WEEKEND GIVEAWAY: A Mystery Box Because We’re Not Even Sure What We’re Giving Away

Mystery 2017

UPDATE 6/27/2018: The winner of this prize drawing is Elizabeth. Congratulations! Thanks to everyone who participated.

Usually, with these Weekend Giveaway posts there’s a list of all the things that’ll be given away to one lucky reader. But this time there isn’t one because we’re not sure what we’re giving away.

There might be a gift card. There might not. There might be candy. Okay, there definitely will be candy, and if you follow TIB on Instagram you might get an idea of what candy we could be giving away. There might be a snack that you can get only in Hawaii. There might be a stuffed toy. But, there will definitely be shredded paper.


To enter The Impulsive Buy’s Mystery Box Prize Drawing, leave a comment with THIS post. You can write whatever you want, but please don’t forget to fill out the email field because we’ll be emailing the randomly selected winner for his or her mailing address.

We will stop accepting entries on Sunday, June 24, 2018 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. Only one comment allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents 18 years old or older.

The winner will be announced at the top of this post a few days after we stop accepting entries.

Good luck!

FINE PRINT: The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to send you emails about light fixtures. The Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send you mixtapes. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost or damaged mail.


408 responses to “WEEKEND GIVEAWAY: A Mystery Box Because We’re Not Even Sure What We’re Giving Away”

  1. Paul Smith

    I love a good mystery- just like Scooby-Doo!

  2. Farnic

    A boat’s a boat, but the mystery box could be anything. It could even be a boat!

  3. TropicalChrome

    My cats would definitely enjoy the shredded paper. Everything else is a bonus.

  4. Chris

    I’m in, lets eat some candy.

  5. DJ

    Love mystery gifts!

  6. Kelvin Price

    Living on the edge!!! ___ The Mystery Box

  7. Tyler Gray

    Yeah sure why not

  8. John Rocheville


  9. Dave

    Mysteries are cool!

  10. Charlene Ngo

    Been needing some shredded paper

  11. Dana


  12. Aleksandr Rozentsvit

    YAY! Mysteries!

  13. Peter

    I’ll take a mystery box of potential sadness and diabetes please!

  14. Joyce

    Was getting ready to order some shredded paper, but I’ll hold off just in case I win!

  15. Thomas Griffin

    Big money big money!!! No whammies

  16. Jarred

    Yeah a Hawaiian exclusive snack would be a cool thing to include. Ugh, I’d hope its nothing with SPAM in it though lol.



  18. Rachel D.

    I lik surprises.

  19. Tabitha

    Although the fine print says no mixtapes, I totally feel like one deserves to be in the mystery box.

  20. Kathryn

    Mysterious! Yes plz.

  21. Chelsea

    It could be a red snapper! Or it could be a gag gift! Either way, it’s ours! 😀

  22. Aimee Council

    Yeah I like mysteries

  23. R


  24. Starkzilla

    Mystery boxes are my downfall. I love not knowing what I might get!

  25. Jay

    But the mystery box could be anything, it could even be a boat!

  26. Kaylin

    ‘Tis a mystery

  27. Leslie


  28. Yay surprises!

  29. Nick Kafka

    Maybe it’ll be a series of progressively smaller boxes

  30. Taylor Johnson

    I wanna know what’s in it!

  31. Katie Diamond

    No idea what I might win, but I want it. ?

  32. DAN

    i love a surprise

  33. Sheri

    Candy? did you say free candy?

  34. judith

    i love mysteries!

  35. Jason D

    Good luck all!

  36. MS


  37. Jenna

    Mystery box!

  38. Amy

    shredded paper my favorite – I am down.

  39. Jennifer

    Pick me?

  40. Eden

    Like I said last time, these giveaways just keep getting more random….

  41. Eilish

    I love mysteries!

  42. Dan Bolyard

    I love this site

  43. Casey Kuntz


  44. Candice


  45. jh

    A Hawaiisnack would be peachy keen!

