FAST FOOD NEWS: McDonald’s Strawberry Shortcake and Turtle Brownie Sundaes

McDonald s Strawberry Shortcake and Turtle Brownie Sundaes

Impulsive Buy reader Gabe T sent us photos from a McDonald’s location in South Florida of two new sundaes — Strawberry Shortcake and Turtle Brownie.

It’s unclear whether they’re test products, regional products, or there’s a slow rollout going on. But the desserts have also been spotted in the Seattle area.

The strawberry one features vanilla soft serve, premium strawberry topping, white cake cubes, and whipped topping.

It has 400 calories, 12 grams of fat, 6 grams of saturated fat, 50 milligrams of cholesterol, 190 milligrams of sodium, 56 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fiber, 55 grams of sugar, and 7 grams of protein.

McDonald s Strawberry Shortcake and Turtle Brownie Sundaes 2

The Turtle Brownie Sundae has vanilla soft serve, hot fudge and caramel toppings, chocolate chip brownie cubes, whipped topping, and roasted salted pecan pieces.

This dessert has 620 calories, 23 grams of fat, 12 grams of saturated fat, 0.5 grams of trans fat, 50 milligrams of cholesterol, 300 milligrams of sodium, 84 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of fiber, 70 grams of sugar, and 10 grams of protein.

If you’ve spotted this at your local McDonald’s, let us know where in the comments.


13 responses to “FAST FOOD NEWS: McDonald’s Strawberry Shortcake and Turtle Brownie Sundaes”

  1. Alex L

    These were in Seattle, WA and surrounding areas.

    They were as meh and a rip-off as you’d expect them to be.

  2. Caitlin

    I would love to try the Strawberry Shortcake, but all the McDonald’s stores close to where I live in Harford County, Maryland stopped carrying the strawberry sauce for their sundaes! 🙁

    1. Darrell Martinsen

      That is also the case at my store in Ohio. They said strawberry just wasn’t selling or worth carrying anymore 🙁 I ordered it every chance I had.

  3. Summer Hayes

    Our local store is offering these. Off hwy 54 near Tampa Florida.

  4. Maggie Diaz

    McDonald’s in Sweetwater FL and near the falls in Pincrest as well

  5. Beverly Armstead

    Downtown Chicago in the building with the Hyatt Regency Hotel

  6. Joe

    Tampa Bay Area. They are yummy!

  7. Linda

    Lakeland, FL is selling them both. Strawberry is best, but both are really good.

  8. Maine Deveroux

    Downtown Silver Spring, Maryland on Colesville Rd and Wayne Ave. has both.

  9. Shelby

    Palm bay Florida, they are so so so goooood!

  10. FATTS

    Hillsborough and Pinellas counties in Florida serve both sunde options. Prob bc so many older ppl like strawberry instead of chocolate. Also, tge turtle brownie sundae is AWESOME..for $2 50 its prob the best tasting sweet treat. However, the strawberry shortcake sundae is not very good…they could have done a better job on it. The $1 sundaes are also a good bargib but I always add extra chocolate sauce so its probably better to get fat off my fav ..the turtle brownie. Lol

  11. Brian

    This is probably linked to whether or not the location has the order taking kiosks.

    1. Caitlin

      I don’t know, the store I work at in Maryland has the self ordering kiosks but doesn’t sell these specialty sundaes :'( We don’t even have strawberry sauce! Only hot fudge and caramel :/