WEEKEND GIVEAWAY: A Pound of Laffy Taffy + More

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Laffy Taffy sent me a box of taffy because the wrappers have a new design and new jokes. Some were written by Nick Cannon, others were written by people from across the country.

Anyhoo, I have a lot of Laffy Taffy. I gave some away with last week’s giveaway, but I still have more. So I’m giving more away, plus a bunch of other stuff.

So for this prize drawing, one lucky reader will receive:

  • 1 pound of Laffy Taffy
  • 2 Packs of Pop-Tarts Splitz Sugar Cookie and Brownie Batter
  • 1 Pack of Pop-Tarts Splitz Strawberry and Cheesecake
  • 4 Nestle Butterfinger Dark Bars
  • 1 Package of Trolli Deadpool 2 Sour Brite Tiny Hands
  • 1 Coupon for One FREE Multi-Pack Three Twins Ice Cream Novelty


To enter The Impulsive Buy’s A Pound of Laffy Taffy + More Prize Drawing, leave a comment with THIS post. You can write whatever you want, but please don’t forget to fill out the email field because we’ll be emailing the randomly selected winners for his or her mailing address.

We will stop accepting entries on Sunday, May 27, 2018 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. Only one comment allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents 18 years old or older.

Good luck!

FINE PRINT: The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to send you emails asking you to stop sending us photos. The Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send you Domino’s specials. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail, damaged mail or your inability to talk while chewing on a Laffy Taffy.


309 responses to “WEEKEND GIVEAWAY: A Pound of Laffy Taffy + More”

  1. Dave

    I would like that Laffy Taffy

  2. Kelly

    Pick me!

  3. Emerald

    yummy yum yum yummy
    pretty please

  4. Summer Stellato


  5. Seth

    I need my taffy fix, man!

  6. Tracy

    This sounds like a good one, Mr. Marvo.
    Thank you for your generosity.

  7. DJ

    Love all of the goodies!

  8. kelly

    pick me

  9. Lisa

    So much yummy goodness! ?

  10. Alek


  11. Tabatah

    Good thing my braces are gone!

  12. Tiffany Ames


  13. Jessica

    Deadpool yes!


    Hello laffy taffy

  15. Samuel Van Beek

    Why did the civilian enter the giveaway with laffy taffy?

    So he could “chew” out the competition…;)

  16. Denise

    I read this blog everyday and I love Laffy taffy so I should win. Georgia peaches love candy. Pick me, your most loyal reader.

  17. Laney

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  18. Bob K

    All about those butterfingers!

  19. Sean

    Laffy Taffy is super awesome, not quite as awesome as Tangy Taffy, but awesome nonetheless!

  20. Katie

    So many goodies.

  21. Jay

    Dear god, I need all that taffy in my life!



  23. Sugar high heaven!

  24. Shannon

    I looooove laffy taffy..

  25. Charles


  26. KAYLIN

    Shake that laffy taffy

  27. Alex Kruger

    The candy would be perfect for a movie!

  28. Melissa S.

    My dentist will be happy!

  29. Bianca

    happ mdw!

  30. adam

    “Nobody better lay a finger on my Butterfinger!” -Bart

  31. Kim


  32. Michael


  33. Kayla harmon

    I Love yalls page <3

  34. Courtney


  35. Melody

    I love me some laffy taffy!

  36. Amy R

    Yay for sugar!

  37. Eagles409

    Yes please.

  38. Katie Diamond

    Yeah for Friday giveaways!

  39. Mason


  40. Casey Dell Otto

    wow this is great

  41. Gina

    I still cannot find those dark Butterfingers!

  42. Ariel Riley

    Banana Laffy Taffy FTW

  43. Elizabeth H.

    Laffy Taffy for the win!

  44. Mindy

    I love Laffy Taffy!

  45. Carina Lamb

    I love Laffy Taffy loool… as the only person in my family haha xD

  46. Albert Chao

    So wait, they started to make Laffy Taffy laffy now?

