TIB’S SEASON OF GIVING 2017 (DAY 6): Sonic Drive-In Gift Card

Sonic 2017

There’s a story behind how I got this $20 Sonic Drive-In gift card.

We recently covered Sonic’s Lil’ Breakfast Burritos and a few days after that I received an email from a PR firm asking if I could cover the new breakfast items that’s available all day. The email also said if we covered it, we’d get a gift card. The opportunity to receive a gift card reminded me that I had to do this year’s Season of Giving, which slipped my mind.

I replied by saying we already covered it and asked if I could still get the gift card and give it away with a prize drawing. The PR person said it’s okay. So thanks, Sonic, for the the gift card and reminding me about TIB’s annual Season of Giving.


To enter this prize drawing for a $20 Sonic Gift Card, leave a comment with THIS post. You can write whatever you want, but please don’t forget to fill out the email field because we’ll be emailing the randomly selected winner for his or her mailing address.

We will stop accepting entries on December 27, 2017 at 12:00 a.m. Hawaii Standard Time (2:00 a.m. Pacific, 5:00 a.m. Eastern). Only one comment allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents 18 years old or older.

Good luck and don’t forget to come back tomorrow to find out what we’re giving away next!

FINE PRINT: The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to send you emails about how you can get an IT degree. The Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send mail about loans from Discover. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail or damaged mail.


186 responses to “TIB’S SEASON OF GIVING 2017 (DAY 6): Sonic Drive-In Gift Card”

  1. R A


  2. Bobby

    Love Sonic shakes!!

  3. Tiffany Scriven

    I love their Rt. 44 Ocean Waters

  4. Bryan K. Chavez

    I love SONIC Drive-In, especially the shakes — fresh banana!

  5. Jennifer

    Oh pick me!

  6. Ashley J

    Merry Christmas

  7. Traumajunky


  8. Josh

    Sanic the hedgehog, quickest one of them all, he goes faster than a dog, quicker than joggers at a mall

  9. Devin H.

    With a free $20 gift card to Sonic, happy hour will turn into happy days!

  10. Jason

    Want it

  11. Stan

    Love Sonic!

  12. amy marantino

    thank you

  13. Bryn

    Happy hour can last a month!

  14. Darrell Martinsen

    Chilly weather chili dog! Perfect!

  15. Brent Yastrop

    Yum, Sonic breakfast burritos!

  16. Bj

    I need some chili cheese tots.

  17. Curtis P.


  18. Yum, the cherry limeades at Sonic are great!

  19. Matt B

    Happy Holidays!

  20. Steve H

    Salutations to Sonic!

  21. Joshua C

    Would love to get some tots!

  22. Kyle Nash

    Hope everyone had a great Christmas!

  23. Scott Evans

    Merry Christmas

  24. LarissaJS

    Sonic tastes like high school!

  25. Matt

    Always Wanted to try a Sonic but haven’t gotten to one yet

  26. richard

    The desert Items are great at Sonic.

  27. Debbie

    Thank you!!

  28. Mike S.

    Nice story! 🙂

  29. Alex L

    I’m eagerly awaiting another return of Island Fire sauce, Sonic 😉

  30. Jenna

    I love the shakes!

  31. Matt J.

    I’ve never had Sonic before.

  32. DJ

    Love Sonic!

  33. Chris

    Sonic upside the head

  34. Tracy

    Season’s Greetings!

  35. Ashley

    Love their burgers and shakes!

  36. Karl M

    I’m all about the Sonic, no hedgehog!

  37. Cassie Martin

    Super Sonic

  38. Sascha

    Yeah, I’ll take that.

  39. Christina

    Glad to know Sonic now has breakfast items available all day.

  40. john

    always wanted to try

  41. Nick Pagano

    Sonic the Hedgehog eats at sonic.

  42. Jackie

    Always the bridesmaid.

  43. Kerrington

    Love sonic ice cream

  44. Richard Craft

    This would be awesome since I have one across the street from work!

  45. Jenni S

    Love me some Sonic!

  46. Tabitha

    Chili cheese Coney, lemonberry slush, yum!

  47. Tonino

    LOVE sonic.

  48. Taesha Baker

    Tater tots!

  49. Farnic

    Master blasts!

  50. Susie D

    Thanks for this chance

  51. Marc Goldberg

    $10 worth of Tots sounds like the greatest thing ever!

