SPOTTED ON SHELVES: Coca-Cola Zero Sugar

Coca Cola Zero Sugar

Coca Cola Zero Sugar 12 Pack

Coke Zero Sugar 12 Ounce Bottles

Goodbye, Coke Zero! Hello, Coke Zero Sugar! But if there’s backlash against Coke Zero Sugar, welcome back, Coke Zero! (Spotted by Sascha at Kroger and Robbie at Walmart and Target.)

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18 responses to “SPOTTED ON SHELVES: Coca-Cola Zero Sugar”

  1. John W

    As long as they don’t mess with the formulation, I’m fine with them messing with the name of the product.

    1. Rich

      It’s a new formula…

      From Coke:
      “Coca-Cola Zero Sugar is a new and improved sugar free cola, that looks and tastes even more like Coca-Cola Classic, but without the sugar. It replaces Coca-Cola Zero, which we launched in 2006, and is the next step in our strategy to help people reduce their sugar intake.”

      We’ll see how this goes.

  2. Bob Loblaw

    I tried it in London. It’s a little different, but I’m sure we’ll get used to it.

    …just like people thought about new Coke in the 80s…

  3. Samantha

    Coke Zero has been my go-to drink, and I’m bummed they changed the formula. Haven’t found the new one yet, so have no idea just how different it tastes.

    1. Randy Haas

      I found it today and tried it. It tastes more like Diet Coke than anything else. Needless to say, I was very disappointed.

    2. jay

      It is not good imo – in fact it gave me a headache – I tried a whole case btw just to make sure it wasn’t me. It also tastes half flat instead of the super-fizzy old coke zero and has a weirdly sweet taste (not the almost tart one of old Coke Zero). Needless to say I will be changing to Pepsi – it’s not as good as coke zero WAS, but it’s at least fizzier than the coke products. Bring back Coke Zero – I used to drink tons of it, and now you’re losing customers. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ is a thing.

      1. Stuart Fanning

        All in your mind I think Jay. I believe that Coke Zero and Coke Zero Sugar are essentially the same product. The change of name is just a marketing ploy.

      2. Rodney G Wollam

        I agree 100% with Jay.
        It IS sweeter. It DOES taste a bit flat. It IS less fizzy.
        Pepsi No Sugar (used to be Pepsi Max) is better than this.
        OLD Coke Zero was better than the Pepsi version.

        Coke has lost me as a customer as well.

  4. Rik

    I have some of the bottles. It’s very similar to Coke zero, but definitely missing some sort of a “spicy” element… I read somewhere someone said it tasted “of nothing”, and that’s really not far off… Let the backlash begin! (I hope)
    Also, every single person I’ve talked about this with is confused by the name. People think it’s Coke zero-now with sugar! If the point was to rebrand so people know it’s sugarfree (which is what coke has stated) it is a massive fail.

    1. Bob

      Seriously Bro, it says “ZERO SUGAR” and then goes on to say “ZERO CALORIE COLA”. I don’t think it can be any clearer than that.

  5. Randy Haas

    I finally found this new “Coke Zero Sugar” in Kroger today. I grabbed a bottle, hoping it tasted exactly like my favorite soda Coke Zero. Unfortunately, this new “improved” formulation does not taste like Coke Zero at all. It is much more like Diet Coke than anything else. I am extremely disappointed.

  6. if this new and “improved” taste is the same “improvement” coke zero undergone in europe, than the taste isn’t the same.
    So be prepared if you grab a bottle of your favorite low calorie coke these days.

    In my opinion it still tastes better than diet coke, but they somehow tried to improve the taste with slightly more citric acid, which puts the “sweet” flavor a bit off/into the background and creates a taste that’s tends more to diet coke (due to the carbonic acid and the artifical feeling). 🙁

  7. Sascha

    I bought a bottle for a taste comparison, and went halfway through the glass before having to remind myself I was taste testing it. Really small differences, and any Coke zero drinker should be fine with this.

  8. Jeff Gehm

    I tried it yesterday and really liked the taste. Diet Coke has too much of an aftertaste. Coke Zero is far better but it still has an aftertaste. Coke Zero Sugar is quite a bit better. For me, there is hardly an aftertaste.

    The name is confusing. Unfortunately, you have to think…Zero Sugar.

    It’s a one and a half thumbs up for me. Coke willl always be a two.

  9. Carla

    Has anyone found it in Cherry or Vanilla?

    1. Chris

      I read on their website that they are not going to change the other versions. Cherry, vanilla, and caffeine-free will remain as Coke Zero.

      1. Stuart Fanning

        In the UK the Cherry and Vanilla versions of Coke Zero were changed to Coke Zero Sugar variants.

  10. Spence

    I’m a long time coke zero drinker and tried coke zero sugar for the first time today. Very disappointed. It is way to sweet for me. I won’t be purchasing anymore until this is fixed. Please email Coke!