Yes, I’ve still got Nestle Crunch Dark and Butterfinger Dark Bars to give away. And I’m giving away the last of the Sweetarts Ropes. But this time we have a few new things.
So for this prize drawing, one lucky reader will receive:
- 5 Nestle Crunch Dark Bars
- 1 Bag of Nestle Buncha Crunch Dark
- 1 Bag of Super Snack Time Pizza in a Bag Supreme Pizza Pepperoni Jerky
- 1 Bag of Super Snack Time Pizza in a Bag Pepperoni Pizza Pepperoni Jerky
- 5 Nestle Butterfinger Dark Bars
- 1 Bag of Sweetarts Ropes Tangy Strawberry
Thanks to all the brands who sent us samples to give away!
To enter The Impulsive Buy’s Buncha Stuff to Give Away Prize Drawing, leave a comment with THIS post. You can write whatever you want, but please don’t forget to fill out the email field because we’ll be emailing the randomly selected winner for his or her mailing address.
We will stop accepting entries on Sunday, April 15, 2018 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. Only one comment allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents 18 years old or older.
Good luck!
FINE PRINT: The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to send you emails about saving money on Fragrance Collection. The Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send you letters from some organization you donated to years ago, but stopped donating to years ago, and for some reason the organization won’t take the hint you don’t want to donate anymore. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail, damaged mail, or melted chocolate.
416 responses to “WEEKEND GIVEAWAY: Buncha Stuff to Give Away”
Yes please!!
Get in me belly!
Oh yeah
It’s weird how i just noticed a couple of days ago that I wasn’t receiving any emails from Impulse for a while now, when I suddenly got one. ?
Hello All,
Great work you are doing here. Remember taco bell’s chicken enchilada grilled stuffed burrito? I miss it ever so much.
Woohoo, box full of yum!
Cool Prizes!!
I want candy!
YUM! That pizza in a bag looks really interesting!
It Conquered the World – Sheldon Allman
It conquered the world
And left me blue
It conquered my world
When it got you
My world was a happy world
Til it came around
It just opened it’s mouth
And gulped you down
Somewhere inside it
There’s no doubt
No power on Earth
Can get you out
My world is a lonely world
What can I do?
It conquered my world
When it
Ate you.
You’re somewhere inside it
There’s no doubt
No power on Earth
Can get you out
My world is a lonely world
What can I do?
It’s conquered my world
When it
Ate you.
I need junk!
gimmie dat cronch
Mmmm Butterfinger Dark
Me Please.
Me me me please!
Thank you for the generous offer.
I would love to win and share it with
the grands.
Awesome giveaway! I love chocolate.
pick me
To hell with my blood sugar! This would excellent to win
Movie night with the kids.
I don’t need it but I can’t resist free stuff.
What a buffet!
Gimme that candy!
I wanna win a buncha stuff!!!!
pizza, chocolate and pb candy!!!!!!!
If one wins, do they need pants to eat all this? Because I can’t guarantee that.
Pizza in a bag?! I wouldn’t have it any other way!!
Yes please
Yum, good luck everyone
I have been wanting to try Crunch Dark! Excitement
Oooooooooo, glittering prizes!
Free stuff!
The pizza in a bag is tasty!
Count me in!
I love The Impulsive Buy and always look forward to your reviews so please pick me because if you don’t than I wont win.
I have been searching high and low for those dark chocolate bars! I also LOVE that pepperoni jerky!!
In to win
Crunch Taters.
Happy Friday!
Please and thank you!!
Wanna try it all!
I’m addicted to SUGAR!
Gimme food
The SweetTarts Rope and Butterfinger are just Gief!!! The pizza one is interesting loool!
I still haven’t found Crunch or BF Dark, so feel free to go ahead and randomly pick me.
If I win, I promise to try and make my own brand of jerky out of the candy.
Mmm, candy.
fingers crossed
Awesome stuff!
Been looking for the crunch dark!
Oh geez buncha crunch dark?!?
Pizza in a bag!
Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance!
Yes please
This win would be SUPER DUPER SWEEEEET!!!
Thank you for the giveaway!
Yes please
These giveaways keep growing!
Me, please. I love chocolate.
My cat can eat a whole watermelon.
That’s a talented cat.
Awesome contest, thanks!
I’m in!
I want a Buncha Stuff please!!!
Thanks marvo!!
Wow! Everything looks great!
This is awesome!
I’ve had plenty of pizzas from a box, never tried pizza in a bag!
I’m on a diet. Save me!
Mother’s day is coming up and my mom loves butterfingers. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Good luck everyone
I’ve been looking for all those things for a few weeks now with no success, this would be amazing to win!
Dark— Yes please.
I don’t recall how I ran across this website, but boy the foodie in me enjoys it.
Have a great weekend-j
looks good!!
I’ve been searching all over for those damn dark chocolate Crunch bars and no dice!! Sure would like to lock a lip on a couple…
Would like to win but I am used to losing lol
Bring back the nosh show or I riot
Heck Yeah, looks awesome!
I love Buncha Crunch, always remember eating it in a theaters as a kid.
Candy girl, you are my world
I love dark chocolate so would love to win this.
Don’t mind if I do
I never win anything, but I’ll give it a shot!
Me, me!
Give it to me!
Every time I attempt to set up drinks with friends, the weather is awful, the trend continues tonight. In the meantime, candy would make it all better!
Thank you for this opportunity!
Me me me!
Yum, the perfect supply of sweet treats!
Love to try the Pizza jerky. WalMart around here don’t care it.
Cool prize! Thanks for offering it!
Omg yes!!!
I am never too stocked up on candy!!
I put a little of that 8,000,000 scoville hot sauce on my lean cuisine.
Oh hi
I love getting shinies!
These look delicious!
I love chocolate!
I love chocolate
I’m not sure whether to be intrigued or frightened by “Pizza in a Bag” pizza jerky. I would try it though!
i was just asking for friends to send me ?!
Count me in! Thanks!
Don’t lay a finger on my Butterfinger
Gimme Candy!
Nobody, better lay a finger, on my Butterfinger.
Unless someone else wins it, then it isn’t mine.
Stuff is good.
All in on this!
Free food.
Pizza, chocolate, and candy!! The trifecta!
Oh indeed
Third time’s the charm!
Still haven’t seen any of these here! I’m in.
I’m a poor teacher! Pick me; I love Buncha Crunch and dark chocolate. Combining them would be the perfect combination.
Might as well take a shot at more calories!
Thanks for hosting this giveaway!! I’ve been wanting to try the new dark chocolate varieties.
Yes please ?
Man, I would love to get my hands on a few of these!
ALL the snacks.
Fingers crossed
Hope I win!

Thanks for the giveaway!
Love this site!!
‘member Butterfinger BB’s? Those would be awesome in the dark chocolate!
Me please!
Pizza in a bag! Yum.
I like dark chocolate too much to not win this.
Pizza jerky? Sweet tart candy? Who wouldn’t like to win this? Pick me!!!
I could always use more sugar in my life.
I’ve been searching everywhere for those Crunch bars!
Strawberry ropes! Only found cherry and fruit punch here.
pizza in a bag sounds like my future
That jerky looks good!!
Here’s to making it through another work week. Happy Friday everyone
I’ve never seen that Pizza jerky before!
Will the pizza in a bag fit the pizza pouch? (
They’re filming midgets!
Happy Alooooooha Friday!!
I love candy!
I haven’t seen most of these products in stores!
Sounds great! Thank you!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Holy chocomole! I’d happily take those off your hands….
All the dark chocolate
I love dark chocolate so this all looks absolutely amazing
Omg my pregnant self would LOVE this!
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. ?
Mmm. Looks yummy!
I almost bought that jerky at Walmart today hahaha
It all looks so good!
I so want to try all the dark candy!! thanks!
Haven’t found the dark Butterfingers or Crunch here in central AR, so I want these so bad!