  52. Gabriella c.s.

    route 44 ocean water here i come

  53. Tiffany

    Another awesome one!

  54. Misty Riley

    Love Sonic and Spotted on Shelves

  55. Tabatah Washington

    That will get me a coffee for a whole week!

  56. Alek

    I love Sonic in the summer

  57. Howard

    I really love Sonic burgers. I really REALLY wish they’d bring back Pickle-os. Last time they tried I guess they didn’t sell well so they decided people don’t want them, but every time I tried to order them they said they were out of the dipping sauce. Maybe try bringing them back and NOT restricting the sauce supply to tank them?

    Also, steak and bacon burrito.

  58. Lee

    I am pregnant & constantly craving cherry limeades!

  59. Theresa Bergeron

    I love Sonic!

  60. Linda

    Sonic Drive-in is a source of memories that my family will laugh over for years to come. While on a road trip between NY and Florida, my kids were begging to eat when no one could have possibly been hungry. The adults were tired and cranky, just wanted to keep driving to finish the trip. Stopped at Sonic, BIG mistake. It took FOREVER for the food to arrive. Fast forward a month or so later, decided to give Sonic another try for milkshakes after Six Flags. Same thing, must hgaave taken 25 minutes for the shakes to arrive, so we just sat in the car laughing. So, we need to give them at least one more shot at redemption…

  61. Justin

    I’ll take it!

  62. Patrick Sicard

    I give up, I’m never winning any of these.

  63. Krystal

    I could go for some Sonic onion rings or cheddar peppers right now! Love Sonic!

  64. Steve

    My favorite fast food burger.

  65. Ron

    Happy New Year!

  66. Kelsey Sammra

    I would love a Sonic gift card.

  67. Alex Kruger

    Their shakes are the best!

  68. MDF

    Chocolate Shake!

  69. Amy Roncace

    yay, I love sonic! their milkshakes are sooo decadent.

  70. MS


  71. Sue

    Happy Boxing Day!

  72. Alpha C

    Love their chili cheese tots!

  73. Amry

    Almost 2018!

  74. Tanisha Gordon

    Sonic is my favorite place especially in the summer. I love their watermelon cream slushes.

  75. michele

    Another great giveaway – Thanks!

  76. Katie

    I want!

  77. Lisa


  78. Anastasia

    Woohoo! Sonic rules 🙂

  79. JoAnn

    Wonderful gift card, happy holidays!

  80. Chris

    Happy Holidays

  81. Kristie Dilcher

    I love Sonics boneless wings! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  82. Barbara B

    This would buy my daughter a few corn dogs!

  83. Amanda

    This would make a great after Christmas gift to myself!

  84. Billy

    I literally have a Sonic within walking distance and have never been. Perhaps this is a sign…

  85. Justin S

    Sonic is good. That’s all I’ve got.

  86. scott heyser

    love sonic

  87. Sweeps Guy

    If only Sonic delivered…..

  88. Layne

    I could get so many little breakfast burritos.

  89. Vicki Moening

    Sonic is the best!

  90. Danielle H.

    Sonic milkshakes are the best!

  91. Emerald N

    Merry Christmas. I want one.

  92. Rik

    Muttonchop Jones coming down from the underground.

  93. RaveGyrl

    Sonic has great shakes!!!!



  95. Kim

    Sonic is great!

  96. Toni

    I love love love Sonic!

  97. Nancy

    My kids love their shakes!



  99. Jodi DeVore

    The drink selection is overwhelming so many choices. I am always down for a bacon cheeseburger.

  100. Chris

    I love the flavor of Sonic! Best onion rings in town, and the chili cheese coney has staying power. PICK ME!

  101. Rebecca Foreman

    I <3 sonic

  102. An Impulsive Buyer

    I love your website and I always look forward to your posts on Facebook so please pick me because….well because I want to win!!!!!!!

  103. jh

    40 half-price corn dogs, here I come!

  104. Melissa B

    I love Sonic!

  105. Roger Taylor

    Sonic shakes are rather delisious.

  106. Leela

    Mmm.. onion rings and tater tots.

  107. Junior

    Tater tots for the win!

  108. Heather Mcknight

    Corn dogs!! ??????????

  109. Martin

    I like some of the Sonic ads with those two guys.

  110. Amy J

    They have my favorite fast food chili! As in chili cheese tots!!

  111. Jarred

    I want me some onion rings and fancy drinks.