  47. Kristie

    Everything looks yummy! Thanks for the giveaway!

  48. Devin H.

    Pop-Tarts and Laffy Taffy? Everything a growing boy could ever want.

  49. Tabitha

    Knock knock

  50. Jennifer

    Pick me!!!

  51. Christina Klein

    I want that taffy

    1. ray

      Butterfinger Dark

  52. Missy

    It’s Memorial Day, y’all!

  53. Ally

    I love candy!!

  54. Melody

    Love the green apple laffy taffy. thanks for all the giveaways!

  55. Precious Wentletrap


  56. myke

    gimme dat taffy daddy

  57. TropicalChrome

    Because summer is all about sugar highs.

  58. michele

    Yes please!

  59. Kevin


  60. Tiffany B.

    Whoa, that’s a lot of laffy taffy.

  61. josh l

    Slam my tastebuds please

  62. Eden

    Deadpool tinyhands gummis. That is good marketing. They should have had bags of these at the Deadpool 2 premiere.

  63. Patrick Sicard

    Give me everything but the butterfingers

  64. Yummy, sounds great!


    I love taffy!

  66. Cristy Kasovich

    Happy Memorial Day!

  67. I love butterfinger


    The sweetest taffy is that which is laffy.

  69. john wisbiski

    THIS Post

  70. PJH

    Tiny hands

  71. BR

    Love Laffy Taffy!

  72. EAh


  73. Meagan

    I’d love to win!

  74. S

    Looks great!

  75. Rave G.

    I want candy!!!

  76. Steve

    I’m in.

  77. Adam Davis

    Laffy taffy king

  78. Sari Bloom

    You had me at free candy

  79. Michele Adams

    That would be awesome!

  80. chris

    I want that taffy and those new split poptarts.

  81. Greg and Taryn

    We love candy!

  82. Kirk

    The fall of Sparkle Cherry Jerry Laffy Taffy. If you don’t know what I am referencing. https://www.flickr.com/photos/jasonliebigstuff/2421789505

  83. w0nka

    I can’t not try for candy!

  84. Jose

    Can’t say no to free candy

  85. Elizabeth

    Yum, Laffy Taffy!

  86. Jodi DeVore

    Candy is always good.

  87. Randy L

    I might eat all of this.

  88. Jason

    I want to win for once!!

  89. Anthony

    A pound of Laffy Taffy? Dream come true

  90. Anthony M

    Happy Memorial Day Weekend!!

  91. Taylor

    I love laffy taffy!

  92. Karl

    Shake that laffy taffy

  93. Cassie M

    I want cheesecake poptarts

  94. Ryan C.

    Mmmmm Dark Butterfingers

  95. Ryandog

    Butterfingers! those dark ones are supposed to be bomb right?

  96. Chris

    Fingers crossed

  97. Tina

    Laffy Taffy takes me back! We sold like a thousand flavors at the student store in my high school, those were one of the biggest sellers.

  98. Mireille Cecil

    shack that laffy taffy

  99. Stephanie Abene

    I looove cherry Laffy Taffy. I hope you have some blue raspberry too.

  100. Farnic

    That’s a lot of taffy

  101. Brad Hiatt

    Two hot dogs, small fries, and a Hi-C!

  102. Matt

    I haven’t been able to find any of the new dark chocolate candy bars anywhere!

  103. Hilary

    Still on the hunt for those dark chocolate butterfingers! My husband would go crazy for that laffy taffy though.

  104. Jeremy

    Gurrrrl shake that laffy taffy

  105. Angie

    I love laffy taffy! Dark butterfingers? Sounds good, will have to keep a look out for those

  106. AD Dawson

    Chaz Woodfin is a Snack Forager

  107. Rhonda

    I want in… 🙂

  108. Jennifer Graika

    My mom love laffy taffy. I would give them to her

  109. sarah


  110. Dagmar

    Me me me pretty pretty please:)

  111. Gina E


  112. Jackie

    I love Butterfingers but haven’t found the dark bars yet.
    I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing long weekend!

