QUICK REVIEW: 7-Eleven Cap’n Crunch’s Crunch Berries Slurpee

7 Eleven Cap n Crunch s Crunch Berries Slurpee

What is it?

A strange marriage between 7-Eleven and the Cap’n to say the least – Crunch Berries Slurpee.

How is it?

I was skeptical, but this really hit the mark. They managed to “slurpitize” Cap’n Crunch Berries.

7 Eleven Cap n Crunch s Crunch Berries Slurpee 3

It was especially good for the first few sips while the ice was still crystallized. You get the classic Crunch Berries taste up front, but also a starchy cereal flavor. This is basically “Oops! All Berries” in Slurpee form, but I contend there is a hint of the corn cereal pieces in there as well that brought a nice dry finish to early sips.

While I’m pretty positive there’s no lactose element, they somehow managed to mimic a milky vanilla creaminess. It’s somehow both creamy and icy, but in no way like ice cream – if that makes sense. Just nod your head.

Those flavors paired with the fluffy slush reminded me a bit of cotton candy.

Is there anything else I need to know?

7 Eleven Cap n Crunch s Crunch Berries Slurpee 2

You probably need to be a fan of Crunch Berries to enjoy this. While I figured this was a berry-flavored frozen drink that they just slapped a familiar name on, it honestly tastes like full-blown Cap’n Crunch cereal.

It may be shocking to taste these flavors at this temperature, but I really dug it.

I would recommend getting a small because it’s best fresh from the machine. Once the ice melted, it became a slurry of pure syrup.


This is an ambitious partnership. I imagine it may be polarizing as it is definitely strange to taste cereal in frozen form, but I’d say give it a go. It won’t be around forever, and Slurpees cost a buck and change.

Some 7-Eleven stores are also selling exclusive Cap’n Crunch Slurpee T-shirts, and I won’t lie, I’m pretty mad I didn’t get one.

Oh, and be forewarned, you’re gonna have a blue tongue.

Purchased Price: $1.59
Size: Large
Rating: 8 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: Not available on 7-Eleven website.


2 responses to “QUICK REVIEW: 7-Eleven Cap’n Crunch’s Crunch Berries Slurpee”

  1. Caitlin J

    I want a slurry of pure syrup… maybe I should start getting bigger sizes… >.>

    And in case anyone is curious, I emailed them:

    The calorie counts on the Captain Crunch Slurpee sizes are

    Small 12oz. 100
    Medium 22oz. 190
    Large 30 oz. 260
    EX 40 oz. 350

  2. Impostor

    I believe the correct verb would be “slurpify”