
On the tenth day of The Impulsive Buy’s Season of Giving 2018, we are offering:

One $10 Subway Gift Card

Can I be honest? Well, I guess I don’t need to ask that since I’m in the business of writing honest reviews. Anyhoo, I can’t remember the last time I sunk my teeth into a Subway sandwich. I know I didn’t in 2018… And probably 2017. But I do know the last time I had McDonald’s. 45 minutes ago.


To enter this prize drawing for a $10 Subway Gift Card, leave a comment with THIS post. You can write whatever you want, but please don’t forget to fill out the email field because we’ll be emailing the randomly selected winner for his or her mailing address.

We will stop accepting entries on December 26, 2018 at 9:00 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. Only one comment allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents 18 years old or older.

Just a note: If you post a comment but it’s not showing up, it ended up in our comment spam folder for some strange reason. There’s no need to attempt to post another comment. I’ll be pulling those comments out of the comment spam vortex throughout the day.

Good luck and don’t forget to come back tomorrow to find out what we’re giving away!

FINE PRINT: The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to send you emails about how to improve your CTP and URE with WTR and LER. The Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send you stale cookie crumbs. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail or damaged mail.


167 responses to “TIB’S SEASON OF GIVING 2018: DAY 10”

  1. Gabriel Reynoso

    I do like subway

  2. Toni

    Subway is good.

  3. Michele

    Happy Holidays!

  4. Vicky


  5. Amy

    I can’t remember the last time I had subway!

  6. Jennifer

    Yummy ?

  7. Leela

    I would love me a sandwich.

  8. Kristie D

    Tuna subs! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  9. Jodi DeVore


  10. Rhonda Long

    I could eat there.

  11. amy marantino


  12. Emerald N

    Merry Christmas

  13. Amy R

    Last time I had Subway: 2 weeks ago. I tried the chocolate chip mint cookie – soft and chewy and yummy. Also, the chipotle cheesesteak on sunflower seed bread was super good.

  14. Michelle Mathis

    Subway’s really good

  15. Michelle Davies


  16. Jason

    I can go for some subway

  17. michele

    Thank you!

  18. Darrell Martinsen


  19. Alex L

    McDonald’s fresh meat is so good can’t blame ya for that. Subway, keep your meatball subs at $5 please =].

  20. Merry Christmas

  21. Nick Pagano

    Eat Fresh

  22. Marvin

    I haven’t had Subway in over a decade. 10 free dollars would change that. Holy moly would 10 free dollars change that.

  23. Amber

    I really want to try their new cheesy garlic bread.

  24. Nilethilht


  25. Cristy

    Just in time for those new garlic bread and meatball subs!

  26. Renee

    Thanks and happy holidays!

  27. Sounds great!

  28. KH

    Love Subway! Love The Impulsive Buy more!!!

  29. Kyle Nash


  30. svbbreathe

    Omg Eat Fresh!

  31. traumajunky

    Yay! I want to try that new garlic bread they have.

  32. RaveGyrl

    I haven’t had Subway in awhile.

  33. Matt J

    Just win, baby.

  34. Kayo

    Oh Subway, your my hero!

  35. Heather H.


  36. Howard

    Been awhile for me as well.

  37. Heather mcknight

    Happy holidays!!

  38. Jordan

    Happy holidays

  39. Leslie

    They owe me after my last visit.

  40. Melissa S.

    Love the tuna sub!

  41. Chris W

    love it or get out

  42. matt a

    Let me just enjoy the one thing that makes me a little bit happy. This fresh, cold, delicious, turkey-filled Cold-cut combo from Subway! I eat three every day to keep me strong.

  43. JoAnn

    Happy holidays, thanks!

  44. Jackie

    Merry Christmas! Hope you had a good one!

  45. Sachi

    I love you guys. Thanks for giving me something fun to read after a long day at work!

  46. Jenna G.

    My favorite Subway memory is when we had an older woman (in her seventies maybe) who came in regularly wearing a pink ballet tutu! She was perfectly nice but just liked her tutu!

  47. Whitney

    Happy Holidays!

  48. T price

    Merry Christmas!

  49. Missy Bee

    I want to try the Subway new Minis!

  50. Deb Paterno


  51. Kevin

    Happy Holidays!!

  52. Fawn keeney

    This would be awesome ! Thanks

  53. Jason Simpson

    Merry Christmas, a day late, but still.

  54. Mandy

    Yay Subway!

  55. Den

    Always go with the classic B.M.T.!


    Been awhile since I’ve eaten Subway as well

  57. Julie

    Thank you!

  58. Jarred

    Count me in!

  59. Ashley


  60. Kristi

    Yes please!

  61. Kaitlyn

    Good luck!!

  62. Mindy

    I’ll take a tuna sub!

  63. Caitlin J

    I wonder if Subway still has their wraps, I would love to try one!

  64. Kelly

    Merry Christmas

  65. Bianca

    hope your holiday was wonderful!

  66. Sue

    Always Turkey and Swiss with lettuce tomato green peppers olives and a little red onion, add southwest sauce and salt/pepper/oregano

  67. Christopher Stewart

    Eat Fresh!

  68. Erin

    I love subway!