  113. TC

    Sounds yummy

  114. Miss M

    Nice! What a fun win for someone!

  115. Karla


  116. Howard

    Laffy Taffy! Always good for a laff. Or a taff.

    I dunno, I got nuttin’.

    What do you call a pirate with two eye, two hands, and two legs? “Rookie”.

  117. Diana

    mmmm…..sugar high!

  118. Jen

    Apple please!

  119. Abby Williams

    🙂 I hope I win.

  120. Miguel

    I love this site I check it once every hour for updates I hope I win!

  121. Linda p

    It’s my birthday ? Tommorow hopefully I win !!

  122. Joe K

    Dying to try those Pop-Tarts!

  123. Amanda Davis

    I’m a gonna win (in my best mario voice)

  124. Jenni S

    Please pick meeeee!

  125. Holly B

    Yay candy!

  126. Rachel

    heck yes

  127. MB

    cool giveaway

  128. Cassie

    Pick me! Pick me!

  129. Patti E

    Still looking for those Buttterfinger Dark bars!

  130. Amanda Rauch

    My son would love this giveaway! He has eaten Laffy Taffy since he was little. I had to listen to every joke from every wrapper! LOL. So much fun

  131. Traci Wilbur


  132. Ian McPherson

    Shake that laffy taffy

  133. TC

    Mmmm taffy!

  134. Seth

    Laffy taffy is my favorite D4L song

  135. Leela

    Oh my goodness, this would be wonderful to share 🙂

  136. Sue

    I would have 1 poptart, 1 laffy taffy and one butterfinger to add spread the calories out!, pick us, the kids will be happy.

  137. Dawn


  138. Jeremy

    I’m feeling lucky

  139. TM89

    I’m serious about this Laffy Taffy giveaway!

  140. Robert

    Me want food

  141. Mike Vincent

    Let’s win this!

  142. Thomas Griffin

    Fingers crossed

  143. Aaron stewart

    Yum Hook me up

  144. TheOneAboveAll

    CAUTION!!!! CAUTION!!!! DANGER!!!!! DANGER!!!!!!!…..do I have your attention?…ok good PICK ME!!!!!!

  145. SL


  146. Darrell Martinsen

    Thanks for the chance

  147. amy marantino

    YUM. Pop-Tarts

  148. Juanita barragan

    I love lady taffy. This is a awesome giveaway thank you.

  149. Bryn


  150. SH

    There’s a joke on every wrapper and I love them all!!!

  151. Jane

    This is such a fun one!

  152. Mike


  153. Mike b

    Thanks for this marvo

  154. Greg M

    I remember going to ccd and they always had a big container of Laffy Taffy and a couple of us would always steal them from the church lol I hope I don’t go to hell for it ?

  155. Kerrington keas


  156. Cory


  157. Allison

    Me, please

  158. Mark

    I could use candy

  159. Aren

    Yes please

  160. Mike Davis

    Free candy? The most delicious variety…

  161. Kaitlyn

    Another great giveaway! 🙂

  162. Dana


  163. Brian

    I like Street Fighter II

  164. BoJangles


  165. Tara


  166. Andrew Rector

    I still have some Guava and Pineapple Laffy Taffy left over from a big bag I bought after Halloween.

  167. Martin

    This is it. This is what my life has been leading towards. My parents never believed in me, but damnit, this is the moment in my life when I rise up and win Pop-Tarts and Laffy Taffy in an internet blog drawing.

  168. Josh

    Yes pleaseee 😉

  169. Chris Busila

    Can I have some free pop tarts? That way I don’t have to buy the 16 pack, finding out they are gross then trying to pawn off the other 14 to co-workers.

  170. Nathan R

    I wanna try the new Butterfingers bar

  171. Mike N.

    Me me me!

