Here are some interesting new and limited edition products found on store shelves by us and your fellow readers. If you’ve tried any of the products, share your thoughts about them in the comments.

Velveeta Ham  Cheese Stuffed Grilled Cheese

Velveeta Ham & Cheese Stuffed Grilled Cheese

I don’t want to brag, but I think my positive review of the original Velveeta Stuffed Grilled Cheese made this happen. So send all hate mail to me. (Spotted by Blaire at Walmart.)

Sir Bananas Monkey Mates

Sir Bananas Monkey Mates

Damn right! That chocolate better be aseptic! I have no idea what “aseptic” means. (Spotted by Robbie at H-E-B.)

Perry s Ice Cream Cool Mint Ice Cream Sandwiches

Perry’s Ice Cream Cool Mint Ice Cream Sandwiches

Perry s Ice Cream Sweet Cream Ice Cream Sandwiches

Perry’s Ice Cream Sweet Cream Ice Cream Sandwiches

I know Oreo used to call their mint cookies “Cool Mint,” but I can’t help but think it’s a more appropriate name for a toothpaste flavor. (Spotted by Ron G at The Hub.)

Hill Country Fare Sweet Treats  Toffee Bars and Strawberry Shortcake Bars

Hill Country Fare Sweet Treats (Toffee Bars and Strawberry Shortcake Bars)

Those look pretty good for a low tier store brand. (Spotted by Robbie at H-E-B.)

Starbucks Limited Edition Salted Caramel Mocha Iced Espresso Classics

Starbucks Limited Edition Salted Caramel Mocha Iced Espresso Classics

(Spotted by Blaire at Walmart.)

Ball Park Tailgaters Crustini Buns

Ball Park Tailgaters Crustini Buns

Ball Park Tailgaters Sesame Buns

Ball Park Tailgaters Sesame Buns

I don’t think I’ve ever heard the word “crustini” at a tailgate. (Spotted by Robbie at Sam’s Club.)

Thank you to all the photo contributors! If you’re out shopping and see an interesting new product on the shelf, snap a picture of it, and send us an email ( with where you found it and “Spotted” in the subject line. Or reply to us (@theimpulsivebuy) on Twitter with the photo, where you spotted it, and the hashtag #spotted. If you do so, you might see your picture in our next Spotted on Shelves post.

Also, if you want to send in photos and are wondering if we’ve already covered something, don’t worry about it. Let us worry about it.


One response to “SPOTTED ON SHELVES – 4/5/2017”

  1. drbananahammock

    It means the food product has been made sterile (by pasteurizing in some way) and the packaging itself is sterile. Aseptic meaning without any contamination.