one bite (thirteen).

So imagine the personal offense I take when people scoff —- if not outright wretch -— at me for sharing this tasty tradition with them. Sure, some rational souls agree that, since ketchup on French fries is good, it should work on Pringles, too. And sure, Ketchup Pringles exist in Canada. But most Americans react like I just sneezed unshaken ketchup water on them.

Thankfully, Pringles seems to be on my side, as two of their five new LOUD Crisps varieties prominently feature the humble tomato. This line of “bolder flavored” and “epically crunchy” crisps also includes Spicy Queso, Super Cheesy Italian, and Fiery Chili Lime, but I’m here to tell you about the ones that will (hopefully) bring glory to the “ketchup and Pringles” name: Mighty Margherita Pizza, which swaps the brand’s traditional “potato-flavored crisp” base for one made of grains and more vegetables than a Biblical children’s show, and Salsa Fiesta, which builds its flavor party on a dance floor of corn flour.

Pringles LOUD Mighty Margherita Pizza Crisps

From Ducks to Morphin Power Rangers, “Mighty” things tend to be pretty great, and original Pizza Pringles are my all-time favorites, so I expected big things from Mighty Margherita Pizza.

These new crisps smell just like Pizza Pringles, but their taste is a bit more artisanal. They open with a familiar pop of tomato paste, garlic, and onion, but quickly fade into a more complexly sun-dried and herbal tomato back end. These late flavor notes also smack of tangy basil and spinach, making it feel like Julius Pringle gave a Godfather-esque Kiss of Death to my taste buds. Pleasant at first, this aftertaste becomes peppery and bitter enough over time to make my tongue “sleep with the fishes”—by which I mean, “yearn for a glass of water.”

What really irritates Don Dan about Mighty Margherita Pringles is their supposed “LOUD” crunch. Despite being made with a grain and vegetable blend that gives them a subtle carroty finish, these Pringles LOUD Crisps are no louder nor crunchier than normal Pringles.

Instead, they just feel like the hipster, organically cauliflower-crusted pizza version of original Pizza Pringles. If plain Pizza Pringles are Papa John’s, Domino’s, or Little Caesars, then Mighty Margherita Pizza is Father John Misty, Settlers of Catan, and Little Hannibals —- you know, the guy who crossed the Alps to invade Rome before it was cool.

Pringles LOUD Mighty Margherita Pizza Crisps 2

Oh well, at least they make great hyperbolic hors d’oeuvres when you top ‘em like Lunchables.

Pringles LOUD Salsa Fiesta Crisps

Even though Mighty Margherita Pizza was pretty good, I hoped Salsa Fiesta would be better. These crisps’ feverish appearance made me think they’d have more tomato taste, and I was right. While M.M.P. oozes the vine-ripened juiciness of a wise old tomato, Salsa Fiesta strikes fast with the aggressive and salty zest of a sassy vine-dropout.

This punchy tomato taste fades quickly into notes of tongue-prickling red onion and mouth-watering green chile. On their own, these flavors might be spicy, but their burn is tempered by Salsa Fiesta’s delightful aftertaste of roasted corn and black bean dip. It’s a very tasty re-creation of the “tortilla chips and salsa” restaurant ritual, but it’s also over far too soon, as the airy crisps completely dissolve into the ethereal Pringles beyond before I can say “holy frijoles!”

Pringles LOUD Salsa Fiesta Crisps 2

And even though a mild salsa makes a great pairing for these zippy Salsa Fiesta Pringles, their fragile paraboloid slopes tend to crack under the pressure. Be sure to have a platoon of rescue chips handy to fish these fallen chips out of their juicy graves.

Overall, if you’re a fan of tomatoes ‘n’ taters like me, the respective veggie and corn bases of Mighty Margherita Pizza and Salsa Fiesta will bring starchy satisfaction to your catsup-coated carb cravings. The sweet ‘n’ tangy sauciness and contemplative herbs of Mighty Margherita Pizza make for a great evening snack, while the peppery jabs of Salsa Fiesta are perfect for a bustling party.

But if you hate tomatoes and oxymoronically quiet “LOUD” Crisps, you might want to pass these up for something with more bulk —- or extreme nacho cheese.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have two new Pringles flavors to shamelessly slather with Heinz.

