QUICK REVIEW: Lay’s Popppables Creamy Jalapeno

Lay's Poppables Creamy Jalapeno

What are Lay’s Poppables Creamy Jalapeno?

The latest flavor in Frito-Lay’s Poppables line is Creamy Jalapeno. While I’ve loved every variety thus far, I can’t decide if the random “Creamy” in the name sounds appetizing or gross.

How are they?

I’ll end the short-lived suspense. Lay’s Poppables Creamy Jalapeno are anything but gross. In fact, I’m ready to admit I’m a full-on Poppables fanboy. These things are delicious.

I love the shape of these. It provides for an excellent airy crisp unlike basically everything on the market right now. The shape of these are like giant potato Chex in a way.

Lay's Poppables Creamy Jalapeno 2

The jalapeno flavor is the standard you’d expect from Frito Lay, which is a good thing. If you’ve had the jalapeno chips or Fritos, there’s not much deviation from that flavor, although the “creamy” element does provide a nice counterbalance. Plus, the potato flavor seems slightly more pronounced than a normal chip for some reason, and it all just marries together perfectly. There’s really a bit of “creaminess” at play here.

The spice level is manageable, and dare I say “pleasant” in its afterburn.

Is there anything else I need to know?

I don’t necessarily know what to attribute the “creaminess” to, but “creamy jalapeno powder,” sour cream, and yogurt powder are ingredients. I’m thrown off because Frito-Lay usually makes it a point to show a dollop (the worst word in the English language) of sour cream or something on the bag itself.

Oh, and if you’re wondering, I loved the smell of these. It reminded me of unwrapping an Italian sub (or “hero,” or whatever weird name you call a sandwich).


I’m just a big fan of Poppables, and I think Creamy Jalapeno is the best flavor so far. There’s a bigger bag than the one I purchased, and I’m kicking myself for not getting it.

I assume this snack line is doing well, so all I can hope is that Frito-Lay parlays the success into a reboot of Dorito’s 3Ds, which I’ve been clamoring for since they disappeared over a decade ago.

Purchased Price: $1.48
Size: 2 oz. bag
Purchased at: Walmart
Rating: 9 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (1 oz.) 150 calories, 9 grams of fat, 1.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 220 milligrams of sodium, 16 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of fiber, 1 gram of sugar, and 1 gram of protein.


4 responses to “QUICK REVIEW: Lay’s Popppables Creamy Jalapeno”

  1. Mike S.

    Dang, those look addicting! 🙂

  2. M

    I liked the plain & cheese Poppables, but not the jalapeno ones. I checked the label before paying for the bag (due to a bell pepper allergy), but apparently not well enough. The chips heavily smelled & tasted like green bell peppers, so I spit them out immediately, rechecked the label & discovered there’s “green bell pepper spice” in it. Thumbs down.

  3. Shirley

    I am Looking for these every where and No Luck. Im not a big chip eater but tried these and I Love these. Where can I buy them. Wal-mart doesn’t have them now . I checked online and No Luck.


    Yep cannot find Jalapeno… they’ve been pulled for some ungodly reason and I am UPSET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!