REVIEW: Post Banana Pudding Nilla Cereal

Post Banana Pudding Nilla Cereal

I’m sure marshmallows were added to make Post’s Banana Pudding Nilla Cereal not so Nilla.

Can you imagine looking down into a bowl that looks like the lopped off tops of bald Muppet heads? Do cereal pieces that could be the needle in a Banana Republic khakistack look appetizing? The marshmallows make this cereal’s appearance go from “yawn” to “yahoo.” So remember kids: Marshmallows make many munchies more memorable.

Doing it this way makes sense because Nilla Wafers are the Triscuit of breakfast cereals. They’re fine to eat by themselves, but they’re better with other ingredients.

The cereal pieces do look like mini Nilla Wafers. But then again I imagine it’s easy to make crunchy, boring tan discs.

Putting the bag’s opening around my nose and mouth like it’s an oxygen mask that dropped from an airplane’s ceiling allows me to inhale a strong scent that instantly brings banana ice cream to mind. We are off to a wonderful start. Oh Buddha, is this a reincarnation of Banana Frosted Flakes?

That cereal was discontinued decades ago, but my taste buds feel as if this comes close. There aren’t dried fruit bits like the Kellogg’s cereal, but the natural flavor is there and it’s as strong as its aroma. So maybe it’s Banana Frosted Flakes’ spiritual successor.

But I should disclose that I’m one of those people who enjoys banana-flavored products (Hello, yellow Runts), so my enthusiasm for this awesome euphoric cereal might be a little inflated.

However, here are a few things that take some air out of my inflated thoughts. The flavor fades a bit when it’s in milk for too long, and, sadly, there’s no strong banana-flavored milk at the bottom of the bowl.

Post Banana Pudding Nilla Cereal 2

So what the about the marshmallows that prevent this from looking like a bowl of sand clumps? They don’t add anything to its flavor. I alternated between marshmallow-strewn and marshmallow-less spoonfuls, but they taste the same. The marbits can’t compete with the cereal’s fruity flavoring. But I don’t mind that because the banana is all that’s really important.

I love this cereal. And now I must pick up a box of Post’s Nutter Butter Cereal so that I can combine this with it.

DISCLOSURE: I received a free sample of the product. Doing so did not influence my review in any way. Although, it totally seems like it. But I assure you it did not.

(Nutrition Facts – 1 cup without milk – 130 calories, 15 calories from fat, 2 grams of fat, 0 grams of saturated fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 120 milligrams of sodium, 25 milligrams of potassium, 28 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of fiber, 14 grams of sugar, and 1 gram of protein.)

Purchased Price: FREE
Size: 19 oz. box
Purchased at: Received from PR people
Rating: 8 out of 10
Pros: Smells like banana ice cream. Natural banana flavor that brings back memories of Banana Frosted Flakes. Marshmallow make this cereal look better.
Cons: Marshmallow don’t add flavor. Flavor fades in milk. No strong banana-flavored milk. Looks like the tops of Muppet heads without the marbits.


4 responses to “REVIEW: Post Banana Pudding Nilla Cereal”

  1. Kim Breitzman

    I love this cereal and have purchased several boxes and now no stores seem to have them on the shelves. Can some one please let me know if they appear again.

  2. I was never able to find it, though my local Walmarts had pallets of other exclusive/limited edition cereals, such as the Golden Oreos, Nutter Butter and other products blurring the line between breakfast and snack time. Still on the lookout, though.

  3. Barbara Lacambra

    i would love to now where to by this cereal close to Melbourne florida not in this area now hopefully soon coming here

  4. Teresa Nicholson

    I would love to try the cereal but I can’t find it anywhere I live in Asheville North Carolina please let me know we’re to find it looks really good thanks