  112. Brad H

    Woo woo woo you know it!

  113. Jennifer

    Milkshakes for dayssss.

  114. Beverly

    Sonic is yummy!

  115. Keo

    Sonic Boom Boom

  116. holly

    their drinks are the best!

  117. Cat


  118. Thomas Griffin

    Time for cheesy tots and coney dog!!! Ohhh and their boneless wings!!!

  119. Sarah

    I love their hot dogs.

  120. Missy

    Sonically yours

  121. Kami

    Yay! They are opening a Sonic in my hometown soon! This would be perfect!

  122. SL

    Yay Sonic!

  123. Trenity

    My go to order is mozzarella sticks and a strawberry slushy!

  124. TropicalChrome

    Tater Tots. A gift card full of tater tots.

  125. Howdy


  126. lucy

    This would be nice!

  127. Ashley S

    I love sonic. Thanks for the giveaway!

  128. Tyler Gray

    I want it too

  129. Jerry

    Slush and tater tots!

  130. J

    Pick Me!

  131. PJH

    That’s a lot of coconut water.

    1. PJH

      *Ocean water.

  132. Simon Siegel

    don’t know where there are sonic, but great when I can!

  133. Kaylin

    Happy holidays!

  134. Chris

    I love Sonic

  135. Britt


  136. Alle

    Trying to remember where the closest Sonic is…we don’t have a lot of them nearby.

  137. JEN

    Happy New Year!!!

  138. Mike Davis

    Sonic Tiny Milkshakes? Oh, all right…

  139. Candice

    I want to win

  140. Dave

    There’s a Sonic a block away. I would get all the food.

  141. Megan M

    I love Sonic especially their chili cheese tots!!

  142. velcro

    Hey why not

  143. Stephen Z

    Tots and breakfast burrito!

  144. John S

    I love Sonic’s cheese steak

  145. Melody Traynor

    I love sonic but the closed one to me is 45 min away… this gift card would entice me to go haha! Thanks for the chance!

  146. Madelyn

    I have a Sonic less than 5 miles from me, and I have never tried Sonic. This is unacceptable.

  147. Max

    Thabks for the giveaway!

  148. Faith

    Pick me!

  149. Courtney

    Hope I win!

  150. Sue

    Best tater tots ever!

  151. Lindsay

    Good luck

  152. Caroline

    Love PB milkshakes!

  153. Caitlyn

    Oooooh, slushies!

  154. Elizabeth

    Yay sonic!!!

  155. Judy Elvey

    I love Sonic!

  156. Anne sutton

    Hey twenty bucks could get me four of those promoted burger/shake combos and feed the whole family. Craving the mint shake!

  157. Jo

    Sonic has the best ice! I always stop by to order a bag of crushed ice at least once a week!

  158. Erica Marceau

    Happy New Year and thanks again for the contest.

  159. Stephanie Levis

    My sister in law used to be one of their roller skating servers!

  160. Dianne

    I dig the Sonic.

  161. Michelle C.

    Their chili cheese tots are my favorite!

  162. Diana

    Thank you!

  163. Jarod Beaumariage

    Get my hotdog on!

  164. jean finegan

    Hope you had a good christmas, Happy New Year!

  165. Carson

    I love Sonic

  166. kevin pham

    I’m vegan so some slushes would be nice :0

  167. Jake Hayes


  168. Kaitlyn

    I’d try a shake!

  169. Jonathan Mooney

    Ooh, Sonic… I love their Cherry Limeade.

  170. Nocode

    Jello Pudding Pops.

  171. Cierra

    Pick me!

  172. Vicky

    Can’t wait for Sonic to come to Hawaii!

  173. Katie B

    Yay Sonic Milkshakes!

  174. Nick

    French toast Stix!!!

  175. Mason

    Happy Holidays!

  176. Zin The Phoenix

    Yum; Sonic has the best milkshakes…

    (Well, except for that jalapeño chocolate shake they had a few summers back; that one was terrible. But it was the exception, not the rule.)

    I need more Sonic shakes in my life.

  177. Adam K

    Would love to win… Haven’t had Sonic in forever and just realized there is one near me!

  178. Jarmel R.


  179. Emily

    This would be the perfect excuse to finally try sonic!

  180. amber

    I need this is my life so I can support my cranberry green tea habit. It’s getting expensive.

  181. Chris

    Great tots!