Here are some interesting new and limited edition products found on store shelves by your fellow readers. If you’ve tried any of the products, share your thoughts about them in the comments.

Pepsi Retro Design 12 Pack  2018

Pepsi Retro Design 12-Pack (2018)

Pepsi Retro Design 2 Liter  2018

Pepsi Retro Design 2 Liter (2018)

(Spotted by Robbie at Walmart and @DynamiteReferee at Dollar General.)

Southern Living Bunch  o Berries Jam and Blueberry Lemon Thyme Preserves for Cheese

Southern Living Bunch ‘o Berries Jam and Blueberry Lemon Thyme Preserves for Cheese

Southern Living Strawberry Fig Preserves and Apple Butter

Southern Living Strawberry Fig Preserves and Apple Butter

Southern Living Strawberry Jam and Muscadine Jelly

Southern Living Strawberry Jam and Muscadine Jelly

(Spotted by Amanda Y at Walmart.)

Kashi Double Chocolate Almond Nut Butter Chewy Nut Butter Bars

Kashi Double Chocolate Almond Nut Butter Chewy Nut Butter Bars

(Spotted by Sarah R at Sprouts.)

Nature Nate s Honey Almond Butter  Crunchy and Creamy

Nature Nate’s Honey Almond Butter (Crunchy and Creamy)

Nature Nate s Creamy Honey Peanut Butter Blend

Nature Nate’s Creamy Honey Peanut Butter Blend

(Spotted by Amanda Y at Kroger.)

Mentos Purefresh Gum with Velcro Packaging

Mentos Purefresh Gum with Velcro Packaging

(Spotted by Blaire at Giant.)

Specially Selected Italian and Cannoli Mascarpone

Specially Selected Italian and Cannoli Mascarpone

(Spotted by Sylvia at Aldi.)

Nestle Butterfinger Light Ice Cream

Nestle Butterfinger Light Ice Cream

Not new, it’s been around for years, but it does have spiffy new packaging. (Spotted by Erin K at Cub Foods.)

Sweetarts Sour Gummies 10 Ounce Bag

Sweetarts Sour Gummies 10-Ounce Bag

(Spotted by Rachel C at Target.)

Dove Cashew Dipped in Dark Chocolate and Dusted with Cocoa

Dove Cashew Dipped in Dark Chocolate and Dusted with Cocoa

Dove Almonds Dipped in Dark Chocolate and Dusted with Cinnamon

Dove Almonds Dipped in Dark Chocolate and Dusted with Cinnamon

Dove Cashews Dipped in Milk Chocolate and Dusted with Sea Salt

Dove Cashews Dipped in Milk Chocolate and Dusted with Sea Salt

We covered two of the three before when they were available at Walmart in small bags. Does anyone know if the Dove Cashew Dipped in Dark Chocolate and Dusted with Cocoa was also available back then? (Spotted by Rachel C at Target.)

Thank you to all the photo contributors! If you’re out shopping and see an interesting new product on the shelf, snap a picture of it, and send us an email ( with where you found it and “Spotted” in the subject line. Or reply to us (@theimpulsivebuy) on Twitter with the photo, where you spotted it, and the hashtag #spotted. If you do so, you might see your picture in our next Spotted on Shelves post.

Also, if you want to send in photos and are wondering if we’ve already covered something, don’t worry about it. Let us worry about it.


3 responses to “SPOTTED ON SHELVES – 1/25/2018”

  1. Garrett Wroblewski

    I saw the retro Pepsi design in 16.9 ounce bottles and picked up a six-pack in a fleeting impulse purchase of nostalgia. The 16.9 oz was a good size, didn’t leave me wanting more but not disgusted with myself.

  2. Jarred

    Muscadine grapes have a really unique taste to them. Not sure how they would be as a jelly though. Definitely going to check it out. My PB&J sandwiches could use a revamping lol.

  3. Sarah

    Velcro packaging is a thing now? That sounds kind of good. Except not so good if crumbs got in the way of thing.