  46. Linda

    Yay for surprises!

  47. David

    oh, so mysterious

  48. Marc Goldberg

    I’m always up for a good mystery!

  49. Charlene

    Mystery box sounds fun.

  50. Mindy

    I love mysteries!

  51. Skye

    I like surprises!

  52. SD

    I love a good mystery!

  53. Charlene

    Mystery box sounds fun!

  54. Katie

    Oh yeahhhh!!! ?

  55. Darrell Martinsen


  56. Wendooku

    So essentially this would be a surprise party for my mouth? I’m intrigued.

  57. Tami

    Can’t wait

  58. Sue

    This should be fun to unbox

  59. KiKi LaRue

    This seems like a very intriguing box. Hopefully whomever wins will tell us what they receiver 🙂

    1. KiKi LaRue

      received…not receiver >:(

  60. Jenn Gatchell

    Love mysteries!

  61. Kristin

    Life is a mystery!

  62. Kristin

    So mysterious!!

  63. It is a Mystery?

  64. Kyle Piper

    Hopefully this will be a better mystery than the mystery of the leftovers…

  65. Heather H.

    What’s the story, Wishbone?

  66. Mary Anne

    My entire life is a freaking mystery, so a box of mystery is most appropriate…

  67. Kathy

    Me, please… I’ll be your best friend!

  68. Jenni S

    I love surprises!

  69. Seth

    I love a good surprise!

  70. Heather

    something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain.

    A mystery involving candy? I’m in!! ??

  71. Elizabeth

    I never win anything! Plus, I love mysteries. So you have to pick me. 🙂

  72. Melisa

    I feel lucky

  73. Ryan T

    Let’s do this.

  74. Stephanie


  75. Miwo

    I love a good mystery!

  76. Kristie D

    Whatever you give away will be awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!

  77. Andy Kemp

    Who doesn’t love a mystery?

  78. Matt Gilbert

    I hope it’s scooby snax

  79. How exciting!

  80. Scott

    So much suspense!!

  81. Eagles409

    Surprise me

  82. David Lovell-Miller

    I love mysteries!

  83. Mike b

    Thanks marvo for doing these every week

  84. Jason


  85. Marla

    This would be most excellent

  86. Brittany K

    That’s the best kind of box!

  87. David

    Arizona needs mystery boxes


    Why not me?

  89. amy marantino

    it is draft day. again!

  90. Julie

    You could send me a box of only shredded paper and I would be psyched to get mail that isn’t a credit card application.

  91. Barbara B

    If there’s candy involved I want it!

  92. Charles

    Fingers crossed!

  93. Josh C

    The only mystery is when you’ll let me know I won!

  94. Sounds intriguing and I do love a good mystery!

  95. Stephanie Gibbons

    I ??a good mystery ???

  96. Craig MacCormack

    I’m feeling impulsive so I left a comment.

  97. Chris W

    Ace of Base 2k18

  98. Melody

    Love surprises and would love to win! Thanks

  99. Nick Pagano


  100. Bob K

    In for the mystery!

  101. michele

    Love a good surprise!

  102. Michele A.

    I would love to discover whats in the box

  103. Keith Golden

    Have a great weekend! Very curious about this box.

  104. Jess

    I’ll take seven!

  105. Crysta

    Surprises are fun!

  106. Jason

    Can’t wait to win

  107. Jo

    Weekend surprise?! Count me in!

  108. Amy S

    Mystery box sounds fun. Sign me up!

  109. PJH

    What’s in the box?!?

  110. Amanda

    Yes please!

  111. Beth P

    I like pizza I like bagels I like hot dogs with pretzels and beer

  112. I gotta win. I’ve been down on my luck ever since Blue Bunny discontinued Cuatro Leches

  113. Pete

    Mystery box yay! I hope it’s a boat

  114. Emily

    Ohhh, mysterious.