Friday the 13th the best time for treats. please
YUMMMM! I’d love some goodies!
I really want the jerky haha
This would make for some good office treats.
Thank you Sponsors!
Yay for yummy prizes!
Looks tasty!
I’ve never heard of the Pizza in a Bag Supreme Pizza Pepperoni Jerky! It sounds awesome!
Pick meeeeee. I love fooood
Dark chocolate
Well, I feel like that jerky will be one of those love it or hate it items. Very intriguing.
Im all about the dark chocolate. I would love to try these.
I’ve been looking for the Butterfinger everywhere.
That pizza name is sure a mouthful
Thanks for the sweet giveaway!
Have a great weekend!
Thanks for doing these giveaways! Fun times!
Make America great again!
candy candy in my bellly!
Pizza in a bag looks awesome. I need to try that.
Yes please!
I still can’t find that crunch or butterfinger… it’s mindboggling…!
Would love to have the prize package!!
Pizza in a bag jerky……omg thank you who thought of this!!!
This is absolutely insane, people!!
If you pick me I will be so happy. Butterfingers are my favorite candy ever and how can I resist pizza in a bag ?!
Every jumbled pile of person has a thinking part that wonders what the part that isn’t thinking isn’t thinking of.
I would rather win than not win.
OMG I wanna try the pepperoni pizza jerky so bad lol. Thanks for all the giveaways!
I have a mighty need!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Ohhhh yeahhhh
Bless this mess
Thanks for the chance to win some candy!
I could sure use some chocolate.
Butterfinger in dark chocolate form? Oh, yes, please! Also? I adore this site! You guys and gals do the Lord’s work.
awesome good lock everyone
More chocolate? Yes please!
Dark chocolate!!!!
Toothopolis is ready!
please dear candy jesus let me win this one
Yes please!!!
Yummy yummy candy for the tummy
Hey hey
I didn’t know they sold dark chocolate butterfingers and i love butterfingers
In it to win it
Thank you!!!
Great giveaway!!!!!!!!!
Pizza ? in a bag?
I’m not a picky winner!
Yum!!!!!! Thank you!
All those items look great. Please let me win. ??
None of you better lay a finger on my butterfinger!…all mine
Pizza in a bag looks interesting!
So yummy!
Good luck all
Still haven’t tried the crunch dark yet – maybe today will be my lucky day!
This looks so good!
I didn’t earn it, I don’t need it, but if they miss one payment I’ll raise hell.
I’m pretty interested in anything involving dark chocolate.
Yes please
Isn’t pepperoni already sort of jerky?
Yum!! Looks delicious!!!!
Mmmmm Candy…
No whamies no whamies no whamies
Could use a little chocolate in my life.
I love Nestle Crunch!
Snacks while the world burns
Sure, why not?
Yes please!!
Free stuff!
I’m Ultraman. Don’t tell anybody.
I want to add that dark chocolate buncha crunch to some popcorn for the perfect movie snack!
Love your site! Helps me decide what new stuff to try and what to pass on!
I just had a healthy orange smoothie and my stomach super hurts. I firmly believe in the Harry Potter belief that chocolate will make you feel better…
Oh man I hope I get this purely for that jerky!
I STILL can’t find those dark bars in my town. :_(. Unrelated: I just got the Haagen Daz squares I saw on here months ago, and they are amazing!
Looks Taste
I enjoy the website, lots of fun.
Please let me lay a finger on your butterfinger
Yay! More giveaways!
I have been trying for weeks to locate the Butterfinger dark bar with no success! You’re my last hope for candied bliss.
I want that pizza in a bag!
The Candy Man Can
All that stuff looks yummy!!!
Nothing says spring like free candy!
Hope I get this. I’ll send it to my daughter.
Eeep I want to win!
<3 =^.^=
I don’t win things, but at least I try.
I’d eat all these things.
The pizza jerky sounds interesting.
Looks good
Love the dark chocolate crunch bars
Days go by you know, and it’s not my day…
Nights fly but who wants to count them anyway?
