REVIEW: Rolo Frozen Dairy Dessert Cones and Sandwiches

Rolo Frozen Dairy Dessert Cones and Sandwiches

In honor of the new Rolo Frozen Dairy Dessert Cones and Sandwiches, let’s go through a quick timeline:

Summer 2001: A young Tiffany tries her first Rolo, thinks the chewy caramel and milk chocolate combination is pretty good, but wonders why the shape oddly resembles a potty training seat.

June 2011: Nestle decided to try to make Rolo and ice cream happen – behold the Rolo McFlurry!

March 2016: The McFlurry did okay, so Nestle launched Dreyer’s Rolo Ice Cream

January 2018: The next evolution of Rolo ice cream — cones and sandwiches!

Moving on up in the world, R!


First, Rolos completely fell off my radar until now; it’s probably because peanut butter and chocolate took the spotlight for a while. Second, it’s kind of strange to launch a new ice cream flavor when three-fourths of the U.S. is still frozen from winter. But, luckily, I think ice cream tastes best when it’s 30 degrees outside. Anyone else?

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Being the eager beaver, I scarfed down one cone, one sandwich, and an entire Rolo roll in one sitting. I started with the cone simply because of the packaging, which looks like Nestle’s Drumsticks but in a different outfit. As for the sandwich’s packaging, no one will care about it because it was a sad plastic sight next to the full-color cone.

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Although the cone’s packaging was pretty, it was hard to get off. There was some chocolate ice cream and caramel stuck on the side and it broke off the best part – the chocolate nugget at the bottom of the cone. While I rescued it, eating the chocolate nugget first felt all wrong. Order of operations, Nestle!

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I enjoyed the top part of the cone with the chocolate frozen dairy dessert and caramel. It reminded me of a Rolo without the caramel stuck in my teeth. Then, I got to the vanilla part and chocolatey cone. These elements added nothing but sweetness. The cone tasted more like a standard sugar cone AND, while there was a crunching sound, it was soggy!

I loved three-eighths of the cone – the chocolate and caramel top and the chocolate nugget bottom – but the other five-eighths was disappointing.

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I had even lower expectations for the sandwich. I took it out of the plastic and thought, “What makes this Rolo again?” It looked like a regular vanilla ice cream sandwich. I had to re-read the box to remind myself it was caramel swirled into caramel frozen dairy dessert that didn’t even look caramel colored. It was plain white, but it definitely tasted sweeter than vanilla.

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The only flavor I could really discern was the chocolate cookie. So it reminded me of eating a sweeter version of a Carnation ice cream sandwich. Nothing about this was Rolo-y.

Final Takeaway? If you’re craving a Rolo, just eat the candy (or the top part of the cone).

(Nutrition Facts – Cones – 180 calories, 6 grams of fat, 10 milligrams of cholesterol, 90 milligrams of sodium, 29 grams of carbohydrates, 20 grams of sugar, and 2 grams of protein. Sandwich – 120 calories, 3 grams of fat, less than 5 milligrams of cholesterol, 110 milligrams of sodium, 22 grams of carbohydrates, 13 grams of sugar, and 1 grams of protein.)

Purchased Price: $4.49 each
Size: 4 cones or 5 sandwiches per box
Purchased at: Kroger
Rating: 5 out of 10 (Cone)
Rating: 4 out of 10 (Sandwich)
Pros: Nice packaging on the cone! Top part of the chocolate/caramel on the cone was great – like a Rolo without caramel getting stuck in my teeth. The chocolate nugget. I like frozen dairy dessert’s fluffier, lighter texture.
Cons: Cone packaging was hard to get off – broke off the chocolate nugget. Vanilla and chocolately cone added nothing but sweetness. Sandwich was a disappointment – just like a sweeter version of a Carnation ice cream sandwich.


4 responses to “REVIEW: Rolo Frozen Dairy Dessert Cones and Sandwiches”

  1. T

    Figured these would be disappointing. I wish they’d bring back the Rolo McFlurry


    We love the Rolo cones! We buy about 12 boxes a month! But seriously you need to replace your quality team because clearly your quality team is not doing their job. Lately, we have opened your cones and there is “Literally NO CONE” in the package. The ice cream is there but the only thing holding the ice cream is the paper package around it. Also we never know if we are going to get much ice cream at the top of the cone. About 50% of the cones we open are cones with very little topping at all!

  3. Dennis

    Where are these Rolo Cones sold in Lafayette,Louisiana?

  4. Rich

    Just picked up a package of the Rolo Frozen Dairy Dessert don’t call me ice cream Cones at Grocery Outlet this past week. Yeah I get it, it probably doesn’t have enough milk or cream or dairy fat to be called real ice cream and it does taste a bit artificial as in not real ice creamy. Very sweet (what did you expect?) with a bit of caramel drizzled on top, fairly tasty crunchy cone and even the “dairy dessert” grows on you. Sure it’s not as good as real ice cream but it’s a perfectly edible and satisfying treat. 3 out of 5 stars.