  115. Courtney


  116. Ian McPherson


  117. Melissa S.

    I love a good mystery!

  118. Karin

    Why not? Sometimes you just need a box of randomness. Lol

  119. Justin

    Yay, surprises!

  120. myke

    gomme dot bowx

  121. kathryn

    I love a good mystery!

  122. Steve

    I want know what’s in the boooooxxx!!

  123. Jason Mader

    Pick me!!!!!

  124. Alejandro


  125. sarah

    Happy Summer!

  126. Adam

    Mysteries are always good!

  127. Karl M

    Riddle me this, a snack with a twist?

  128. Raymond

    Surprise me, Marvo

  129. Tina

    Fun times!

  130. Jarod Beaumariage

    I love surprises!

  131. Tracy Bogdan

    Hope I win!

  132. Rob

    Yes please

  133. Tiffany B.

    Ooh a surprise. Sounds fun.

  134. Summer Stellato

    Yay surprises!

  135. Allison

    Me, please

  136. Nik

    Tigger loves to bounce

  137. Ashley

    Yes please!

  138. Mike V

    Keep up the good work.

  139. Alex Kruger

    This would be a great birthday gift for my 21st!!!

  140. kelly

    pick me!

  141. It would be nice to win anything !

  142. Adam Davis


  143. Amanda Harrison

    I’m a sucker for anything mystery. A box full of mystery?? Yes, please! 🙂

  144. Susan

    Oooh, love a good mystery!!

  145. Gina E


  146. Raveen

    Hey Marvo,
    What’s in the box?

  147. Courtney

    Where’s Scooby?

  148. Rebecca Foreman


  149. Michelle

    Oooh, the suspense!

    1. ray

      man i am very curious about the mystery box

  150. Justin

    Make me the winner!

  151. Kay Fields

    I would like to win!!!

  152. Carina Lamb

    A mystery! Nice 😀

  153. Sarah

    This is really exciting!

  154. Devin H.

    But can it really be anything?

  155. Luca

    Oooo myster!!

  156. Gage

    I want to win!

  157. TM89

    Usually I don’t enter these if I’m not interested in the items, but who doesn’t love a good mystery?

  158. Mira

    Gotta appreciate a good mystery! (Unless it’s Oreo’s mystery flavor edition…)

  159. Katlyn

    Mysterious mystery!

  160. Matt

    Candy? Candy!

  161. molls

    send candy please!

  162. Ren

    *throws my name into the hat* Thanks for the opportunity!

  163. Jackie

    Bacon pancakes, makin’ bacon pancakes,
    Take some bacon and I’ll put it in a pancake,
    Bacon pancakes, that’s what it’s gonna make,
    Bacon pancaaake!

  164. SS

    Never give up!

  165. Hannah

    Crossing my fingers for some yummy snacks!! 🙂

  166. jean finegan

    Anything free is always good!

  167. traumajunky

    I love surprises!

  168. Jeremy

    Fingers crossed

  169. Arthur Kirkland

    I think I’ll just let the mystery be, but I really won’t because I want to win.

  170. Christopher Chao

    Skating in Central Park

  171. aileen

    i love surprises! so magical

  172. Mike

    I want this.

  173. Kayleigh

    I like Mysteries!

  174. Abby Williams


  175. Woller

    Please count me in!

  176. Juba


  177. Jenna

    I would be so thankful to win this.

  178. Laney

    Thanks for the giveaway! Have a nice weekend!

  179. Nick T

    Thank you! I’d love to find out what it is.

  180. Jacob Ewing

    My comment!

  181. D’z

    Pick me

  182. Alex L

    Well, well! Let’s go!

  183. Sean

    I need food to live

  184. Stephanie Bridgewater

    I would love to win this!

  185. Michael

    Hopefully it not Pop Tarts.

  186. Donnie

    What could it be?

  187. Tina

    Ohh, I love a good mystery!

  188. Hayley S

    I hope I win! I never win!

  189. Nicole

    A mystery box could be anything. It could even be a boat!