  172. Kate


  173. Brad


  174. Tina


  175. Candice

    me 🙂

  176. Sincere


  177. Nicole

    Mmm taffy

  178. Keith Young

    Pick me lol i love laffy taffy

  179. Josie

    Laffy Taffy – oh my. I wrote a joke as a child, and I wanted to send it in SO bad. I thought I was hilarious and brilliant. I don’t know if my Dad ever mailed that envelope or not, but man – I was SURE I would be a millionaire comedienne one day.

    …still waiting. hehe

  180. Chris Hicks

    “One of the secrets of a happy life is continuous small treats.” says novelist and philosopher Iris Murdoch. Who am I to disagree?

  181. Eating_it_All

    If I win this I promise to eat it all at once no matter what! Thank u!

  182. holly

    love the laffy taffy jokes!

  183. Philip

    Hope I win

  184. John


  185. Jodie Zolezzi

    Yummmmm!!! ?

  186. Erin K

    Very yummy! have a good holiday weekend!

  187. Michelle

    Oh oh, pick me pick me!

  188. Cat

    You still have more Pop tarts?!

  189. Jordan

    This post is SO FUNNY!!! Get it? ‘Laughy Taffy’s ;P

  190. Marin Hoekstra

    I would love to win! Duhh, who doesn’t? ?? Anyways I would be the happiest girl ever if I win ??

  191. Faith

    I love poptarts!

  192. Sam brown

    Oh hell yeah please send me that

  193. kimberly belcher

    if i win i promise to share with no one and use the laffy taffy wrappers to create an economical crop top for summer.

  194. kay h

    yessss please!

  195. Alejandro


  196. Daniel

    I want those Trolli Tiny Hands! I live nowhere near 7-Eleven, so my Arkansan heart would be very happy to win.

  197. Sara mari

    I still remain hopeful that I might win one of these giveaways ?

  198. sam


  199. jenna

    I would love to win and share at work.

  200. Sara

    Pick me!!

  201. Avery

    Banana Laffy Taffy is the best ?

  202. chris

    Pretty please?

  203. Ben

    Can’t find the Butterfinger Dark here in Middle Tennessee. Would love to try it.

  204. Heather Morris

    Hi! I love lady taffy!

  205. Mickey Bowman

    mmmmm taffy and Pop Tarts!

  206. Matt Sharp

    mmmmm laffffy taffffy

  207. Gabriella c.s.

    i haven’t had laffy taffy in forever

  208. Nathan

    That much Laffy Taffy would last me a while!

  209. Alle

    Laffy Taffy…I only liked the strawberry flavor growing up lol.

  210. Michael G

    I’m feeling like I need to pick up some taffy win or lose.

  211. Whitney

    Yes please!

  212. Heidi

    Laffy Taffy rocks! And Pop Tarts too!

  213. Emma

    Yum! ??

  214. Marc

    Need energy to stay up with a newborn ( + toddler)

  215. Michelle

    I just figured that I would try because I don’t win things and it would be fun lol.

  216. Anne sutton

    I love Forbes taffy from North Carolina….summer classic. But the laffy taffy could be a great jumpstart to summer!

  217. Caroline

    Hot weather alert!

  218. Stan

    I hope I win!

  219. Steve

    Pick me please!

  220. Melissa

    I haven’t had Laffy Taffy in ages.

  221. Basil

    The tiny hands remind of Katya.

  222. Kyle Nash

    This would be great! Thank you!

  223. Kristi

    Love it all!

  224. Roger

    Mmmm, Larry Taffy.

  225. Lauren

    I would love this ! Lady taffy is my favorite.

  226. Jeff Davis

    Nothing says summer like taffy

  227. Laura

    That’s a whole lot of laffy taffy

  228. Molly

    I’d be the hero of the family if I showed up to the next party with this!

  229. Trisha

    Strawberry Laffy Taffy is the best!

  230. I LOVE the banana-flavored Laffy Taffy.

  231. Justin R.

    Pick Me 🙂

  232. MDF


  233. Amy

    mmmm butterfinger

  234. Ebony Jackson


  235. Jenny J

    THIS post.

  236. Whit

    Nom nom

  237. Kia


  238. Karina

    Yassss please!

