Pop Tarts Bites Frosted Brown Sugar Cinnamon

Pop Tarts Bites Frosted Strawberry

Instead of trying to make Pop-Tarts smaller, I’d like to see giant Pop-Tarts that are the size of sheet cakes. (Spotted by Bob K at Giant Eagle.)

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4 responses to “SPOTTED ON SHELVES: Pop-Tarts Bites”

  1. Anne Sutton

    I swear they did these before about ten years ago.

    1. DJ

      I think you are right! I remember something very similar to this, too. Great idea for a breakfast/snack on the run.

    2. Alek

      They did mini crisps! But I wish that they do other flavors. I’m thinking of creme brulee pop-tarts

    3. Elizabeth

      Yeah, I just Googled it. They were called Pop Tarts Mini Crisps. They had chocolate and strawberry.