  190. TheOneAboveAll

    If I had to choose between A Million Dollars and your mystery box my answer would be THE BOX!!!!! THE BOX!!!!!!!!!

  191. Emily C

    well…sure to be good!

  192. Dawn Giorgi

    Haven’t had a surprise since I still believed in Santa !!!

  193. Jodi DeVore

    Mystery flavored Airheads and dum dums? I’m in!!

  194. Phil

    Can’t turn down a mystery

  195. Vicky

    Mystery box of stuff? Terrific! Hope I win…Would make a great birthday present to myself!

  196. Pam

    Mysteries are the Best!!

  197. Rachel


  198. Astrid

    Ooooooo a giveaway! Gl everyone.

  199. Daniel Caddell


  200. Dagmar

    Who doesn’t love a good mystery?!

  201. Amy R

    The box, the box! I’ll take the box!

    1. Chris Hicks

      Okay, Weaver. You took the box! Let’s see what’s in the box… Nothing! Absolutely nothing! Stupid! You’re so stupid!

      That being said. I would also like to choose the box. 🙂

  202. Michelle

    I’m a vegetarian!

  203. DH

    Ok, I’m in! Very curious about what’s in the box.

  204. Randy L

    Sounds like a nice surprise.

  205. Wendy Mazur

    Comment to win!

  206. MICHAEL

    I’d like to solve the puzzle: “THANKS FOR THE MYSTERY BOX”

  207. Allison Gokey

    Show Me The Mystery Box, and pick me please! Ally

  208. K

    Curious what will be in the box.

  209. Cristy Kasovich

    Lol I’m the kind of person who sees a box by the road and wonders what treasures are inside!

  210. Kaitlyn

    Maybe today will be my lucky day!!

  211. Kyle Nash

    Yes, please!

  212. dion staples

    count me in!!

  213. Kaylee


  214. Jackie

    sounds like a fun surprise!
    Thank you!

  215. Miss M

    So cool!

  216. Rachel Tortorici

    It would be so fun to win!!! 🙂

  217. michael

    To enter The Impulsive Buy’s Mystery Box Prize Drawing, leave a comment with THIS post.

  218. Rebecca Johnstone

    I’m definitely in!

  219. Rik

    Button shop Christmas goose: paratroop!

  220. bojangles

    Oooooh.. I like a good mystery!

  221. Emily H

    Woo surprises! I’m in!

  222. Jenn

    Yes please!

  223. Cassie

    In it for the shredded paper!

  224. Heather Mcknight

    Who doesn’t love a good mystery!? I know I do!!

  225. Mike Davis

    I love a mystery!!

  226. Spencer

    Let’s go buffalo!!

  227. josh

    What’s in the box?? WHAT’S IN THE BOX??!!

  228. Patti E

    Who doesn’t love a good mystery?!?

  229. Mike N.

    Pick me! Pick me!

  230. Jess G

    Shredded paper! I love shredded paper!!!!
    Do you all ever announce on here who wins the box?

  231. Sam

    Love the blog.

  232. Kelly

    I love candy.

  233. tk

    i like a mystery!

  234. Jenny

    Thank you.

  235. Richard

    I love a mystery!

  236. Taesha

    Well, Surprise! Surprise! ??

  237. Nocode

    E.T. Cereal

  238. Gayle Shupack

    Today’s my birthday. I would love a mystery box of yummy junk food!

  239. Chris

    What’s in the box!

  240. David


  241. Ellen

    Yay I love surprises

  242. Sergio Campa

    The mystery is half the battle

  243. Would love to have a mystery box

  244. Kate


  245. Matt J.

    I’ll take it.

  246. Whitney

    I love a good mystery.

  247. Sinny

    This is the best comment.

  248. Amy

    I’m in!

  249. The most mysterious weekend giveaway box in the world.

  250. Amber Vallan

    Choose me! I want the box!