  239. Bj

    Yum, banana Laffy Taffy.

  240. Patrick

    Give me the laffy taffy!

  241. Cierra O’Dell

    I was just talking about eating laffy taffy yesterday.. yum!

  242. Marni

    Cheesy jokes are the best!

  243. Adriann Roberts

    i need this

  244. Love Laffy Taffy and looking forward to those new jokes!!

  245. chelsea

    yes please!

  246. Kris

    I love how helpful your site is. Keeps me from buying products that sound great but aren’t, and steers me to the good stuff!!

  247. sarah k

    Hope you have a great Memorial Day weekend!

  248. J

    Shake that laffy taffy~

  249. Maureen

    This sounds tasty

    1. David Waite

      I want that candy

  250. This is one of the best contests ever and I love the site???

  251. Starla Walters

    Would love to try the splizt, cant find them were I live.

  252. Dom


  253. allen d hager



    Laffy Taffy is definitely my favorite.

  255. Heather Mcknight

    I basically live for taffy.. this is fate. ??????

  256. Vicky

    Yes please!

  257. DH

    Yummy for my tummy!

  258. Mike

    Please, please support the BiRDKiND’s candy habits. For the cause!

  259. Gage


  260. Body €avity €reep$

    step out of line please sir

  261. Anthony P.


  262. Chris

    Pick me!

  263. Kandyce

    Pick me! Puh-lease 🙂

  264. Mireya Montoya

    I would love this. I haven’t had laffy taffy in a while

  265. Amber Vallan


  266. Ashley


  267. Logan Hindes

    Miss the podcast, still loving the blog!

  268. Red lutfy

    I want in

  269. Mike S.

    Ooh, taffy! 🙂

  270. Katlyn

    Whatever YOU want

  271. Gerald Wolf

    Love banana… Mmm

  272. Matt Floyd

    yes please

  273. Julie

    I want that!

  274. Cynthia Graves

    Oh my sugar heaven this would be an incrediable prize to win.

  275. Rory

    I love taffy

  276. Tazeen

    I never win anything but it’s worth a try!

  277. This would be nice!

  278. Pop Tart Splitz flavored Laffy Taffy…

  279. Jordan Dombrovski

    Yum! I’d love this.

  280. Jeremy

    What Do You Get If You Cross A Stereo And A Refrigerator?

    Very cool music.

  281. Jacob

    Mmm sugar

  282. Amanda


  283. Gio Olvera

    I want those pop tarts! I hope I win!

  284. Robert



    I love the fact that you do so many giveaways. Very generous.

  286. Mickey H.

    I can always diet later!

  287. Ashley

    Lots of new things to try!

  288. Justin

    Wow, that’s a lot of Laffy Taffy!

  289. Meghan


  290. Arvin Chattha

    yes please

  291. Alex L

    Let’s go!

  292. Rochelle

    Love Laffy Taffy

  293. Jason

    Good luck all!

  294. Neeks

    I want! I want!

  295. Kirk

    The cherry laffy taffy used to be such a treat. I wonder if it still tastes the same?

  296. Chelsea Amanda

    This all sounds so delicious. I love strawberry cheesecake

  297. Jess A

    Laffy taffy is my life blood. YUM!

  298. Hannah

    These sound yummy! Thanks!

  299. Benjamin Shick

    Love the website, keep up the good work!

  300. Ben

    Man, I could use some Laffy Taffy.

  301. Carly

    Still wanting to try the new Butterfinger!!

  302. Chris

    Taffy me up

  303. Katie B

    Laffy taffy is a fav childhood treat (except the banana ones…)!

  304. Joey S

    Need that candy

  305. Flowerxhild

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  306. John W

    For some reason, Marvo, it’s been a struggle to find the Splitz Pop Tarts or the dark chocolate Butterfinger bars here in Northeast Ohio. So, if you choose to send the weekend giveaway to me, rest assured that everything will be much appreciated.

  307. Tyler Parrish

    Laffy Taffy!!!!!!!!