I love cats.
Dark chocolate is the best!
omg I want those pepperoni jerkies…
Food Comment
I waited so long for dark Butterfingers to be a thing
Yes please <3
I want!
I love food, and I love free food even more!
Looks interesting!
I’m in!
Sign me up
Good luck everyone!
Yes please
Free stuff, please.
Very generous offer. Aloha and Maholo!
I remember bingeing on buncha crunch when I worked at a movie theatre!
Gimme gimme gimme
Nice variety!
Those Butterfinger Dark Bars look especially tasty!
I’d love it! Good for a movie night!
sounds good to em
These look like yummy treats to try
I’ll take it!
Looks good!!!
Awesome giveaway!!!
More DARK chocolate?!!! Yes please!!!
In for that pizza in a bag
T.hanks broski.
Would love to try these!
I need these please!
I love this website!
Oh my!!!
Wanna win!
Me please
Buncha candy yeah!!
Om nom nom
Candy and pizza… be still my heart!
Trying to hunt down those butterfingers ?
Sugar coma…. drool.
Thanks for the opportunity!
Pizza Sack
I haven’t been able to find the Buncha Crunch Dark – would love to try!
Ooooo Mami
Thank you for the chance!
I love buncha crunch!!!
Love your page!
You wants a pizza me?! Cause I wants a pizza that pepperoni jerky!
Please, may I win some snacks? I promise to share…?
I need chocolate!
Fingers crossed
Pizza in a Bag is either genius or terrifying. I can’t decide which to believe.
K, i gotta try and win that whacky pizza in a bag thin for my nephew. (Chocolates are mine! )
I have not been able to find Nestle’s Dark Crunch in my neighborhood, so YES PLEASE! And thank you.
I need some pizza in a bag
hey hey.
Gimme, Gimme, Gimme.
Nom, nom, nom.
Jerky looks decent
Looks so yummy!
Oooh I need all of these!
Me pretty please!
yes please!
I need to brush my teeth!
Remember Dusty Rhodes?
yum yum
Thanks for the giveaway.
Whatever dude
Awesome thanks!
This selection of items would be great for adding to the treats in our pantry!
I would love to win. I love it all!
Yes to Buncha Crunch making a comeback!
Candy, Yes please!
Thanks for the giveaway! Dying to try that pizza jerky & dark butterfingers, I can’t find them anywhere here in Ohio
I want all of that in my belly!
Love candy!
All I do is win.
Really wanted to try that pizza jerky!
Pizza in a bag???
Would like to try these. Thanks
Hope I win
Looks great!
Candy good
Hope i win!
Yum, yum!
What a sweet (and salty) giveaway, thanks!
Ever stop you read the comments when entering a drawing? Quite interesting!
Yes please!!!!
Know someone who would really enjoy any of the dark chocolate products.
Count me in for the giveaway. Thank you!
Yum I would hoard this from my kids lol
Never tried the dark chocolate crunch before. I remember that would be a really good chocolate when I was younger me and my friend would always buy one and split it. I love chocolate (:
Now this is fun factor!
Me likey!
Love dark chocolate!
Pizza in a big is great!!
Feed me Marvo. Feed me.
In before close lol
What’s pizza in a bag?
I need those butterfingers!
Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight…& them snacks. No real order.
I can’t se Butterfinger without Bart Simpson entering my mind. Looks yummy!
What is the chemical formula for the molecules in candy? Carbon-Holmium-Cobalt-Lanthanum-Tellurium or CHoCoLaTe
This is a very clever comment that will get your attention and lead you to pick me as the Giveaway winner.
? yum!
Yes please!
That is an awesome selection of snacks. My mouth is watering.
Mmmme please
Yes please!
Haven’t been able to find Dark Crunch anywhere around me yet so I’d love to try it!
I honestly didn’t know pepperoni jerky existed. How interesting.
What a great haul to win!
Howdy!! Hope I win!!
I want this so bad!