What is it?
A Target-exclusive pint filled with chocolate ice cream, crunchy pretzel swirls, marshmallow swirls, and fudge-covered almonds.
How is it?
I might be wrong, but I think this is the first time Ben & Jerry’s has used a pretzel swirl. My pint didn’t have much of the salty swirl, but I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not. When I did taste it, it didn’t make me think of pretzels. Instead, there were savory bursts in my mouth that I’d describe as too salty for an ice cream…or any food.
But, the saltiness lingers in subsequent spoonfuls and adds a pleasant light savoriness that goes well with the sweet chocolate ice cream, marshmallow swirls, and fudge-covered almonds.
Since there weren’t a lot of crunchy pretzel swirls, the pint reminded me of rocky road ice cream, which I didn’t mind at all. However, if there were as many pretzel swirls as there were marshmallow ones, then I would mind. The salt explosions in my mouth from them would be annoying and unpleasant.
Is there anything else I need to know?
I was confused about the name “Glampfire” at first. I had to look up on Urban Dictionary “glamping,” which, surprisingly, is also listed in a real dictionary. Apparently, dictionaries have lowered their standards.
Glamping is camping outdoors, but in comfort and luxury. For example, instead of sleeping in a tent with sleeping bags, glampers spend the night in a cottage on a Casper mattress with 4,000 thread count sheets and an almost extinct exotic bird down comforter.
The saltiness is a bit much, but even though there might be pretzel swirls waiting for me at the bottom of the pint, I will finish it. Again, it’s rocky road-like, so it’s good as long as I don’t scoop up too much of the salty swirls. But, overall, this is one of my least favorite Ben & Jerry’s experiences.
DISCLOSURE: I received a sample from Ben & Jerry’s. Getting it didn’t influence my review in any way.
Purchased Price: FREE
Size: 1 pint
Purchased at: Received from Ben & Jerry’s
Rating: 6 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (1/2 cup) 290 calories, 140 calories from fat, 16 grams of fat, 8 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 45 milligrams of cholesterol, 160 milligrams of sodium, 33 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of fiber, 25 grams of sugar, and 4 grams of protein.
4 responses to “QUICK REVIEW: Ben & Jerry’s Exclusive Flavor Glampfire Trail Mix Ice Cream”
The 2014 Limited Batch of B&J’s Candy Bar Pie featured pretzel swirls as well. I can’t think of any other flavors that have used it.
That is correct . Candy Bar pie was heaven.. RIP in the graveyard
I am a huge fan of salty & sweet together and I LOVE this flavor. Fortunately for my taste buds (and unfortunately for my waistline), there is a Target just a block away from my place and there have been several trips there for this flavor. I honestly think this is one of my top B&J flavors. Along with the crushed pretzel swirl, I love the big globs of marshmallow and the chocolate covered almonds which also have a tinge of saltiness. It may not be for everyone since Marvo thought it could be too salty and others may agree. However, if you like your sweets with a nice dose of saltiness, go Target-hopping and find this because you will not be disappointed. Just don’t go to the one by my house as they will probably be out of this flavor because of me. Sorry. 🙁
I concur! I loved this flavor! The pretzel swirl, to me, had that pretzel taste, actual crunch, and the perfect amount of salt. This is almost like the Take 5 candy bar, but in an ice cream form. I love a good salty/sweet balance.
This one is definitely worth a try! I’ll have to stock up