The Impulsive Buy


Here are some interesting new and limited edition crunchy snacks found on store shelves by your fellow readers. If you’ve tried any of the products, share your thoughts about them in the comments.

Utz Italian Hoagie Potato Chips
Utz Italian Hoagie Potato Chips

Utz Wavy Spicy Buffalo Dip Potato Chips
Utz Wavy Spicy Buffalo Dip Potato Chips

(Spotted by David P at Weis Markets.)

Great Value Thin  Crispy Scorchin Hot and Salsa Verde Tortilla Chips
Great Value Thin & Crispy Scorchin’ Hot and Salsa Verde Tortilla Chips

(Spotted by Robbie at Walmart.)

Kroger KaleidOs Raspberry Creme with Popping Candy Sandwich Cookies
Kroger KaleidOs Raspberry Creme with Popping Candy Sandwich Cookies

Kroger KaleidOs Salted Caramel & Chocolate Sandwich Cookies

(Spotted by Rachel C at Smith’s.)

Sprouts Peanut Butter Puffs

Sprouts Picante Inca Corn

Sonoma Creamery Cheese Crisp Bars (Savory Seed and Everything Cheddar)

Sonoma Creamery Cheese Crisp Bars (Parmesan and Bacon Cheddar)

Ground Up Original Cauliflower Pretzels

Barnana Sea Salt & Vinegar Plantain Chips

(Spotted by Rachel C at Sprouts.)

Nabisco Barnum’s Animals Crackers 2018 Box Design

Nabisco Barnum’s Animals Crackers 2018 Bag Design

If you’re wondering what’s new about the packaging because you haven’t had these crackers in years, the animals are now out of their cages. A zebra, elephant, giraffe, gorilla, and extremely tired looking lion enter a bar and the lion tells the bartender that they’re thirsty. The bartender says to the lion, “You must be really thirsty after chasing after the other animals.” The lion replies, “Yeah, the zebra and giraffe are faster, and the elephant and gorilla are stronger.” “So all of you came to a truce?” asked the bartender. “Yes, they convinced me that I’m not fast or strong enough to capture them,” replied the lion. “But,” the lion continued, “they also convinced me to capture something slower and weaker than me.” “Oh, what animal is that?” asked the bartender. “The bartender,” replied the now smiling lion. (Spotted by Robbie at Walmart Neighborhood Market.)

If you’re out shopping and see an interesting new product on the shelf, snap a picture of it, and send us an email ( with where you found it and “Spotted” in the subject line. Or reply to us (@theimpulsivebuy) on Twitter with the photo, where you spotted it, and the hashtag #spotted. If you’ve tried the product, share your thoughts about it in the comments.

Also, if you want to send in photos and are wondering if we’ve already covered something, don’t worry about it. Let us worry about it.

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