(Nutrition Facts – 14 crisps – Mighty Margherita Pizza – 140 calories, 60 calories from fat, 7 grams of fat, 2 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 200 milligrams of sodium, 18 grams of carbohydrates, less than 1 gram of fiber, 2 grams of sugar, and 2 grams of protein. Salsa Fiesta – 140 calories, 60 calories from fat, 8 grams of fat, 2 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 310 milligrams of sodium, 18 grams of carbohydrates, less than 1 gram of fiber, 1 gram of sugar, and 2 grams of protein.)

Purchased Price: $1.40 each
Size: 5.1 oz. can (Mighty Margherita Pizza)
Size: 5.4 oz. can (Salsa Fiesta)
Purchased at: Meijer
Rating: 7 out of 10 (Mighty Margherita Pizza)
Rating: 8 out of 10 (Salsa Fiesta)
Pros: The savory French kiss of a Pringles Mafioso. The taste bud-smacking sadism of juvenile salsa delinquents. Elegantly stacking Pringles with feta and Chipotles. Ancient pizza elephant warfare.
Cons: Crunching not with a bang, but with a whimper. Herbs that overstay their welcome. Crisps more fragile than a leg lamp. Un-elegantly cramming a stack of 13 Pringles and ketchup into my mouth.


8 responses to “REVIEW: Pringles LOUD Crisps (Mighty Margherita Pizza and Salsa Fiesta)”

  1. Great review!!

  2. Sara

    Love the review!
    I have to ask, are you a fan of the wonderful ketchup and chip sandwhich? Take a slice of white bread, slather on a thick layer of ketchup, and then crumble Pringles over the ketchup. Top with a slice of american cheese and another slice of white bread. Stupid but delicious.

    1. Ab. So. Lutely!

      I’m a major ketchup hound…and a bread addict, so I take any chance to combine them with the familiar salty crunch of Pringles.

      Glad to hear you’re one of my people: as an endangered species, we gotta stick together.

  3. drbananahammock

    I had these, as well as the garlic italian and chili lime.

    The base chip is a Pringle, no more, no less. Same texture, just different ingredients. The base had a nice noticeable flavor, but it was nondescript, which is a good thing. I guess Loud is better than Pringles Veggie Grain.

    The garlic italian was poor. The seasoning couldn’t over come the base at all. The same goes for the Pizza. They needed to up the usage at the very least.

    The salsa and chili both ride heat to be at least be favorable over the other two. Very little lime in the chili lime, but both sport unique heats. I might buy these two again.

  4. Amber

    I love dipping plain Lay’s potato chips in ketchup. It never occurred to me to try a different kind of chip like Pringles. I think I know what I’m having for lunch tomorrow.

    1. “One of us. One of us!”

  5. xdestitutex

    It sounds like we “foodies” have to be ashamed of our awesome flavor ideas and likings. Dan, don’t be. All the other are just not thinking out of the box!
    I mean i love how you kinda defended Ketchup + Chips. Why? ’cause i kinda have to do it all time (especially with my gf who can’t imagine which flavors combine well and which not). For example? Just last month we had a discussion whether a pizza combination works or is awkward… and hell after i told her, that this combination already exists just the “dough base” (instead of pizza dough it was some other “bready base”; sorry i can’t remember anymore) is different, she was like “oh… yeah right… i could work…” -.-

    Brings me to Potato Chips and Ketchup again: Why should Salsa and Corn Chips be OK and Ketchup and Potato Chips not?
    Why is it OK for the manufactures to dust every flavor on earth on the chips, but when it comes to get the flavor from sauces it’s weird? -.-
    One of my all time favorite potato chip flavors was “Salsa de Brasil” that was a limited edition dzuring the Soccer World Cup in Brazil. The tomato taste mixed with the vinegar and spicy taste of salsa on apotato chip… awesome! ^^
    And for all those non-believers: The flavor combination of ketchup and potato is also the “foundation” of many casseroles 😀

    Last but not least:
    Sooo… I always wondered what the “loud” part is, but it seems “loud” just means “no potato” and is similar to the corn based Tortilla pringles here (though i would love to try a grain and veggi chip ^^)

    PS: Come to Germany Dan. Though we don’t have Pizza, Cheeseburger and Dill Pickle Pringles (xD), we at least have ketchup pringles and even have “red/white potatoe chips” (which is how a lot of germans like their fries served. With ketchup (red) AND mayo (white). Maybe that’s an idea for your potato chips dip or sandwich creation too? ^^)

  6. Tiffany

    Omg, ketchup on pringles? GENIUS. Why have I never tried that? Thank you Dan + genius family.