  251. Cat

    A mystery box?! 😀

  252. Tb

    Magic <3

  253. Alle


  254. Gina

    Love mystery boxes!

  255. Cynthia Hedstrom

    Mystery Boxes are fun!

  256. Charlene

    [Fingers crossed] Pickled herring, pickled herring.

    Thank you for the opportunity!

  257. Let’s just hope those Cherry Cola Oreos found their way into the garbage where they belong ?

  258. Sara

    Fun – love a mystery

  259. Jamie


  260. Macy Derda

    Has anybody seen the bridge?


  261. Jennifer

    Ohhhh a mystery!

  262. I love a good mystery!

  263. CK

    Love surprises and a mystery!

  264. Josh

    I’m always down for a surprise!!!

  265. HOLLY

    Fun! 🙂

  266. David

    Oh, sweet mystery of life at last I found you!

  267. Bj

    I love surprises!

  268. Bryan Irrera

    I can’t wait to see what’s in the box!

  269. sarah k

    Well, I’m definitely intrigued 🙂

  270. Heather

    yes!!!! Mystery goodies are the best!

  271. Kristi

    Sign me up!

  272. Chris

    Fingers crossed!!

  273. Marla

    This sounds fun!

  274. Karla

    OOoo… this could be good!

  275. Jon

    Neat, I’ll give it a try!

  276. Jenn L

    Ooh goodey a mystery! Love it!

  277. Akvam

    Yes, please!

  278. Gabriella c.s.

    i’m cool with a mystery box so long as there are no crickets or ants embalmed in lollipops.

  279. Kelly

    Bring on the mystery!

  280. Dianne

    I love surprises.

  281. Tracy


  282. Katie B

    Good surprises are the best!

  283. Lizi

    Praying for a giant Dorito!!!

  284. Justin

    A giveaway?!?!

  285. Bianca

    have a good weekend!!

  286. Miranda Simmons

    Mystery boxes are always fun!

  287. Destiny

    Yay!!! Mystery, Mystery what could it be?!?!

  288. Dre

    It’s a scooby doo box

  289. Eric Maddigan

    gotta love mysteries

  290. SL


  291. Rene B

    I’m down for a mystery box, would make a great YouTube video.

  292. Pauline Luong

    Followed on instagram and posting. I love surprises!



  294. Taelyr

    The best kind of boxes are the ones labeled “mystery”

  295. Michelle

    I love mysteries.

  296. Jeremy

    Oh yeah

  297. Kaity Partridge

    my candy stash is low.. this would be nice tho

  298. allen

    aAmystery. Who doesn’t love a mystery?

  299. TeenyWeenyHotdogBunz

    ???Here weee gooooo???

  300. Body €avity €reep$

    I want to probe your mystery box

  301. Stephanie

    Yay, I love mysteries!

  302. Amy Hart

    I would love this!

  303. Chris

    Good luck everyone!

  304. Ash!ey

    Fingers crossed!!!

  305. JAZZ

    I hope I’m not too ladte!! Been following you for a decade

  306. Shayla

    My daughter would love this mystery box!!!

  307. Hillary

    Aye Caramba!

  308. samantha


  309. Jordan

    Thank you!

  310. MDF


  311. Chris

    I hope it’s a boat.

  312. Tonya Lewis

    Love a mystery!!

  313. Ally

    Yay pick me!

  314. Mike S.

    Thanks for the fun! 🙂

  315. Howard

    Thank you. Have a good weekend

  316. Samantha

    Mystery giveaway; I like it!

  317. Harry

    Here goes nothing

  318. Ben

    Who doesn’t like a good Mystery Box?

  319. Matti

    Mmm, mystery. Well, I love new stuff!

  320. Kayla Longchamp

    Yay for mystery foooods

  321. 78hfyb39


  322. Stephen Z


  323. Blaire

    Comment time

  324. Joanna

    I would love a mystery box!

  325. Abby

    So excited!!

  326. Emily

    Mystery food is always fun!