  69. Sana Shaikh

    Diet time

  70. Alison

    Thanks for another chance to win!

  71. miss m

    very cool

  72. Devin H

    Subway’s version of The Reuben is pretty much the only thing I’ve ever enjoyed from them.

  73. Summer Stellato

    Love Subway

  74. Anne Sutton

    I maybe did one time. Although the new garlic toasted subs sound good

  75. Billy

    I can get a lotta sub with this!

  76. dan bolyard

    thank you

  77. Tina

    Gosh, I haven’t had Subway in years. That would be nice! 🙂

  78. J

    I could use a $0 footlong! LOL

  79. Joshua C

    When I was a kid, you could get two footlongs for $10.

  80. Aleksandr


  81. Charles C.

    My husband loves Subway so this would be great.

  82. Molly

    Been awhile since I’ve eaten Subway too…but man their cookies are delicious!

  83. Joanna

    Thank you so much!

  84. thetentman

    I have a Subway Rewards card and get free Gift Cards to Subway from my credit card. Not the best and not the worst. However, their Pastrami is atrocious. And their straws fracture at an alarming rate.

  85. DJ

    Thank you!

  86. Aly


  87. Barbara Boik

    If I won I would give this to my son!

  88. Melissa Long

    Thank you for chance!

  89. Renee Ladd

    Subway is next door to my office, so this one would come in handy for me.

  90. Priscilla

    I love Subway salads!

  91. Mike N.

    Mmm meatballs…

  92. Mason

    Happy holidays!

  93. Raymond

    Wonder how Jared fogle is doing these days.

  94. Clay

    Subway? Send it this way.

  95. Shannon

    Happy New Year! Hopefully you can help me do better in 2019 with this gift card.

  96. TheOneAboveAll

    “I want some Subway”….is what I would say if I won the gift card.

  97. Karl M


  98. Kristen Barnhardt


  99. Junior

    They have a great light Honey Mustard!

  100. Emma

    Subway? More like subyay! (I’ll show myself out)

  101. Phil

    Fingers crossed

  102. Leslie


  103. Chloe

    Subway is my go to. Love it!

  104. Karin

    I use my subway that’s in my Walmart far too often. I think the staff are learning my habit. Lol

  105. Charlene

    TIB rocks. Thank you!

  106. Brittany

    Love Subway!

  107. jh

    One tuna, one meatball, por favor.

  108. Mike S.

    Subway would be great! 🙂

  109. Niki

    Miss the $2 sub deal they used to do!

  110. Gayle

    At least Subway has healthy options. With this gift card, I can jump start my 2019 diet! I made too many “impulsive buys” in 2018!

  111. TropicalChrome

    Many Subways here :).

  112. Stephen M.

    Let’s do dis!

  113. Courtney G

    my Way

  114. Natalie

    Subway is my favorite fast food restaurant! I could eat there daily.

  115. John

    I would love to have a sandwich right now.

  116. PJH

    Love me some meatball sub.

  117. stacey

    can’t remember either

  118. Jordana

    Worked there for a summer in college and still like it. That’s got to mean something!

  119. Eagles409

    Cold cut trio… I know it’s boring, but it’s what I love there.

  120. El ChapoStick

    death by pepporoni farts for my cellmate

  121. Melissa Z

    Hope you are having a nice holiday! Would love to have a subway!

  122. Jim


  123. Cindy

    The subway close to my house is open 24 hours!

  124. Candice

    I want to try the new garlic bread Italian sub

  125. Melody Traynor

    I love Subway!

  126. Astor

    I actually love Subway. It’s about the only time I’ll eat a lot of vegetables at once. I’ll get their $1.99 cold cut 6 inch and load it up with veg.

  127. Steph

    I want Subway

  128. Smeeta P


  129. Kenzie

    Love subway



  131. Caroline

    Eat fresh!

  132. Jarod Beaumariage

    Gotta get a $5 foot long!

  133. Simon Siegel


  134. Jeff

    Hmmm subway

  135. Rita A

    my fave is the Italian BMT!

  136. Mouse

    Meatball sub ftw

  137. Dianne

    Love Subway!

  138. Michelle


  139. KT

    Subway is on the healthier side of fast food eating, which I do appreciate. 🙂

  140. Nathan Rodriguez

    Happy new year

  141. scott heyser


  142. Dagmar

    Take me to the Subway!

  143. Kevin Snow

    I love Subway!

  144. Rachel Tortorici


  145. Amarsir

    People are down on Subway but I still like them.

  146. Michael

    Wawa and Publix have the best subs.

  147. Kristen


  148. LAURIE

    happy boxing day!

  149. Amberly W

    Meatball sub I shall have.

  150. Brooke

    Thanks for the giveaway! Love their meatball subs!

  151. Katie B

    Tis the season to be jolly!

  152. Kate


  153. Mike

    Free Subway tastes better.

  154. Hantoa

    Now that’s a Way to go haha fun

  155. Heather R


  156. Ryandog

    Subway for free, ok im down!

  157. Craig L

    Not Sub standard… but anyway…

  158. Jordan

    me me me

  159. Nikki Thiess-Kusiak

    Mele Kalikimaka!