Here are some new Halloween products found on store shelves by your fellow readers. If you’ve tried any of them, share your thoughts in the comments.

Reese s Peanut Butter Eyeballs

Reese’s Peanut Butter Eyeballs

(Spotted by Jordan A at Walgreens.)

Brach s Witches Teeth Candy Corn

Brach’s Witches Teeth Candy Corn

(Spotted by Sascha at Walgreens.)

Brach s Vampire Teeth Candy Corn

Brach’s Vampire Teeth Candy Corn

(Spotted by Sascha at Walgreens.)

Halloween Edition Frosted Chocolate Fudge Printed Fun Pop Tarts  2017

Halloween Edition Frosted Chocolate Fudge Printed Fun Pop-Tarts (2017)

Same old Halloween Chocolate Fudge Pop-Tarts, but not the same old box. (Spotted by Caitlin J at Target.)

Halloween Oreo Cookies  2017

Halloween Oreo Cookies

Same old Halloween Oreo Cookies, but not the same old packaging. (Spotted by Robbie at Walgreens.)

Skittles with Halloween Selfie Mask

Skittles with Halloween Selfie Mask

(Spotted by Sascha at Walgreens.)

Thank you to all the photo contributors! If you’re out shopping and see an interesting new product on the shelf, snap a picture of it, and send us an email ( with where you found it and “Spotted” in the subject line. Or reply to us (@theimpulsivebuy) on Twitter with the photo, where you spotted it, and the hashtag #spotted. If you do so, you might see your picture in our next Spotted on Shelves post.

Also, if you want to send in photos and are wondering if we’ve already covered something, don’t worry about it. Let us worry about it.


12 responses to “SPOTTED ON SHELVES (HALLOWEEN EDITION) – 8/24/2017”

  1. I wouldn’t say it’s juuuust a new Pop-Tart box. Previous Halloween Chocolate Fudge Pop-Tarts (called Spookylicious before) had crunchy ghoul and spider sprinkles instead of fun, frosted faces. Which is good, because flavorless sugar sprinkles kinda suck.

    1. DJ

      I liked the ones with the sprinkles, still have a box from last year as I was not sure if they would come out with them this year. One year they didn’t release them ( I think it was several years ago). I want to try these “new” ones though.

    2. Amanda S

      In addition to faces there are also little comic-type pictures printed on the pop tarts. Two examples are a pop tart holding a jack-o-lantern with the caption, “this pumpkin is lit” and a skeleton-looking pop tart that says “skeletart.” I think these will be one of the gems of snack food for this Halloween season.

  2. DJ

    So I see Nabisco is doing the same thing with the Halloween Oreos that they did with the Winter Oreos, no shapes on the chocolate Oreo. I was disappointed when the Winter ones only had the red cream and not the fun winter pictures on the cookie part. This may actually have started with their Spring Oreos but since I usually don’t buy them I first noticed the missing shapes on the Winter ones. Sadly, the Halloween ones follow. Even though I think the Halloween Oreos are the best of the colored cream/seasonal ones (there is just something about that orange colored cream!) they won’t be the same without the seasonal shapes on the chocolate cookie.

    1. Alek

      I think Nabisco is just taking easy route to color the creme but not the cookie shape. Since they moved the production to Mexico that might explains why.

      1. DJ

        Yes, I agree. That is what I thought. I didn’t buy the Winter Oreos last year. I will probably still buy the Halloween ones because I like the taste but I won’t buy any of the other seasonal ones again.

        1. DJ

          Also, remember when you wouldn’t know what color of cream you would get with the Spring Oreos until you opened the package?

    2. Amanda S

      I called Nabisco to complain about the Halloween Oreos for 2 reasons: the package I bought were stale and I was really disappointed there are no spooky shapes. The woman was confused that I could even have bought the Halloween ones because they aren’t supposed to be on shelves yet. She thought I had bought some left over from last year until I gave her the code on the package. Then when I asked about the shapes she said to her knowledge the cookies should have shapes on them, and the company had the same “problem” with the Spring Oreos not having the shapes when they should have. So is production in Mexico not going as smoothly as they thought?? I am still very disappointed that production got moved to Mexico but that is a topic for another time.

      1. DJ

        Agreed! So the Winter, Spring, and, now, the Halloween ones were/are “supposed” to have the shapes but didn’t/don’t. It seems that the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing or, maybe, the Nabisco rep just didn’t want to get into it with upset consumers. I don’t think we will see the shapes on the cookies again in the foreseeable future but who knows.

  3. Alek

    Reeses could had done a red chocolate coating as a LTO. Make it more creepy

  4. DJ

    Agreed! So the Winter, Spring, and, now, the Halloween ones were/are “supposed” to have the shapes but didn’t/don’t. It seems that the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing or, maybe, the Nabisco rep just didn’t want to get into it with upset consumers. I don’t think we will see the shapes on the cookies again in the foreseeable future but who knows.

  5. J. Rose

    Just. Make. The. Cream. ORANGE. FLAVORED.
    Cripes, Oreo. How hard would that be.