Here are some new Trader Joe’s products found on store shelves by your fellow readers. If you’ve tried any of them, share your thoughts about them in the comments.

Trader Joe s Kitchen Sink Dunkers

Trader Joe’s Kitchen Sink Dunkers

These Dunkers have chocolate chunks, pecans, oats, and sunflower seeds. Wait. Should these have been named Stuff Stuck to Pans in the Kitchen Sink After Making Granola Bars Dunkers? (Spotted by Rachel C at Trader Joe’s.)

Trader Joe s Matcha Joe Joe s

Trader Joe’s Matcha Joe-Joe’s

Trader Joe’s is known for coming up with unusual or quirky product names. So it surprises me it hasn’t given any of its matcha products a name that include matcha-cha-cha. (Spotted by Rachel C at Trader Joe’s.)

Trader Joe s Avocado Citrus Greek Whole Milk Yogurt

Trader Joe’s Avocado Citrus Greek Whole Milk Yogurt

Yum? (Spotted by Sylvia at Trader Joe’s.)

Trader Joe s Nothing But Fruit  Nuts Fig Walnut

Trader Joe’s Nothing But Fruit & Nuts Date Hazelnut Cacao

Trader Joe s Nothing But Fruit  Nuts Date Hazelnut Cacao

Trader Joe’s Nothing But Fruit & Nuts Fig Walnut

Trader Joe s Fruit  Nuts Apricot Almond

Trader Joe’s Fruit & Nuts Apricot Almond

It’s nothing but Trader Joe’s Nothing But Fruit & Nuts. Oh wait, why isn’t the apricot almond one a Nothing But? Apricot. Fruit. Almond. Nut. It seems to be nothing but fruit and nuts. (Spotted by Sylvia at Trader Joe’s.)

Trader Joe s Mango Chipotle BBQ Sauce

Trader Joe’s Mango Chipotle BBQ Sauce

This would be great for your Memorial Day barbecue. Oh wait. This would be great for your Fourth of July barbecue. (Spotted by Sylvia at Trader Joe’s.)

Trader Joe s Seasoning Salt

Trader Joe’s Seasoning Salt

(Spotted by Sylvia at Trader Joe’s.)

Thank you to all the photo contributors! If you’re out shopping and see an interesting new product on the shelf, snap a picture of it, and send us an email ( with where you found it and “Spotted” in the subject line. Or reply to us (@theimpulsivebuy) on Twitter with the photo, where you spotted it, and the hashtag #spotted. If you do so, you might see your picture in our next Spotted on Shelves post.

Also, if you want to send in photos and are wondering if we’ve already covered something, don’t worry about it. Let us worry about it.


8 responses to “SPOTTED ON SHELVES (TRADER JOE’S EDITION) – 5/30/2017”

  1. Justin J.

    As for why the “Nothing but” is missing from the Apricot and Almond package, my guess is that since the apricots are still light and orange in color, they likely contain sulfur dioxide. TJ’s carries dried fruit made with and without, so this wouldn’t be weird for them.

    I make my own snack bars using dates and nuts as a base, so I’ll probably try these things.

    1. Nancy

      Yes, I looked at them to buy, but decided not to when I saw sulfur dioxide in the ingredients.

  2. Kelly

    I purchased the avocado citrus yogurt yesterday. I love making smoothies out of avocado so for me this was amazing. It has chunks of avocado in it as well. Usually, I find myself putting nuts/trail mix into other trader joe’s yogurts but this one is pretty filling on it’s own for just 190 cals. I hope they make different versions without the citrus as I do not like my yogurts too fruity.

    1. Nancy

      Putting this new Avocado Citrus yogurt in a smoothie would be the ONLY way to ingest it. Bought one when a TJ sign said something like “Believe us, it’s great”. Ate it last night and it was gross. I appreciate that it was Whole Milk, but the vague avocado-ness along with a bitter citrus flavor is not what I am looking for in a yogurt. Would never recommend it except for smoothies.

  3. Linda

    Nothing but Fruit and Nuts is so addictive! The date and fig is just amazing flavor and satisfying. And without the calories!
    Bought 10 packages to go home with, so sad no store near me! Also, bought 12 jars of the Dark Morello Cherries to stir into my breakfast Greek yogurt!

  4. Karen Manasco

    We live out in the boonies, and do not get a chance to visit a Trader Joe’s very often. So, when we do, we tend to try new things that grab our attention.

    We brought home a package of Kitchen Sink Dunkers, and now wish we had purchased a few packages of them.

    One day last week, my husband bagged up a few to go with my morning office coffee. At first, I was apprehensive, thinking they would taste like horse food, being natural and all. My second concern was that they would be far too sweet to consume so early in the morning. Wrong on both accounts!

    They are a bit addicting, not too sweet, just the right size, and not too crunchy, nor too soft.

    Suddenly, he’s surfing the internet looking for the recipe. Yum! Thank you, Trader Joe’s!

    P.S. Thank you for the Tuscano Marinara!

  5. Kate

    TJ’s seasoning salt is their house brand of Old Bay… Delicious but don’t buy if you already have a yellow, red, and blue canister in the pantry.

  6. joelleeberk

    TJ’s nothing but fruit is terrible quality choice . Fig and walnut had a stone and break my teeth.