  327. Fallon Gyorke

    pick me!

  328. Glenn D. Beihl

    Food good, me like.

  329. Arvinder Chattha

    Pick ME!!!

  330. Jennifer

    Love the site!


    I love me a good mystery.. Box

  332. Meghan


  333. Melissa Long

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  334. Bryan G

    Mmmm, delicious mystery.

  335. Stevie

    Love this blog!!! ?

  336. Siyi

    I wonder what it is

  337. Keith

    Please lol I visit site almost everyday lol

  338. Kenzie

    Sick ?

  339. Jade Day

    Pick me! Pick me!

  340. Brian

    Yes please!

  341. TJ Harris

    Ain’t no prize like a mystery prize!

  342. Mike V


  343. Christine

    The suspense!

  344. KS

    Mysteries are the best

  345. txdb

    But I really want a mixtape with this ?

  346. Cindy

    I love a surprise!

  347. Joshua Adams

    Womp Womp (It’s a sarcastic womp womp)

  348. Megan M

    I love mystery boxes!!

  349. Lot L

    Might be as close to Hawaii as I ever get!

  350. Johnny Estrada

    I love a mystery

  351. Bill

    Good luck everyone!

  352. Tonino Mitacchione

    I like free stuff.

  353. Denise

    I’ll try (almost) anything!

  354. Teddy Ray

    Whether I win or not, you have my permission to use my mailing address to send me mixtapes.

  355. Erica Sciarrone

    I love TIB!!! I love mystery boxes! I love Hawaii!!! This was meant for me! LOL. Thanks for the chance. Good luck everyone ?

  356. Brooke

    I love mystery boxes!

  357. Laura

    It’s a mystery!

  358. Christina

    I like snacks.

  359. Chad Warren

    I like free stuff.

  360. Carly

    Blind faith for the win.

  361. Jen

    This would be a great bday gift for me….

  362. Randy Salazar

    Pick me!

  363. Syd

    This website never fails to make my day

  364. Cyndi

    Fingers crossed!

  365. Kim Davis


  366. Mike Suchalla

    I like mysteries!

  367. Dan L

    Could be interesting.

    1. Lauren Hickey

      Sounds fun

  368. Tyler Ayala

    The best part of mystery boxes is that they’re mysterious

  369. Jenny

    Favorite food site!

  370. Chad Milburn

    This is my comment, not yours.

  371. Kandyce Pierce


  372. Krystal

    I’m Cajun. Would prolly eat everything in it ? Good luck all!!

  373. Samantha

    The box sounds awesome

  374. Bryn


  375. Mike Espos

    Its a mystery

  376. Marcus Gray

    I want the mystery box! 😀

  377. Angela

    Uhh free mystery food? Yes please!

  378. Paul

    International Box of Mystery?! I’m in!

  379. Krysti Golden

    Good luck everyone!

  380. Ashley Hoover

    How intriguing!

  381. Kelsey

    How exciting!

  382. Alex P

    Good luck ya’ll

  383. Kerrington keas

    I love a good ol mystery

  384. Kris Kallinen


  385. Stacey

    Surprises are the best!

  386. Katy

    My daughter – 18mo today (Christmas Eve baby!) and I would LOVE a surprise box! How fun!

  387. Bailey

    I never win stuff like this but I love a MYSTERY

  388. MAB

    Mysteries are always fun! Good luck!

  389. Stephanie Gibbons

    I love a good mystery

  390. Barbara

    Love reading your site!

  391. Jerry Hsiung

    Random Free Stuff !

  392. Owen Wilson


  393. Jimmy James

    My spoon is too big!

  394. Robbie

    E. Nygma

  395. Jeff Davis

    Mystery box,sounds great

  396. GAYLE

    mystery! love it!

  397. Billy C

    Hook me up!

  398. Jason Krol


  399. Eric Johnson


  400. Katie Steinhebel


  401. Renee

    Me pretty please??